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The problem facing the republican party is that too many of them have abandoned conservatism (See John McCain as a prime example). They have no one strong enough to voice true conservative principles in an intelligent way and know how to handle the extremist, racist, gay-hating, gun crazy, women hating claims that will be thrown at him/her immediately by mainstream media types. Ronald Reagan was genius at this, not to mention one of the best Presidents in the last century.

Too many now suck up to the media and try to show how "moderate" they are. Freaking sickening. The Republican Party will become strong again when they move much farther right, not left.

Like I tell my friends, I had to choose between a Democrat and a Socialist for President last time. I voted for the Democat, but dang sure not with any enthusiasm.

Obama is the most Regan like president we have had since....It's true. Oh yeah, go to a Nascar race, Wal-mart, or the American South in general and try to tell me that people that claim to be conservatives aren't racist, gay-hating, gun-crazy, and demeaning to women....The country will only move backwards if it goes more right....if anything we need more balance and both sides working together....and if that means more moderate- so be it. I also love how the media is the ultimate scape-goat for conservatives. Fox news is right next to MSNBC and CNN on my television. And the Dallas Morning news is more of a conservative newspaper - so don't call all media liberal there pal.

Posted (edited)

Did I call all media liberal? Don't think so. I do think that 90% of people that work at the major news network are liberal, and they appear to have no tolerance for those who have a different thought process. Something tells me that if you let it be known that you have conservative views, and you work for ABC, NBC, CBS, your career path is severely limited. Fox is the only news outlet reporting news, and not propaganda.

As far as your comments about people who shop at walmart and believe in the 2nd amendment, imagine if I had made such over the top statements about gays, abortion, or any issue that conservatives widely differ from Libs. Something tells me the racist, gay hating, label would be in your next post.

The only way Pres. Obama compares to Reagan is in communication ability. To suggest he is the next Reagan is like saying UNT will win 10 games this year. Crazy Spring optimism overstatement. Hopefully he will accomplish something while he is in office, because he accomplished nothing before getting there.

Edited by UNT90
Posted (edited)

The problem facing the republican party is that too many of them have abandoned conservatism (See John McCain as a prime example). They have no one strong enough to voice true conservative principles in an intelligent way and know how to handle the extremist, racist, gay-hating, gun crazy, women hating claims that will be thrown at him/her immediately by mainstream media types. Ronald Reagan was genius at this, not to mention one of the best Presidents in the last century.

Too many now suck up to the media and try to show how "moderate" they are. Freaking sickening. The Republican Party will become strong again when they move much farther right, not left.

Like I tell my friends, I had to choose between a Democrat and a Socialist for President last time. I voted for the Democat, but dang sure not with any enthusiasm.

Reagan was conservative no doubt. Especially in relation to national defense.

But he was also very pragmatic. After he cut taxes across the board, he agreed to some tax increases. The National Debt ballooned under his watch. He saved Social Security after promising to do away with it. He said he wanted to end abortion, and yet appointed some moderates to the federal bench like Sandra Day O'Connor(maybe in a sense affirmative action considering she was the first woman on the Supreme Court). He signed an amnesty bill - something that would probably cause him to get in trouble with alot of conservatives these days.

Reagan was a conservative, but he was also a true politician. He definitely wasn't a pure idealogue.

Edited by CMJ

Bass, It just occurred to me that you may have thought I was referring to you by highlighting mainstream media. I wasn't. It was done only for emphasis.

Dude, your not THAT important, you work for a sports/guys talk radio station. Get over yourself :D

By the way, was that you talking UNT APR with Norm on Friday?


Did I call all media liberal? Don't think so. I do think that 90% of people that work at the major news network are liberal, and they appear to have no tolerance for those who have a different thought process. Something tells me that if you let it be known that you have conservative views, and you work for ABC, NBC, CBS, your career path is severely limited. Fox is the only news outlet reporting news, and not propaganda.

As far as your comments about people who shop at walmart and believe in the 2nd amendment, imagine if I had made such over the top statements about gays, abortion, or any issue that conservatives widely differ from Libs. Something tells me the racist, gay hating, label would be in your next post.

