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Well, according to Scripture God wishes no one to perish but it seems He made it pretty clear how one can have eternal life. Now if this is all true, and it is the only way to a place called heaven, then can you see why it would be extremely important to tell as many people as we can? And Satan, the Great Deceiver is doing everything he can to keep people from hearing the truth.

So God wrote the bible??....I had no idea.


If that day comes, I'm sure it'll be quite an interesting conversation that will probably have a much different course and outcome than any of our human minds can possibly comprehend no matter how holy we hold ourselves to be.

Point of passover that I'm trying to make is that whether or not Pharaoh could have avoided the carnage, the old testament God simply didn't hold life to be all that sacred. Many innocent lives were taken in the old testament by the direct hand of God.

Just remember kids. Friends don't let friends judge lest they be judged. And let's see if I can predict the next response..."Why? You worried?" Umm. Nope. I'm actually all for there being a God. I just hope he's not the judgmental, exclusive, contradictory, wrathful, egotistical God that gets shoved down my throat so much in this wonderful place called Texas.

Well, it is His Universe played by His rule book. It is everyone's choice which road you want to take but one leads to perdition life eternal and one leads to heavenly life eternal. Oh, BTW, you forgot to mention that God is eternally forgiving up to your last breath. It is your "free will" which road you want to go down & hopefully you will choose the latter.


Yeah, and just think, now that you know the truth you have no excuse. Try to avoid the Great White Throne. You don't want to go there. Good luck!

sounds like fear mongering....a staple of the conservative christian playbook.....at least that playbook might include some TE's or some snaps under center.


sounds like fear mongering....a staple of the conservative christian playbook.....at least that playbook might include some TE's or some snaps under center.

I think you're on to something; one thing I've noticed is that we don't instill fear in anyone. Conventional thinking has that coming from the defense, but also a good offensive line and bruising running attack can demoralize opponents. I have wondered what fromation these snaps from center will come in; I'm thinking the power I, but that uses two backs, one of them a fullback. Someone suggested in Vito's blog using Shavod Atkinsson (sp?) to run the ball. I'd be ok with that, especially if he could make guys bounce off of him.


If that day comes, I'm sure it'll be quite an interesting conversation that will probably have a much different course and outcome than any of our human minds can possibly comprehend no matter how holy we hold ourselves to be.

Point of passover that I'm trying to make is that whether or not Pharaoh could have avoided the carnage, the old testament God simply didn't hold life to be all that sacred. Many innocent lives were taken in the old testament by the direct hand of God.

Just remember kids. Friends don't let friends judge lest they be judged. And let's see if I can predict the next response..."Why? You worried?" Umm. Nope. I'm actually all for there being a God. I just hope he's not the judgmental, exclusive, contradictory, wrathful, egotistical God that gets shoved down my throat so much in this wonderful place called Texas.

As far as judging, it seems you are doing most of it around here. Including judging God.

God has always held life to be sacred. Including in the O.T. There are times when it has been deemed necessary to take a human life, such as when someone commits murder (Gen. 9:6); but it is never to be taken lightly.


For those of you that think waterboarding a-okay, I have two burning questions for you:

Do you support using waterboarding on someone that is a ally of the US?

Do you support using waterboarding on a US citizen?


For those of you that think waterboarding a-okay, I have two burning questions for you:

Do you support using waterboarding on someone that is a ally of the US?

Do you support using waterboarding on a US citizen?

I was thinking back on a bumper sticker that I thought was pretty outrageous, but maybe it was a fair question: who would Jesus torture? Answer: Jesus never tortured anyone, and never advocated it, even asking forgiveness for his torturers and executioners.

Posted (edited)

As far as judging, it seems you are doing most of it around here. Including judging God.

Not judging God so much as the various human interpretations of him that get presented to me. Not impressed with very many of them so far. There are people in my life who I feel are the models of what a Christian should be. From the information that I can gather from the Bible and whatever historical sources I can find, the people I've known that I felt most lived like Christ were not standing on soap boxes trying to save a bunch of semi-anonymous pseudonyms on a message board. The people that I've felt to be most Christ-like go out among the wretched and blasphemous. They don't fear them, they embrace them. They don't use them as examples to justify moral legislation, they lead them by example. They nurture and are never threatening, fear mongering, or condescending.

As far as my judging you, I pass no judgment on what you believe until it directly affects me. I don't care if you're throwing venomous snakes at each others' heads in a barn. But when the thinly veiled statements of my not knowing your truth and the dire ramifications of a conversation with God are threatened to be imminent, I'm not going to stand idly by and nod my head for the good of uniformity and camaraderie.

