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Posted (edited)

OK, folks, don't kill the messenger...here is a scorecard I found in the Dallas Morning News this morning regarding Obama's first 100 Days.

$3.6 TRILLION- Spending in proposed federal budget for 2010

$1.75 TRILLION - Projected deficit under proposed 2010 budget

$787 BILLION - Cost of tax cuts and new spending in eco. stimulus package

$558.4 BILLION - Increase in the public debt from Jan. 20th through April 24th

$235 BILLION - Tax money spent to bail out failing financial institutions from Jan. 20th to April 20th

2MILLION - jobs lost, January to March

908,666 - Housing foreclosures, Jan. 20th through April 20th

27 - bank failures

15 - bills signed into law

11 - states visited

9 - Foreign countries visited

There you have the first 100 days. I will leave the grade for this stuff up to you. I certainly know what grade I give the guy. And, this is just in the first 100 days. Hold on - it looks like a long tough ride.

Edited by KRAM1

You're preference would have been different, but we won't ever know if it would have faired better. To his credit, Obama's plan hasn't failed; merely, it has insured that I'll never be able to retire. :lol:

Here's a BBC take on how he's faired: link


I thought it was too soon and unfair to judge B.O.'s presidency at this point. If so, then why the "First 100 Days" event and discussions and the "Barackotopia National TV Promotional Hour" tonight(Won't be televised on Fox by the way)?

I have a guess:

....."The more dire the threat, the more liberty people are usually willing to surrender. This scenario is tailor-made for the Statist. The government's authority becomes part of the societal frame of reference, only to be built upon during the next "crisis"". Mark R. Levin.

Just a guess, and I may be wrong, but I predict for those of you who will waste your night listening to Barackotopia this evening that you will hear in great detail about the current national "crisis" concerning the Swine Flu pandemic that is surely at our front doorstep, among other things. As you listen, keep in mind that roughly 36,000 Americans die each year from flu like complications. This will no doubt assist in creating more widespread panic than already exists now. All the while, the real crisis will be the under-the-rug-sweeping going on under our noses in Washington concerning the sneak-attack of national health rationing, which although will consists roughly 17% of our national budget, will due to reconciliation, receive as little debate as the libs can get by with in order to push it through.



Let's also count the number of times he blames everything on "prior administrations". This should be a real "look at me, I am wonderful", "Look at me, look at me", speech this evening. It will be fun seeing Spector sitting with the dems. You think the prez will say anything specific about him in his "I am the greatest" (with all due respect to Ali) speech this evening? At least he will have his trusted teleprompter along for the ride so he will sound his "campaign" best this evening.

Should be fun...best comedy hour on TV this evening!


Just a guess, and I may be wrong, but I predict for those of you who will waste your night listening to Barackotopia this evening that you will hear in great detail about the current national "crisis" concerning the Swine Flu pandemic that is surely at our front doorstep, among other things. As you listen, keep in mind that roughly 36,000 Americans die each year from flu like complications. This will no doubt assist in creating more widespread panic than already exists now.

Whether this particular strain of flu reaches dangerous levels or quickly dies away (which is what looks like is going to happen at this point), the fact remains that this has always been a ridiculous argument.

When you spend the year going about your usual routine, it's safe to assume that your risk of catching (let alone dying from) ordinary flu remains constant - that it will be no different from the many other years you've acquired or avoided ordinary flu. On the other hand, if you receive news that a particularly virulant strain of this stuff has broken out, then it's reasonable to assume that your risk of catching (and dying from) this particular virus is significantly greater. Remember that the 1918 pandemic killed about 50 million people - more than WWI.

Yes, 36,000 people die of the flu in the U.S. every year. That's actually great news in the sense that the number hasn't increased in some time. So, assuming conditions remain the same(which, until you've reached a certain age of vulnerability, they will), the threat likewise remains constant and unchanged. A freak viral outbreak like the swine flu is a disturbance of ordinary conditions, and for that reason it's of greater cause for concern, at least until it is fully understood and/or contained. Simplisticly using only numbers to measure what's allegedly rational to worry over is only good for adding machines that don't take other variables into consideration.

So yes, while I agree that maybe the news is reporting a bit too much about worst case...doomsday scenarios, the threat isn't unwarranted. One day a major influenze pandemic will come again(hopefully many years from now). It's like reading about "the big one" in California. Read about, know it's coming...stay vigilant...but you can't let it run your life.

As far back as at least 1580 flu epidemics have been recorded. Eventually another one will pop up.


It's official. Today's GDP number shows a -6.1% GDP for 1Q 2009. It is now Obama's recession.

(Just applying the same logic used by Bush haters when he inherited Clinton's recession in 1Q 2000).


Dude, all I can say is, I hope against all hope that conservative and moderate Democrats will step up to the plate and start blocking some of the spending. There is so much money being printed up now, it's just scary. Inflation can only be artifically contained for so long. It's still hard to believe we're going down the same failed road of dozens of socialist countries across the globe, but we are.

Where, oh, where is our Obi-Wan Kenobi?



--How did Landry do in his first hundred days of his first season with the Cowboys.????

zero wins.

He walked into a bad situation..... the same can be said of Jimmy Jones ..(he might have won one.... he went 1-15 in first season)

Both did pretty well before it was all over.