The only way Pres. Obama compares to Reagan is in communication ability. To suggest he is the next Reagan is like saying UNT will win 10 games this year. Crazy Spring optimism overstatement. Hopefully he will accomplish something while he is in office, because he accomplished nothing before getting there.

I have seen nothing from the uber-christian conservatives in this country, especially here in Texas that tells me they are not racist, gun-crazed, hate gays, and tolerant of other religions....just going by what I see dude. I am not lumping all conservatives under that umbrella....if anything it goes back to what I posted earlier today about there being a real divide within the republican party. I know tons of conservatives that are pretty rational, its just the morons that compose a great percentage in your party are dragging the rest of you down. And if you think that Fox news is not slanted you are an absolute moron. Wake up.

Posted (edited)

Reagan was conservative no doubt. Especially in relation to national defense.

But he was also very pragmatic. After he cut taxes across the board, he agreed to some tax increases. The National Debt ballooned under his watch. He saved Social Security after promising to do away with it. He said he wanted to end abortion, and yet appointed some moderates to the federal bench like Sandra Day O'Connor(maybe in a sense affirmative action considering she was the first woman on the Supreme Court). He signed an amnesty bill - something that would probably cause him to get in trouble with alot of conservatives these days.

Reagan was a consevrative, but he was also a true politician. He definitely wasn't a pure idealogue.

Thanks for making my point. There is always give and take, especially when you are working wwith a congress of another political ilk, like Reagan was. Pres. Obama has moved dangerously left since being elected (He was actualy there all the time, but just said what he had to say to get elected). I doubt we will see any moment toward the center from Pres. Obama, much less any compromise with the other side. I actually hopes this happens, as this will ensure a huge gain for repubs in the mid-terms.

Remember, this county is still center right.

Edited by UNT90

Thanks for making my point. There is always give and take, especially when you are working wwith a congress of another political ilk, like Reagan was. Pres. Obama has moved dangerously left since being elected (He was actualy there all the time, but just said what he had to say to get elected). I doubt we will see any moment toward the center from Pres. Obama, much less any compromise with the other side. I actually hopes this happens, as this will ensure a huge gain for repubs in the mid-terms.

Remember, this county is still center right.

Man, that sure showed up last November.


I have seen nothing from the uber-christian conservatives in this country, especially here in Texas that tells me they are not racist, gun-crazed, hate gays, and tolerant of other religions....just going by what I see dude. I am not lumping all conservatives under that umbrella....if anything it goes back to what I posted earlier today about there being a real divide within the republican party. I know tons of conservatives that are pretty rational, its just the morons that compose a great percentage in your party are dragging the rest of you down. And if you think that Fox news is not slanted you are an absolute moron. Wake up.

Humorous, a liberal telling conservatives they just need to be more liberal to be successful. Textbook. As for the other comments, sorry you are a political racist. Kinda sad, really. If someone has widely different views than you, they must be labeled crazy. Guess what, I don't believe in gay marriage or civil unions. This doesn't mean that I hate gays, just that I believe in certain standards for society. I own several guns, and think law abiding citizens should have the right to own and carry guns. This doesn't make me a gun nut. As a matter of fact, I rarely carry a gun away from home in private time.

As far as the moron comment, so typical of a liberal. It's not even your fault, really, it's just what you know,

If you believe CBS, NBC, and ABC are not slanted, your are sadly mistaken.


Humorous, a liberal telling conservatives they just need to be more liberal to be successful. Textbook. As for the other comments, sorry you are a political racist. Kinda sad, really. If someone has widely different views than you, they must be labeled crazy. Guess what, I don't believe in gay marriage or civil unions. This doesn't mean that I hate gays, just that I believe in certain standards for society. I own several guns, and think law abiding citizens should have the right to own and carry guns. This doesn't make me a gun nut. As a matter of fact, I rarely carry a gun away from home in private time.

