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More Evidence Of Global Warming

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Yikes.....Minot doesn't exactly get anchor babes for their local news. That one gal looks like the daughter of Alice from The Brady Bunch.

Yes, but their government operated law enforcement was able to catch some escapees from a privately operated prison in Alabama.

Escapees from Alabama Prison captured in North Dakota

Oh, and one day of weather doesn't mean much in terms of climate; that's what they taught me at the North Texas Geography Department, and I'm confident it still holds true. One thing I doubt attracts people to North Dakota (I'm not sure what does-FCS football?) is weather.

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Oh, and one day of weather doesn't mean much in terms of climate; that's what they taught me at the North Texas Geography Department, and I'm confident it still holds true. One thing I doubt attracts people to North Dakota (I'm not sure what does-FCS football?) is weather.

True...I can reference single days that "prove" global warning is occuring:

Back on February 6, 2009, Denver had a high temperature of 68, which is much higher that the average high of 46 for Denver in February. I was excited I got to dust off my shorts and sandals early :)

Denver, CO 2/6/09

Average Denver Temperatures

Take that, Global Warming Denying Nut-jobs! (before I get forum raped...note the sarcasm in this last statement)

You're right about that news anchor...yikes!

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So we had this professor, F. Sherwood Rowland, at Irvine who won the Nobel prize for his early work in discovering and validating the hole in the o-zone layer. He personally wouldn't talk about his experiences much, but his colleagues loved telling the stories about how he persevered through the multiple death threats and attempts through other means on behalf of DuPont to get him to stop what he was doing. Those stories taught me one thing. When it comes to matters of science that we lay people don't understand, and it gets drawn along party lines, the truth may not belong to either extreme side, but it sure as hell is getting muddied by the money path. Global warming? I don't know. But where there's profit to be made to opposing it, it leads me to believe that there might be some validity to it.

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Global warming? I don't know. But where there's profit to be made to opposing it, it leads me to believe that there might be some validity to it.

WHAT????? Where in hell do you take from that article that there's profit to be made opposing it?

What about where there's profit to be made in PROMOTING IT? Al Gore's net worth goes from $2 Million to $100 Million in 8 years promoting something that led to Cap and Trade, not to mention that it will destroy industry here and put more American's out of work and sending energy prices through the roof for us "lay people".


Edited by FirefightnRick
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Plus the whole earth has cooled over the last 11 years stated by both NASA & NOAA, plus the science institute in Britain.

Really?...well lets just see what these organizations say about the subject:

Looks like NASA disagrees with you

Oops...looks like NOAA does too. See FAQ topic #3 Interestingly enough this topic #3 also states that the upper atmosphere has cooled due to the greenhouse effect holding warmer temperatures closer to the surface. Learn something new everyday.

As for the British science institute, my quick google search did not come up with anything from there website that I saw. However, I got quickly distracted by the following headline from the BBC that did pop up in my search:

Great Tits Cope Well with Warming Guess the future won't be too bad.

For as much preaching about accepting the "truth" that the conservatives on this board do, your little gem of a statement does nothing to help your credibility.

Besides, I thought its been pretty much determined that the planet is indeed warming. If I'm not mistaken, the debate lies in what is causing it and if it is a natural cycle.

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WHAT????? Where in hell do you take from that article that there's profit to be made opposing it?

What about where there's profit to be made in PROMOTING IT? Al Gore's net worth goes from $2 Million to $100 Million in 8 years promoting something that led to Cap and Trade, not to mention that it will destroy industry here and put more American's out of work and sending energy prices through the roof for us "lay people".


I think you just proved OGS's point. There's profit to be made in keeping the status quo. [EXTREME COMPARISON ALERT] The same was said about the institute of slavery.

Edited by BeanCounterGrad'03
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I think you just proved OGS's point. There's profit to be made in keeping the status quo. [EXTREME COMPARISON ALERT] The same was said about the institute of slavery.

