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That's a good point. I wouldn't want to be accused of making too much out of the situation. So long as it was a consenting camel, it's no one else's business what goes on privately. B)

Keep government out of my camel's pooper!

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Okay. So, if I'm intellectually bankrupt and have reached a new low, then please simply answer me, answer all of us, these questions:

1) Do you stand by "ok, you capture a guy with a towel around his head, dressed in a madrass dress, smells like he just copulated with a camel and hasn't shaved in a while....." as what you described as a "pretty accurate description" of a suspected terrorist, despite Flyer's response to you above and common sense? Also, do you not feel this is a racist statement?

2) Do you feel that posting links to white supremacist/hate site message boards on GMG.com is an acceptable practice? Do you feel that those groups are racist groups? Do you feel that any race is in any way biologically superior to another?

1. i feel that is a pretty accurate first hand description based upon what has been on the news and what Army combat vets have described to me including my nephew. two of the afgan vets made the comments about the camel. since these terrorists come from different countries, including the usa ("taliban johnny" i think what he was called), various middle eastern countries, europe, indonesia and china.....you really can not call them anything else but terrorists can you? its not like we are fighting a specific country is it when deaths from these terrorists have included countries including but not limited to the United States, Europe, Middle East, Indonesia etc etc etc......

If you want to call these terrorists who are trying to kill American troops something else then that is fine with me. If you think, generally speaking, they wear other forms of garb (which I am sure they do) then that is fine with me too.

2. (a) Did I post an article from a supremacist web site: yep.

(B) If the Administrator of this board wishes to repost the said article, without the web site address, you will discover that the article was "innocuous." Since the article "ONLY" dealt with the "topic of discussion," alternative fuel production and my posting was how Germany used coal as a form of alternative fuel at the end of wwII, I felt the article was relevant. There was no hate speech, no anti racial/social/cultural overtones......"just alternative fuel production from coal at the end of wwII," period.

© Why do I read far "right" material? answer: the same reason I read far "left" material. No one side has a monopoly on ideas. Perhaps some of the NT teaching staff, when I attended, forced us to think from different perspectives and to defend those perspectives regardless of our personal philosophies. I believe some call it broadening your perspectives/horizons. How do you really know what you may believe if you do not discover the vast amounts of information that is out there?

(d) This year I have read I.V.Lennin's "Toatal Liquidationism." does that make me a communist? no. I do read a great deal from the far right to the far left. Evidently that is a problem with some of you and some of your myopic views which usually end in, "you are a racist" or "you are a white supremasist." I take it to really mean that you may be limited in your informational input. I do find humor when you can not legitimately counter an argument with facts and you can only counter with ad hominum attacks, which is intellectual bankruptcy at its lowest form....elementary school playground trash talk. Just remember that "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth."

(e) you ask about racial groups. all racial groups have some form of racism. That is just part of the fallen nature of man. does every man exhibit them? no.

(f) Since God created Adam and Eve how can any one group be superior if only throught the fallen nature? Do I believe in a superior group/race with all your prequalifiers? of course not. Do others? of course. A good book about race is Thomas Sowell's, "Race and Culture." (just for starters---there are plently of other resources on the market and on the net.)

This is the last time i intend on explaining the article on German fuel production. If you wish to read it to satisfy your curiosity go find it on the net or ask the Administror to "cut" and "copy" it to you.....naturally without the web site address. It really is a good article. Remember, it is inocculous.....just a plain jane informational article.

For those who want to continue the ad hominum.......continue to do so and continue to exhibit what your degree from NT has done for your so called intellectualism.


did you really think my answer would change from when it was posted about "six years" ago??

perhaps quoner can refresh our memories why he was banned from the board?

Edited by eulesseagle
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I'm pretty sure he was talking about an 18 year old camel, so I think everything is OK.


That's a good point. I wouldn't want to be accused of making too much out of the situation. So long as it was a consenting camel, it's no one else's business what goes on privately. B)

Keep government out of my camel's pooper!

Oh I don't know, people on this board will probably label the camel promiscuous.

As long as we aren't talking about the camel's feet, or other closely located digit, we're ok.

Sorry, just trying to keep the camel joke series going.

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As long as we aren't talking about the camel's feet, or other closely located digit, we're ok.

Sorry, just trying to keep the camel joke series going.

6hrs and 46mns for vague references to bestiality to blossom into full blown allusions to camel to. . . well, you know. That's not a record, but we are a little out of practice here. With the right kind of commitment, training regimen, and close study of Pimp Daddy's Yo Mama Snaps, we can get ready for Olympic competition in the very near future. Well done :clapping:

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So I got a call from Quoner telling me I should break my vow to avoid political threads to check out this one.

Frankly, I wish I had one of these things to put some more distance between me and what I just finished reading:

"...Allows you maintain your dignity."


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So I got a call from Quoner telling me I should break my vow to avoid political threads to check out this one.

Frankly, I wish I had one of these things to put some more distance between me and what I just finished reading:


I didn't say it be enriching or benefit you in anyway. It's more like when a guy who sees tubgirl sends it to his friends to make sure they've shared the same horrible experience.

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So I got a call from Quoner telling me I should break my vow to avoid political threads to check out this one.

Frankly, I wish I had one of these things to put some more distance between me and what I just finished reading:


Your anti-camel agenda could not be more blatant and is not appropriate for this forum. Please refrain from posting links to such anti-species sources as Sandstormfront.com. They are already here and live among us peacefully. We should embrace them as a part of our great country (www.toelickersunite.com).

And the Comfort Wipe may seem creepy now, but the way this country is going fat-wise, it's gonna become standard issue in another 15 years, so get used to it


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