As far as the moron comment, so typical of a liberal. It's not even your fault, really, it's just what you know,

If you believe CBS, NBC, and ABC are not slanted, your are sadly mistaken.

Well, if you want to keep acting like it's 1950 instead of 2009 be my guest. Gay rights is the civil rights issue of this generation, and if you want to be on the wrong side of history go ahead. 5 states have made gay-marriage legal, the rest are coming. It's just a matter of time. Oh yeah, and we don't have a gun problem in this country.

Firearms are the second leading cause of traumatic death related to a consumer product in the United States and are the second most frequent cause of death overall for Americans ages 15 to 24. Since 1960, more than a million Americans have died in firearm suicides, homicides, and unintentional injuries. In 2003 alone, 30,136 Americans died by gunfire: 16,907 in firearm suicides, 11,920 in firearm homicides, 730 in unintentional shootings, and 232 in firearm deaths of unknown intent, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Nearly three times that number are treated in emergency rooms each year for nonfatal firearm injuries.

But I guess I am just a textbook liberal wanting equal rights and people to not be so free an easy with weapons that kill people. Also I never once said that TV networks don't have a political bias. So slow down there speed racer.


Well, if you want to keep acting like it's 1950 instead of 2009 be my guest. Gay rights is the civil rights issue of this generation, and if you want to be on the wrong side of history go ahead. 5 states have made gay-marriage legal, the rest are coming. It's just a matter of time. Oh yeah, and we don't have a gun problem in this country.

Firearms are the second leading cause of traumatic death related to a consumer product in the United States and are the second most frequent cause of death overall for Americans ages 15 to 24. Since 1960, more than a million Americans have died in firearm suicides, homicides, and unintentional injuries. In 2003 alone, 30,136 Americans died by gunfire: 16,907 in firearm suicides, 11,920 in firearm homicides, 730 in unintentional shootings, and 232 in firearm deaths of unknown intent, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Nearly three times that number are treated in emergency rooms each year for nonfatal firearm injuries.

But I guess I am just a textbook liberal wanting equal rights and people to not be so free an easy with weapons that kill people. Also I never once said that TV networks don't have a political bias. So slow down there speed racer.

Bingo!! Maybe we should outlaw cars since they are the leading cause of death in teenagers. Maybe we should outlaw alcohol, which causes much more deaths in so many different ways than guns. Oh, but let me guess, we should legalize drugs, because we should all be able to get high anytime we want, right? So young, so wrong.

If people want to be gay, thats fine, but don't flaunt your sexuality,and don't expect me to tell you it's normal. And the gay movement has nothing to do with civil rights. Thats just plain stupid.


Bingo!! Maybe we should outlaw cars since they are the leading cause of death in teenagers. Maybe we should outlaw alcohol, which causes much more deaths in so many different ways than guns. Oh, but let me guess, we should legalize drugs, because we should all be able to get high anytime we want, right? So young, so wrong.

If people want to be gay, thats fine, but don't flaunt your sexuality,and don't expect me to tell you it's normal. And the gay movement has nothing to do with civil rights. Thats just plain stupid.

It has everything to do with civil rights, and those who want to get married or have a civil union are not what I would call flaunting their sexuality - if anything they want to have legitimacy and a sense of social acceptance about their relationship. Being gay is not a choice, although the bible thumpers want everyone to believe otherwise.....but they don't trust science either....so what are you going to do.....Everyone should have equality in this great land of ours. Period. End of story. And I also like how you assume I think drugs should be legal because I am under the age of 30. That is pretty presumptuous.

Posted (edited)

Firearms are the second leading cause of traumatic death related to a consumer product in the United States and are the second most frequent cause of death overall for Americans ages 15 to 24. Since 1960, more than a million Americans have died in firearm suicides, homicides, and unintentional injuries. In 2003 alone, 30,136 Americans died by gunfire: 16,907 in firearm suicides, 11,920 in firearm homicides, 730 in unintentional shootings, and 232 in firearm deaths of unknown intent, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Nearly three times that number are treated in emergency rooms each year for nonfatal firearm injuries.