No, I didn't see in the article that there's profit to be made debunking Man Made Global Warming in the original article. Maybe there is and I missed it, and if there is profit in it, what would it be? Yet he only mentioned the profit to be made on ONE side of the issue, not both, which I was simply bringing up as well as pointing to the harm that side of of the debate will directly cause us all in the near future with Cap and Trade. If there's such great debate on both sides of the issue, and I think there is substantial evidence that there is then the Cap and Trade issue should be tabled until all scientists are 100% sure that Global Warming is indeed MAN MADE.

U. S. Senate Minority Report: More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

Over 700 dissenting scientists (updates previous 650 report) from around the globe challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore. This new 2009 255-page U.S. Senate Minority Report -- updated from 2007’s groundbreaking report of over 400 scientists who voiced skepticism about the so-called global warming “consensus” -- features the skeptical voices of over 700 prominent international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN IPCC.

EPA Chief Vows to Probe E-mail Threatening to ‘Destroy’ Career of Climate Skeptic

Climate Skeptics Reveal ‘Horror Stories’ of Scientific Suppression (NYC Climate Conference Report - Part One of Reports)


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No, I didn't see in the article that there's profit to be made debunking Man Made Global Warming in the original article. Maybe there is and I missed it, and if there is profit in it, what would it be? Yet he only mentioned the profit to be made on ONE side of the issue, not both, which I was simply bringing up as well as pointing to the harm that side of of the debate will directly cause us all in the near future with Cap and Trade. If there's such great debate on both sides of the issue, and I think there is substantial evidence that there is then the Cap and Trade issue should be tabled until all scientists are 100% sure that Global Warming is indeed MAN MADE.

U. S. Senate Minority Report: More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

EPA Chief Vows to Probe E-mail Threatening to ‘Destroy’ Career of Climate Skeptic

Climate Skeptics Reveal ‘Horror Stories’ of Scientific Suppression (NYC Climate Conference Report - Part One of Reports)


Maybe this will help you; it's from that nefariously left wing PBS (yeah, Ernie was right, it's not easy being green):

Global Warming Skeptics; profiles, including funding sources.

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Maybe this will help you; it's from that nefariously left wing PBS (yeah, Ernie was right, it's not easy being green):

Global Warming Skeptics; profiles, including funding sources.

Many of the researchers expressing doubts about the science of global warming have financial ties to the oil, auto, electricity and coal industries

Right, "Many" as in 5 here in this article, not from the original as I stated earlier. And I don't have a problem with them trying to protect their industry because where would we be without the Oil, Auto and Electricity and Coal industries? Sure, I want them to operate and be as friendly to the environment as possible. No problem from me on that. What I don't want is for them to be punished to the point that we are having rolling blackouts, unaffordable energy prices and folks who work in their industry be put out of work because of a scam.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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Maybe this will help you; it's from that nefariously left wing PBS (yeah, Ernie was right, it's not easy being green):

Global Warming Skeptics; profiles, including funding sources.

So, with the AlGore making ridiculous money, along with Michael Moore and other proponents of the Global warming Theory, and now showcasing these guys, we have determined that there is money to be made on both sides of the issue. Good, now the money issue is a moot point. I am sure that there are plenty of good scientists on both sides that don't bias their science based on who is paying them. This article showcases 5 scientist, less than .08% of the more than 700 scientists who dissent the man made global warming claim, far from a majority and far from an amount of people to make any decisions by.

The thing that we need to get back to is the science of the thing and the reality of the issue.

I hate to use an article that had already been posted, but I still find it interesting, that and the links are full of very good information.


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1975 article from newsweek on global cooling.

If anyone goes back to look at the global cooling/warming articles one can definitely determine that the earth goes through a 27 year cycle of cooling and warming. It all balances out in the end. However, the global warming debate is nothing more than another attempt of a liberal socialist tax on the people and for certain elite socialists to get rich. Of course the run of the mill brain washed liberal voting population have already been trained to respond to say that the tax will, "save the planet." Little kids already are aware of "saving the planet from global warming." Education keeps emboldening our teaching professionals to indoctrinate our young not only in global warming but also the perception of normalizing same sex marriage, homosexuality, anti Christian thought, acceptance of all other religions and multiculturalism to name a few.

