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Mean Green Nation Member Needs Our Prayers...

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Thomas Bailey said :‘If you can count the number of friends on one hand, your a very fortunate person’.

I think about this quote often, especially when reflecting back on the past 33 years that I have known one of our very own here at GMG.com, and THE one at the top of my list of close, personal friends, PKC89.

We have been friends since we were 10 years old, growing up together in the same neighborhood. We rode the same bus to the same Elementary School and Junior High, and took turns car-pooling to High School and eventually became roommates at NT. We played ball together all through grade school, were in each others weddings and at our kiddo's births and our families have spent the past 10 or so years at Fouts cheering for the Mean Green from the same season ticket section . Very few days of the past 33 years have gone by that we haven't at least talked on the phone about anything and everything important in our lives. And I guess I've rarely made any important decision in my life, ranging from playing sports, attending college, dating(including my wife), church, becoming a firefighter and everything in between that I have not first discussed something about each one of those decisions with my dearest friend whose wisdom, honesty and friendship I have so greatly cherished all these years. So it's with a heavy heart that I ask for your prayers this week for PKC89 and his family as they prepare for his greatest challenge ahead which begins with surgery this Wednesday morning.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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I am sending forth prayers from Upstate New York. Here are some words from the poet Sonia Sanchez:

"Let there be everywhere our voices, our eyes,

our thoughts, our love, our actions,

breathing hope and victory."

Everyone needs to take a moment on Wednesday morning to think of your friend. I'm convinced all that good energy can help.

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Your friend and his family will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. In times like these one is belessed to have such a friend as you have been, Rick. Your friend and his family need you and your support now more than ever and they KNOW you will be there for them. I am 100% certain that gives them all a great deal of comfort.

God bless your friend and his family...I will be keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.

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