So, by your pattern of thought, we should outlaw rap because some of it plants the idea that violence is ok?

Ok, lets outlaw rope or any other type of cord since people hang themselves and lets outlaw knives because people get stabbed. We cant stop or outlaw everything that will cause death. This has been said over and over, that the BEST way to avoid accidental shootings is to educate. No one way is perftect. Nothing in this world is certain. Ok, so lets take away all of the guns. Now citizens are defenseless agaisnt home invasions, robberies, assaults, etc. You are focusing on the accidents, and this is good. It is a good way to educate against accidents. But you are overlooking the fact that guns can and do save lives, especially when in the hand of an educated owner. If I am fighting for my life on the side of a highway and a passer by holds the suspect at gunpoint and gives me time to recover, or if I am possibly in the last moments of my life and the same passerby shoots my assailant, I would be thankful that we have the 2nd Amendment. I garauntee you would be too. I have been reading alot of your posts, and its no secret that I disagree with most if not all of them. But you have been routinly name calling and blaknet labeling entire groups of people. You talk about racism, but all of this blanket labeling is prejudicial and yes, racist. Am I calling you a racist, no, so dont go there. I do, however, think you need to open your eyes and see the shades of grey in each argument, and stop this blanket labeling. And you are definitely not the only one on this board that this post is directed to.

Edited by Rudy
Posted (edited)

Bingo!! Maybe we should outlaw cars since they are the leading cause of death in teenagers. Maybe we should outlaw alcohol, which causes much more deaths in so many different ways than guns. Oh, but let me guess, we should legalize drugs, because we should all be able to get high anytime we want, right? So young, so wrong.

The DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that 37, 313 people were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2008. It’s the lowest number of deaths on U.S. roads since 1961, when 36,285 lives were lost.

Auto fatalities are one of the worst annual occurances in this country. But the numbers dropped last year amazingly without having to ban automobiles. I do understand though that It's hard to argue with the same group that on one side, is very happy to support the choice to kill a child, yet doesn't support one's ability to choose your own Health care.


Edited by FirefightnRick

It has everything to do with civil rights, and those who want to get married or have a civil union are not what I would call flaunting their sexuality - if anything they want to have legitimacy and a sense of social acceptance about their relationship. Being gay is not a choice, although the bible thumpers want everyone to believe otherwise.....but they don't trust science either....so what are you going to do.....Everyone should have equality in this great land of ours. Period. End of story. And I also like how you assume I think drugs should be legal because I am under the age of 30. That is pretty presumptuous.

So then, if I'm kinda of partial to my pet goat, annabelle, I should be able to go down to the local preacher and get hitched, right? Why not, it's my right!!! If I want to marry my own brother, it's my right!!! Where do you draw the line? I know where I do.


So, by your pattern of thought, we should outlaw rap because some of it plants the idea that violence is ok?

Ok, lets outlaw rope or any other type of cord since people hang themselves and lets outlaw knives because people get stabbed. We cant stop or outlaw everything that will cause death. This has been said over and over, that the BEST way to avoid accidental shootings is to educate. No one way is perftect. Nothing in this world is certain. Ok, so lets take away all of the guns. Now citizens are defenseless agaisnt home invasions, robberies, assaults, etc. You are focusing on the accidents, and this is good. It is a good way to educate against accidents. But you are overlooking the fact that guns can and do save lives, especially when in the hand of an educated owner. If I am fighting for my life on the side of a highway and a passer by holds the suspect at gunpoint and gives me time to recover, or if I am possibly in the last moments of my life and the same passerby shoots my assailant, I would be thankful that we have the 2nd Amendment. I garauntee you would be too. I have been reading alot of your posts, and its no secret that I disagree with most if not all of them. But you have been routinly name calling and blaknet labeling entire groups of people. You talk about racism, but all of this blanket labeling is prejudicial and yes, racist. Am I calling you a racist, no, so dont go there. I do, however, think you need to open your eyes and see the shades of grey in each argument, and stop this blanket labeling. And you are definitely not the only one on this board that this post is directed to.