As I have stated before the government, through the process of Fabianism, has incrementally crept into our society, to a greater extent, begining with FDR, more so with LBJ's Great Society and now and possibly the final blow with Obama's massive governmental takeover of our major industrial complex.

For those who think this is extremist then go research on the net.....al gore's invention. Take a look at both sides and decide for yourself. That is what NT professors instilled in you, I think.....that is what they did for me....taught me to look at both sides and not myopically.


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Oh, and one day of weather doesn't mean much in terms of climate; that's what they taught me at the North Texas Geography Department

Except when it's a hurricane you can blame on Bush.

On March 13, Bush reversed his previous position, announcing he would not back a CO2 restriction using the language and rationale provided by Barbour. Echoing Barbour’s memo, Bush said he opposed mandatory CO2 caps, due to “the incomplete state of scientific knowledge” about global climate change.

Well, the science is clear. This month, a study published in the journal Nature by a renowned MIT climatologist linked the increasing prevalence of destructive hurricanes to human-induced global warming.

Katrina is giving our nation a glimpse of the climate chaos we are bequeathing our children.

-Robert F Kennedy, Jr., 3 days after Hurricane Katrina

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Really?...well lets just see what these organizations say about the subject:

Looks like NASA disagrees with you

Oops...looks like NOAA does too. See FAQ topic #3 Interestingly enough this topic #3 also states that the upper atmosphere has cooled due to the greenhouse effect holding warmer temperatures closer to the surface. Learn something new everyday.

As for the British science institute, my quick google search did not come up with anything from there website that I saw. However, I got quickly distracted by the following headline from the BBC that did pop up in my search:

Great Tits Cope Well with Warming Guess the future won't be too bad.

For as much preaching about accepting the "truth" that the conservatives on this board do, your little gem of a statement does nothing to help your credibility.

Besides, I thought its been pretty much determined that the planet is indeed warming. If I'm not mistaken, the debate lies in what is causing it and if it is a natural cycle.

A full report

More fun

Even more fun

NASA: Solar cycle may cause “dangerous” global cooling in a few years time

“We today confirm the recent announcement by NASA that there are historic and important changes taking place on the sun’s surface. This will have only one outcome – a new climate change is coming that will bring an extended period of deep cold to the planet. This is not however a unique event for the planet although it is critically important news to this and the next generations. It is but the normal sequence of alternating climate changes that has been going on for thousands of years. Further according to our research, this series of solar cycles are so predictable that they can be used to roughly forecast the next series of climate changes many decades in advance. I have verified the accuracy of these cycles’ behavior over the last 1,100 years relative to temperatures on Earth, to well over 90%.”

Globe may be cooling on Global Warming

"Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously." Dr. Phil Chapman wrote in The Australian on April 23. "All those urging action to curb global warming need to take off the blinkers and give some thought to what we should do if we are facing global cooling instead."

Chapman neither can be caricatured as a greedy oil-company lobbyist nor dismissed as a flat-Earther. He was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology staff physicist, NASA's first Australian-born astronaut, and Apollo 14's Mission Scientist.

Chapman believes reduced sunspot activity is curbing temperatures. As he elaborates, "there is a close correlation between variations on the sunspot cycle and Earth's climate." Anecdotally, last winter brought record cold to Florida, Mexico, and Greece, and rare snow to Jerusalem, Damascus, and Baghdad. China endured brutal ice and snow.

NASA satellites found that last winter's Arctic Sea ice covered 2 million square kilometers (772,000 square miles) more than the last three years' average. It also was 10 to 20 centimeters (about 4-8 inches) thicker than in 2007. The ice between Canada and southwest Greenland also spread dramatically. "We have to go back 15 years to find ice expansion so far south," Denmark's Meteorological Institute stated.