Religion is a very personal thing, and I believe it's something to be carefully examined by each person. I don't believe it's something to be blindly accepted just because your neighbor said so.

Edit -- I've just had an epiphany. I feel the same way about organized religion as you do about government. It should be small and unobtrusive. My experiences with organized religion probably mirror yours with big government and I am always naturally suspicious of any attempts to bring it into my...what's the word I'm looking for here...realm.

Edited by oldguystudent

I'd say he's following the old rule: keep your friends close, keep your enemies in your pocket. Better to keep control of what your enemies do, and better to do it in a way that your enemy does what you want them to do because they want to do it because they think they like you. Or uh, "better to sharpen the blade under the table than in battle".

Thats not a bad strategy except when your enemy will stop at nothing short of your destruction and has made no bones about it.

So only Christians are God's people?? I don't follow.

I don't recall him ever saying that, nice try at putting your words in someone else's mouth

Yes. But more importantly, there is only one true brand of Christianity that are God's people. Even more importantly than that, look at me God! I'm defending your honor! See how faithful I am? Extra brownie points for me God! It's all about Your glory God, except when it's about Mine!

If you are enlightened as to which "brand" is the one true "brand" of Christianity, please share with us your wisdom. As to the second part of your post, It is comanded to share God with others. If someone merely quoting scripture bothers you, grow some thicker skin dude, you get bothered too easily.

For those of you that think waterboarding a-okay, I have two burning questions for you:

Do you support using waterboarding on someone that is a ally of the US?

Do you support using waterboarding on a US citizen?

I do not advocate torture, however I do believe that sometimes more aggressive and unpleasant techniques must be used to obtain information to protect this country. What defines "torture"? Well, since Im not making the decisions, it doesnt matter what I deem "torture"

I would be in favor of using harsh interrogation on any person or organization who is deemed an enemy of the state and a danger to our nation or its civilians. Alot of people forget that they dont just pluck people out of thin air and deem them a threat. They have links to activities which could harm us.

Posted (edited)

Good one! You must have been in debate!

Someone give this tea-bagger a rim shot.....

SUMG is probably one of the smartest guys that you could ever meet. He could argue the other side with just as much passion. The true sign of intelligence is being able to see someone else's point of view and to compromise. I bet that SUMG could argue it better and with more comedy than most liberals.

Organized religion - oh god, we would need another message board for that. My family moved here from California and found out at an early age about Southern Baptists. I had absolutely no idea at the age of 8 that only the southern part of the United States was going to heaven - thank God we moved here.

When I was in college, I met a man that changed my opinion about Christianity in general. Up until that point, the only group of people (to me) that seemed to live clean lives, take care of one another, and did not judge others were the Mormons. Such clean living and positive attitudes - kinda refreshing. Have ya ever met one? They are the nicest people in the world!

Anyway, my first experience with Texas Baptists was at a very young age was when I was in 7th grade. A friend of mine invited me on a ski trip and GUESS WHAT - it was only $110 bucks!!!!!! My parents jumped at a subsidized church trip and I guess they were being naive by not thinking that there were other motices involved. It turns out - we weren't there to ski! We were there to get saved. Everyone had been partnered up with their "guest" and it was their job as good little Baptists to spread the word. Every night around the campfire, we would sign songs about Jesus and then asked if it was our time to be saved. If you didn't go downstairs to the hot tub room and agree to accept Jesus into your body and forgive yor sins, you were pretty much considered a leper so everybody did it eventually. They managed to break the whole group down. When I went down on night 2 or 3, I asked why I couldn't discuss it with my parents first and the youth pastor explained to me that something could happen to me before we made it home and he would hate for me to go to hell. I asked him why I would go to hell, I had never really been THAT bad - and he explained that everyone goes to hell that has been told the word and rejected it and by me not accepting the word THAT MOMENT, I would not be "protected"...