I don't think that anywhere in any post did I say we need to do away with the 2nd amendment, did I? I am just showing that, yes, there is a gun problem in this country compared to others. Do I want to do away with the 2nd amendment? No. Would I like it to be a hell of a lot harder for people to obtain guns? Yes.

As far as 'blanket labeling' goes...I am talking about the actions and the ideals typically held by certain camps in the country whether it be Republican, Democrat, Extreme conservative, extreme liberal, the educated, the uneducated, the rational, and irrational....etc. Am I bias to my side? Yes. And if you think that I am the one here that is spewing all the hate, then look closer at the board and see all of the mis-guided hate toward the liberal half of the country. If that is not prejudice, then I don't know what is.


I do love the organic flow of the debate here, but I do think it should be re-visited that many conservatives in this country are sort of championing torture...The republican party is in general disarray. That the extreme right is casuing a real rift and showing a stark difference between themselves and the more moderate conservatives in this country.

As a liberal it does amuse me a bit, but I would love to see the Reps sort of get their crap together so something can get done in this country in the near future. A devisive mind-set between Dems and Reps is bad enough, but the Reps are having a hard enough time galvanizing their own party.....kinda sad. When morons like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are the public voice of the Republican party - they have massive F'ing problems. Who is actually going to be a legit voice for the conservatives over the next decade??

I do think that the religious right have gone way too far right and are sort of ruining the overall momentum of what once used to be the party of intelligence and business, but now is one that doesn't value civil rights (gays), some in the party are desperate for a Christian-theocracy, and on top of it all Gun crazy. If I were a rational conservative in this country I would be very upset over the current state of the Reps, and would do my best to distance and possibly give the boot to those who are not helping forward momentum.

But hey, Ronald Regan wanted the Christian vote back in the 80's - and now it is coming back to bite the party in the arse.

excellent "red" liberal post using the velvet hammer to disenfranchise your opponents.

1. Is it the Republican Party & its Christian base moving more to the right or is it the Liberal "Red" Left moving further to the left? It is obviously the Leftists moving more to the left. For example: (1) Have the Christians, of the Rep Party, ever changed their policy of beliefs on gay issues?? Nope....what is there to change from what the Bible says? ..... HOWEVER....the Liberal "Red" Left has been and is formulating national policy against Christians. If you do not believe me "google" that info because I ain't goin' spoon feed ya with numerous examples (i.e. hate crime laws and taking religious symbols and praying from school events to name three....there are plenty more). Don't give me the lame liberal response of "separation of church and state." By that admission you are attacking "religious freedoms."

2. Who the heck wants a Christian-theocracy that you talk about? Where in Davy Jones' locker did you ever concieve this total misconception?? As wet behind the ears as you appear to be about life the "only" and I mean "only" group that wants any sort of theocracy is the radical muslims. Of course having multiple wives may appeal to some on this board but 9th Century living just does not appeal to me. Double ply super soft Charmin appeals to me more than leaves, grass and my left hand.

3. Civil Rights? granted some civil rights enactments were fine but does not the Liberal "Red" Left think it is time to abandon this "EVER" expanding government "socialistic" program that keeps enslaving more people,annualy, on federal govt. assistance than ever before? Oh yea, this is one of the "major" core voting blocks of the Liberal "Red" Left. Kinda like what Robin Hood did....take from the rich working people and give to the disenfranchised poor. Human nature only indicates that people will find a way to live on what you give them. Now, the state of Mass. is giving cars to the unemployed along with free repairs and AAA road assistance. Besides, since the United States of America has now elected an African-American to the presidency do you think it is time to abandon Civil Rights since, obviously, Civil Rights has achieved its goal??

4. guns....that is constitutional. only the liberals want to take away our guns ... oh yea, trash this constitutional admendment for more of a "living constitution" that is more up to date with today's society.