"Snows Return to Mount Kilimanjaro," cheered a January 21 International Herald Tribune headline, as Africa also defies the "warming" narrative.

While neither anecdotes nor one year's statistics confirm global cooling, a decade of data contradicts the "melting planet" rhetoric that heats Capitol Hill and America's newsrooms.

"The University of Alabama-Huntsville's analysis of data from satellites launched in 1979 showed a warming trend of 0.14 degrees Centigrade (0.25 Fahrenheit) per decade," Joseph D'Aleo, the Weather Channel's first Director of Meteorology, told me. "This warmth peaked in 1998, and the temperature trend the last decade has been flat, even as CO2 has increased 5.5 percent. Cooling began in 2002. Over the last six years, global temperatures from satellite and land-temperature gauges have cooled (-0.14 F and -0.22 F, respectively). Ocean buoys have echoed that slight cooling since the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deployed them in 2003."

Antarctic Sea Ice Up Over 43% Since 1980, Where Is The Media?

Climate facts to warm to

"No, actually, there has been cooling, if you take 1998 as your point of reference. If you take 2002 as your point of reference, then temperatures have plateaued. This is certainly not what you'd expect if carbon dioxide is driving temperature because carbon dioxide levels have been increasing but temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years."

Graph Notice the temp for the globe falls off after 1998.

Oceans are cooling according to NASA

Global warming is a giant scam

"On April 17 of this year, Moveon.org's Adam Ruben sent out a fund raising e-mail which stated, "If Republicans convince voters that clean energy legislation amounts to a new tax, Obama's plan is toast." They are trying to disguise their true agenda. This is why they have stopped using the term "global warming" and now call it "climate change." They now call it climate change, because the earth has in fact been cooling for the last 10 years and this past winter was one of the worst on record. People are becoming very suspicious of their message and they know that their movement is losing support."

Oh hell another Graph, and the temp trending down the last 11 years.

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"Snows Return to Mount Kilimanjaro," cheered a January 21 International Herald Tribune headline, as Africa also defies the "warming" narrative.

Oh hell another Graph, and the temp trending down the last 11 years.

I was there, in January of 2008. On the top of the mountain, the glaciers are melting up there, I don't know why, and neither do the people there. But when you speak to the guides on top of the mountain that have been climbing that thing for 15-20 years, they are alarmed, concerned and a little frightened about what is going on with the ice. Snow is not the issue, the glaciers are the issue. There is about a one mile long stretch of barren land in the crater just below Uhuru Peak on the Kimba protion of the mountain that as recently as 5 years ago was one large glacier, now it is two smaller pieces of glacial ice. Glaciers retreating a mile in 5 years is not normal.

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I was there, in January of 2008. On the top of the mountain, the glaciers are melting up there, I don't know why, and neither do the people there. But when you speak to the guides on top of the mountain that have been climbing that thing for 15-20 years, they are alarmed, concerned and a little frightened about what is going on with the ice. Snow is not the issue, the glaciers are the issue. There is about a one mile long stretch of barren land in the crater just below Uhuru Peak on the Kimba protion of the mountain that as recently as 5 years ago was one large glacier, now it is two smaller pieces of glacial ice. Glaciers retreating a mile in 5 years is not normal.

I think they are saying that increased snow fall helps form glaciers there, so maybe we will start seeing the glacier build again. The solar predictions for the next thirty years seem to be pointing to some really cold temps. I guess we will see.

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I think they are saying that increased snow fall helps form glaciers there, so maybe we will start seeing the glacier build again. The solar predictions for the next thirty years seem to be pointing to some really cold temps. I guess we will see.

The planet Earth is the only place where anything called life exists, and people are ok with "I think" and "I guess"? Amazing

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The planet Earth is the only place where anything called life exists, and people are ok with "I think" and "I guess"? Amazing

That argument can go both ways, and we definitely don't know that earth is the only place life exists.

We do know the earth never stays the same!

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