Later on in the trip, there was one hold out named Ron Jennings. He was jewish and didn't feel comfortable converting to Baptist without at least talking to his parents. What I saw next made me sick to my stomach - they played a game on everyone. They had a contest to see who could hold their hand over a lighter for the longest amount of time. The winner got $20 bucks. All us 7th graders were going nuts to try. When Ron came up to try, the youth pastor held his hands (unlike the rest of us recently "saved" kids) - the burn was literally stinking up the room and Ron was crying. When they handed the crying Jewish boy the $20 bucks, the guy (Rick was his name) told Ron that if he thought that his hand burning for 30 seconds was bad - could he imagine spending ETERNITY surrounded by fire? Ron immediately broke down and got "saved"... Out of that trip - not one of us ever went to that church again. Fear and intimidation was used on young kids when they were away from their parents to "spread the word"... f-ing crazy, and ONLY in the south. There were other Christians in there that had to get saved specifically to Southern Baptist because their parents' form of Christianity wasn't good enough for Rick and his guitar playing youth ministor self.

I will end my Plumm style post by saying that I believe that there is a God. I believe that a man that Jesus did walk on this Earth. I believe that Jesus explicitly died for all of our sins whether we like it or not. God gave his only son to save all of us and we will all accept that to be true when the truth is REALLY shown to us by our death and the truth is really shown, not man's version of the truth.

The Bible is a nice lesson book that teaches good family morals. It is supposed to start with the start of the Earth and move through the times of J.C. It was originally written in a dead language and has been translated into 500 different languages to reach the status that it is in today. The most accepted version - the King James version, was chistened by a politician and he was the final editor so what he wanted in stayed in and the rest was interpreted in a different way or excluded. The Bible has always been used as a controlling mechanism and it saddens me that so many people take it literally and actually quote scriptures written by some hired hand after they had gone through rroughly 500 translations due to language changes. Heck, if you try to ask a guy from Spain how to say a sentence - he will tell you, "well, you could say this but it wouldn't mean the exact thing.. but that is as close as you can get"... now try doing that over thousands of years with politicians involved.

It does not account for the true age of the Earth. Speaks nothing of dinosaurs. And much of the crazy stuff that happened can be attributed to reasonable explanations like plagues and volcanos and earthquakes and hurricanes. If you want to quote scripture, maybe you could quote how a man has the right to cheat on his wife and have multiple wives at that. It doesn't account for evolution - which is going on RIGHT NOW - the average age, size, and DNA make-up of our race has changed drastically over the last 100 years. I really could go on and on... a civilized, educated country takes the good and uses their reasoning abilties to understand that you can't take everything in the Bible literally. But there are always those that were scared as kids on a ski retreat or by their parents that know nothing else - and to find out at this point in their life that everything that they know to be as God's Word might just be Man's Word but hiding behind the moniker of God's word - well, I would be fearful as well and try to convert people to be more like me. I could care less if you believe what I believe in, and I am sure that I will get REAMED for this post if anyone bothered finsihing it.

Edited by stebo


dude, are you or someone just posting satire's today?? they are amusing.

dude, you or someone just posted a similar rant and rave on the "acorn" post under your name.

dudeman if you are serious, which i really do not think you are, anyone who would even consider commenting on these issues will have more patience than Job.

dudeman, is Nurse Cratchet your care giver by chance??



How could anyone comment on such well thought out arguement's! I understand the Job reference! Was he the one in the Dolphin for 3 days? I did not even mention that the Egypt King Osirus had a son with 12 disciples 2000 yrs earlier that rose from the dead!!!!

Dude how do you people keep buying in! Don't do it to your kids...teach them ethics and the wonder of creation, not the absolute! I admit I don't know...and hope to find out. (I have broken 3 commandments in my life) but I do ask forgiveness.

Nurse ... no...religious family Catholic....yes! And being an alter boy did not make me this way ... God indicated to use your mind to evolve .... I am trying real hard!

Go Mean Green!


SUMG is probably one of the smartest guys that you could ever meet. He could argue the other side with just as much passion. The true sign of intelligence is being able to see someone else's point of view and to compromise. I bet that SUMG could argue it better and with more comedy than most liberals.

Organized religion - oh god, we would need another message board for that. My family moved here from California and found out at an early age about Southern Baptists. I had absolutely no idea at the age of 8 that only the southern part of the United States was going to heaven - thank God we moved here.

When I was in college, I met a man that changed my opinion about Christianity in general. Up until that point, the only group of people (to me) that seemed to live clean lives, take care of one another, and did not judge others were the Mormons. Such clean living and positive attitudes - kinda refreshing. Have ya ever met one? They are the nicest people in the world!