5. you mention two of the numerous conservative radio personalities. why do sponsors advertise with all these media types rather than PBS on their "monthly beg-a-thons" and government subidies and the few radio outlets around the country....i.e. Air America??? could it be that Liberal media has NO following and advertisers DO NOT want to lose money?? capitalistic thought.

finally dude, it ain't the right that is moving more to the right as it is the Left going more to the extreme left. the right has defined principles (that some compriomise regularly) based on morality and christian beliefs.

Posted (edited)

I don't think that anywhere in any post did I say we need to do away with the 2nd amendment, did I? I am just showing that, yes, there is a gun problem in this country compared to others. Do I want to do away with the 2nd amendment? No. Would I like it to be a hell of a lot harder for people to obtain guns? Yes.

As far as 'blanket labeling' goes...I am talking about the actions and the ideals typically held by certain camps in the country whether it be Republican, Democrat, Extreme conservative, extreme liberal, the educated, the uneducated, the rational, and irrational....etc. Am I bias to my side? Yes. And if you think that I am the one here that is spewing all the hate, then look closer at the board and see all of the mis-guided hate toward the liberal half of the country. If that is not prejudice, then I don't know what is.

The difference is most conservatives attack liberal ideas. Most liberals attack conservatives on a personal level by calling them crazy and nuts because they aren't "on board" with liberal causes. Most liberals are only tolerant of those who think exactly like they do. Your previous posts illustrate this point.

Edited by UNT90

excellent "red" liberal post using the velvet hammer to disenfranchise your opponents.

1. Is it the Republican Party & its Christian base moving more to the right or is it the Liberal "Red" Left moving further to the left? It is obviously the Leftists moving more to the left. For example: (1) Have the Christians, of the Rep Party, ever changed their policy of beliefs on gay issues?? Nope....what is there to change from what the Bible says? ..... HOWEVER....the Liberal "Red" Left has been and is formulating national policy against Christians. If you do not believe me "google" that info because I ain't goin' spoon feed ya with numerous examples (i.e. hate crime laws and taking religious symbols and praying from school events to name three....there are plenty more). Don't give me the lame liberal response of "separation of church and state." By that admission you are attacking "religious freedoms."

2. Who the heck wants a Christian-theocracy that you talk about? Where in Davy Jones' locker did you ever concieve this total misconception?? As wet behind the ears as you appear to be about life the "only" and I mean "only" group that wants any sort of theocracy is the radical muslims. Of course having multiple wives may appeal to some on this board but 9th Century living just does not appeal to me. Double ply super soft Charmin appeals to me more than leaves, grass and my left hand.

3. Civil Rights? granted some civil rights enactments were fine but does not the Liberal "Red" Left think it is time to abandon this "EVER" expanding government "socialistic" program that keeps enslaving more people,annualy, on federal govt. assistance than ever before? Oh yea, this is one of the "major" core voting blocks of the Liberal "Red" Left. Kinda like what Robin Hood did....take from the rich working people and give to the disenfranchised poor. Human nature only indicates that people will find a way to live on what you give them. Now, the state of Mass. is giving cars to the unemployed along with free repairs and AAA road assistance. Besides, since the United States of America has now elected an African-American to the presidency do you think it is time to abandon Civil Rights since, obviously, Civil Rights has achieved its goal??

4. guns....that is constitutional. only the liberals want to take away our guns ... oh yea, trash this constitutional admendment for more of a "living constitution" that is more up to date with today's society.

5. you mention two of the numerous conservative radio personalities. why do sponsors advertise with all these media types rather than PBS on their "monthly beg-a-thons" and government subidies and the few radio outlets around the country....i.e. Air America??? could it be that Liberal media has NO following and advertisers DO NOT want to lose money?? capitalistic thought.

finally dude, it ain't the right that is moving more to the right as it is the Left going more to the extreme left. the right has defined principles (that some compriomise regularly) based on morality and christian beliefs.

If you are going to rip PBS I have nothing left to say. Maybe more people here need to tune into PBS. By the way I am so sick of the socialism tag. Helping people is not a negative thing. If the right wants to label it as socialistic - whatever. I am just so beaten down with airing my views, and people here saying that I want to murder babies and take away their guns when I have made no such claims. Just ridiculous.

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