Be a little more patient and realistic... before making much of a decision....He may do well or he may fall flat. The market had dropped 5000 points before he took office and bail-outs had already started... not a good situation to inherit.


--How did Landry do in his first hundred days of his first season with the Cowboys.????

zero wins.

He walked into a bad situation..... the same can be said of Jimmy Jones ..(he might have won one.... he went 1-15 in first season)

Both did pretty well before it was all over.

Be a little more patient and realistic... before making much of a decision....He may do well or he may fall flat. The market had dropped 5000 points before he took office and bail-outs had already started... not a good situation to inherit.

Didn't Jimmy Jones actually have a wild-ass INT in Super Bowl XXVIII? Crazy, man....


Like the same variables used to sell you on Global Warming?


Was that directed to me directly? If it was, you should know that I fall somewhere between people who are out and out global warming fear mongers and those such as yourself that think it's total bullshit. There's probably something to it, but we can't really know how much yet - and may not be able to for another generation or more.

Posted (edited)

Machiavelli, in the Prince, said & I paraphrase, the majority of people like fluff over substance. Axelrod, an adroit political manager, pulled this coup over the majority of the American people. I say majority because look who won the election.

Are all the current ills of current legislation, that has gotten us to the place where we are economically, 100% the fault of BHO?? Nope. The tiering of our current two class system (socialistic to those on the dole and capitalistic to those who work) is a reality that has been festering in our government since FDR. What FDR started and brought forward by LBJ is being brought about to a lightning quick conclusion by BHO's and Congress.

Republicans are just as much to blame for our current situation as are the Democrats. The Republicans acquiesce as if they were under "The Force" of Darth Vadar making no distinction between the two. Ergo, a semi-one party system.

Did I watch the 100 day pep talk last night?? No. Why should I listen to redundancy and someone who can not say what he really believes to the American people stumble reading a teleprompter and answering "feel good" and "pre set questions" with the answers already on his teleprompter??

For those who know a little about BHO background we know that he is:

1. A Saul D. Alinski desciple.

2. A 20-year member of a Black Liberation congregation.

3. Had dealings, as ambigous as they may be, with other known individuals with communist leanings (google: Frank Davis) and ties to other arab states via Syrian born Rezko.

With the sun, moon, earth and all the planets in a univeral convergence the time is set for the final nails to be hammered into the American coffin. People vote for certain pieces of legislation that are overturned by politically motivated federal judges. For example: look at the illegal immigration question in California. Look at the gay marriage issue across the country. None of the current three or four states where gender similar oriented marriages are approved .... were approved by the people.......they were over turned by federal judges and placed into law by "one person" a federally appointed judge.

"fluff over substance"....that is what the majority want.

I voted Libertarian....so don't blame me.

Edited by eulesseagle

--How did Landry do in his first hundred days of his first season with the Cowboys.????

zero wins.

He walked into a bad situation..... the same can be said of Jimmy Jones ..(he might have won one.... he went 1-15 in first season)

Both did pretty well before it was all over.

Be a little more patient and realistic... before making much of a decision....He may do well or he may fall flat. The market had dropped 5000 points before he took office and bail-outs had already started... not a good situation to inherit.

Careful, the majority of this board doesn't believe walking "into a bad situation" is an excuse for a slow start.

I just find it funny that the Democratic Party spent 8 years name-calling and bad mouthing everything Bush did, but can't take it now that their party is in the White House. I also find it funny that Bush received all of this criticism with a Democratic majority in Congress. The ones complaining about the last 8 years or the past administration are the same ones that were sitting in Washington either agreeing with the Bush administration or lacked the backbone to try to change things.

Do I agree with the direction Obama has gone in his first 100 days and the direction our country will take in the next four years? Absolutely not, but I don't wish Obama failure because he is the leader of my country, like it or not, and his failure would equal the failure of our country. From my point of view, the things he has done that will cause long term problems are:

1. Weakened the economy by flooding the market with cash. Inflation is around the corner.

2. Weakened national security by releasing classified material, closing Gitmo, etc...

3. Believing he can talk some sense into ruthless leaders, Al-Quaeda, the Taliban, Latin America, Cuba, Iran

4. Showing weakness to other world leaders, Chavez, Ortiz and the Saudi king.

5. Basically slapped the CIA in the face and then tried to smooth it over by talking to them like children.

There is a reason all of these leaders or leaders of these countries wanted him to win and the Republican party to lose. They knew he didn't have the fortitude to stand up to them like Bush did.

The majority wanted change and change they are getting which bolsters the old saying, "Be careful what you ask for."

Posted (edited)

----If you remember the Democrats left Bush alone his first two years for the most part... I think he did pretty well then and reacted to 9-11 very well.... It all changed when he decided to invade Iraq to get WMD that did not exist... Democrats even trusted his judgement until then and even voted to let him take whatever action was needed . The problem --- they did not exist and at that point he lost credibility and had put us into an unneccesary and expensive war. His final six years was the big problem.... the war, the economy, the debt, etc.

--I also think Bush Sr. was well qualified and did well.... it was the GOP right wing that abandoned him and voted for Perot.....which put Clinton into office.

---I am not the liberal you think I am, or even so rabid a Democrat...Bush Jr. got my criticism because he did poorly. We are now in a war we should not be in, and the economy went to hell during in his administration. You should just face the real truth and not believe what you just want to be true.


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