Anyway, my first experience with Texas Baptists was at a very young age was when I was in 7th grade. A friend of mine invited me on a ski trip and GUESS WHAT - it was only $110 bucks!!!!!! My parents jumped at a subsidized church trip and I guess they were being naive by not thinking that there were other motices involved. It turns out - we weren't there to ski! We were there to get saved. Everyone had been partnered up with their "guest" and it was their job as good little Baptists to spread the word. Every night around the campfire, we would sign songs about Jesus and then asked if it was our time to be saved. If you didn't go downstairs to the hot tub room and agree to accept Jesus into your body and forgive yor sins, you were pretty much considered a leper so everybody did it eventually. They managed to break the whole group down. When I went down on night 2 or 3, I asked why I couldn't discuss it with my parents first and the youth pastor explained to me that something could happen to me before we made it home and he would hate for me to go to hell. I asked him why I would go to hell, I had never really been THAT bad - and he explained that everyone goes to hell that has been told the word and rejected it and by me not accepting the word THAT MOMENT, I would not be "protected"...

Later on in the trip, there was one hold out named Ron Jennings. He was jewish and didn't feel comfortable converting to Baptist without at least talking to his parents. What I saw next made me sick to my stomach - they played a game on everyone. They had a contest to see who could hold their hand over a lighter for the longest amount of time. The winner got $20 bucks. All us 7th graders were going nuts to try. When Ron came up to try, the youth pastor held his hands (unlike the rest of us recently "saved" kids) - the burn was literally stinking up the room and Ron was crying. When they handed the crying Jewish boy the $20 bucks, the guy (Rick was his name) told Ron that if he thought that his hand burning for 30 seconds was bad - could he imagine spending ETERNITY surrounded by fire? Ron immediately broke down and got "saved"... Out of that trip - not one of us ever went to that church again. Fear and intimidation was used on young kids when they were away from their parents to "spread the word"... f-ing crazy, and ONLY in the south. There were other Christians in there that had to get saved specifically to Southern Baptist because their parents' form of Christianity wasn't good enough for Rick and his guitar playing youth ministor self.

I will end my Plumm style post by saying that I believe that there is a God. I believe that a man that Jesus did walk on this Earth. I believe that Jesus explicitly died for all of our sins whether we like it or not. God gave his only son to save all of us and we will all accept that to be true when the truth is REALLY shown to us by our death and the truth is really shown, not man's version of the truth.

The Bible is a nice lesson book that teaches good family morals. It is supposed to start with the start of the Earth and move through the times of J.C. It was originally written in a dead language and has been translated into 500 different languages to reach the status that it is in today. The most accepted version - the King James version, was chistened by a politician and he was the final editor so what he wanted in stayed in and the rest was interpreted in a different way or excluded. The Bible has always been used as a controlling mechanism and it saddens me that so many people take it literally and actually quote scriptures written by some hired hand after they had gone through rroughly 500 translations due to language changes. Heck, if you try to ask a guy from Spain how to say a sentence - he will tell you, "well, you could say this but it wouldn't mean the exact thing.. but that is as close as you can get"... now try doing that over thousands of years with politicians involved.

It does not account for the true age of the Earth. Speaks nothing of dinosaurs. And much of the crazy stuff that happened can be attributed to reasonable explanations like plagues and volcanos and earthquakes and hurricanes. If you want to quote scripture, maybe you could quote how a man has the right to cheat on his wife and have multiple wives at that. It doesn't account for evolution - which is going on RIGHT NOW - the average age, size, and DNA make-up of our race has changed drastically over the last 100 years. I really could go on and on... a civilized, educated country takes the good and uses their reasoning abilties to understand that you can't take everything in the Bible literally. But there are always those that were scared as kids on a ski retreat or by their parents that know nothing else - and to find out at this point in their life that everything that they know to be as God's Word might just be Man's Word but hiding behind the moniker of God's word - well, I would be fearful as well and try to convert people to be more like me. I could care less if you believe what I believe in, and I am sure that I will get REAMED for this post if anyone bothered finsihing it.

good stuff here

Posted (edited)

Did you guys know that "Allah" actually just means "God"? Crazy.

Thats why the God of the Bible is referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as Joseph and Jesus so as to distinguish Him from other "gods".

Edited by meangreenbob

Did you guys know that "Allah" actually just means "God"? Crazy.

cbl you make an interesting point and you are correct, allah means god. because you do not seem, again, too familiar of the beliefs of either it may behouve you to look up the differences. i dont think anyone familiar with both want to "spoon feed" you and the way for your "personal learning experience" is to research both and report back to us on your findings.


For those of you that think waterboarding a-okay, I have two burning questions for you:

Do you support using waterboarding on someone that is a ally of the US?

Do you support using waterboarding on a US citizen?

yes and yes

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