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Why Are Texans So Afraid?

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Business has been preying on the poorly informed (remember all those sub-prime mortages?) for too long. Big business and Bankers are going to have to start really telling the truth when they do business from now on.

You mean borrowers are going to have to tell the truth... they were the ones submitting fraudulent applications to get big houses.

And just wait... someday you will have to sit through an 8-hour government class before you can even apply for a mortgage... you know, to protect the consumers.

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The Bush administration (who presided over this mess) starting throwing billions in bail out money even before the election and the current administration took over.

You see control by govenment, I see a return to sane regulation. Business has been preying on the poorly informed (remember all those sub-prime mortages?) for too long. Big business and Bankers are going to have to start really telling the truth when they do business from now on.

I applaud the changes and regulations. Especially since they have now started turning their attention to the biggest bloodsuckers of all, the credit card companys. I look forward to an era of "bloodsuckers beware" instead of buyer beware. AND if the government goes too far in it's control, the boodsuckers (and all their minions and toadies) have only themselves to blame.

You do realize the Dems laid down an ultimatum to Bush and the Republicans last fall to start the bailout process or not be included on it. It was in all the headlines, Yes your precious Dems started it and finished it. Bush had very little say at all.

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Rudy, you are in the law enforcement business, so I would expect you to own a gun. The person of color that you brought up was probably just humoring you.

I still say, wanting to own assault-type rifles and/or Barrett 50 cal snipers rifles = fantacies of shooting people. There is no other reason to want to own them.

I owned guns before I was in the law enforcement business. 99% of gun owners do not want to shoot someone, yet they will do what is necessary to protect their family, property, and any innocent victims.

The man that I referenced, was not talking to me. In fact It was a conversation that I overheard, so he was not "humoring" me. I know, you find it hard to believe that (1) There are legal gun owners who are not white and (2) Someone who was not white did not vote for Obama.

Do not understate the entertainment of going out to a range or a farm or some other open land just to shoot targets. I'd rather spend my money on a more practical weapon, but if someone wants to spend their money or something like that, that is their perogative.

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You do realize the Dems laid down an ultimatum to Bush and the Republicans last fall to start the bailout process or not be included on it. It was in all the headlines, Yes your precious Dems started it and finished it. Bush had very little say at all.

??? Not be included on what? Rescuing their buddies at Wall Street who were crying for the bail out? It was Wall street who came to the government for help.

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??? Not be included on what? Rescuing their buddies at Wall Street who were crying for the bail out? It was Wall street who came to the government for help.


Your attempting the impossible. You're trying to convince non-thinkers (KRAM) to think. It is an impossible task. His family and friends have been attempting it for years. Take some advice from a friend, don't be dragged down to his level. Continue to think through things before you make your decision and don't blindly follow the crowd who want to bash the president, who won the election with a clear cut majority of the popular vote as well as the electorial college, which is more than can be said about the previous administration.

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I owned guns before I was in the law enforcement business. 99% of gun owners do not want to shoot someone, yet they will do what is necessary to protect their family, property, and any innocent victims.

The man that I referenced, was not talking to me. In fact It was a conversation that I overheard, so he was not "humoring" me. I know, you find it hard to believe that (1) There are legal gun owners who are not white and (2) Someone who was not white did not vote for Obama.

Do not understate the entertainment of going out to a range or a farm or some other open land just to shoot targets. I'd rather spend my money on a more practical weapon, but if someone wants to spend their money or something like that, that is their perogative.

Ok, he was humoring the other person and you overheard it.

99% huh. Did you take that survey yourself? I was not talking about all gun owners, just the ones that want to own assault-type weapons and/or 50 ca. sniper rifles. Once again, they only want to own those type weapons because they have fantacies about shooting someone. OR maybe it's a more affordable phallic symbol for them than a Hummer or a Vette.

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Your attempting the impossible. You're trying to convince non-thinkers (KRAM) to think. It is an impossible task. His family and friends have been attempting it for years. Take some advice from a friend, don't be dragged down to his level. Continue to think through things before you make your decision and don't blindly follow the crowd who want to bash the president, who won the election with a clear cut majority of the popular vote as well as the electorial college, which is more than can be said about the previous administration.

Ahhh, typical. Cant out argue someone, start drgrading them

Ok, he was humoring the other person and you overheard it.

99% huh. Did you take that survey yourself? I was not talking about all gun owners, just the ones that want to own assault-type weapons and/or 50 ca. sniper rifles. Once again, they only want to own those type weapons because they have fantacies about shooting someone. OR maybe it's a more affordable phallic symbol for them than a Hummer or a Vette.

LOL, Im glad you are a mind reader and you are so in touch with "people of color"

So Im sure that you took a survey and have factual evidence that EVERYONE who ones "assault-type" weapons want to shoot people.

Id love to see that evidence, send it to me.

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Like all the "bloodsuckers and toadies" who took out those sub-prime mortagages (That Barney (Fife) Frank seems to love so much...or did when he was pressuring folks to make them) and all the idiots who can't seem to figure out that if you just pay your credit card off in full each month you won't need to worry about the rate/late fees, etc.??? If you carry a balance, how about paying "on time and as agreed" and you won't have a late fee...AT ALL! Gee, can't pay it in full each month? Why live above your means in the first place? Hmmmmmmm...if you don't have the money, you might want to think about not charging it in the first place. Oh, that's right, if you are a democrat it's "not your fault" you pay your bills late or sign mortgages you can't pay for...some big nasty banker MADE you take out that credit card and that mortgage. RIGHT! And, no, not all folks in trouble with their mortgages and credit cards are democrats, so don't go there...that is not what I am saying.

Is it time for some new regulations regarding Wall Street and Credit Cards, sure, probably is...good, make them appropriate and how about making the folks who charge the stuff responsible too? You charge it, you pay for it! The days are long gone when card companies could send actual cards out to folks in the mail without them signing anything. If you have a card, you signed and agreed to the terms. If they are bad, dump the stupid card and pay cash or find a better deal. There are plenty of "better deals" out there! Oh, your credit is so bad that you can't get a better deal? Sorry, whose fault is that? Where does it say that "personal responsibility is no longer appropriate? Did I miss that in one of Obama's campaign speeches he seems to still be giving????

By the way...in case you haven't figured it out by now...BUSH IS NO LONGER IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!! The trillions that Obama is dishing out is ALL ON HIM. Time to start owning up to to those two small facts some folks want to ignore. I guess it's just easier to keep blaming Bush. Come on SilverEagle, you can't believe that folks should not be responsible for what they sign or what actions they take. These same folks are often crying that big bad business is discriminating against them because they won't give them credit in the first place. Then, they get the credit and claim they were "forced" by the big bank to sign a bad deal..."I just didn't understand what I was signing"...well, don't sign it!

Typical rant from Silver Eagle about big bad business and nasty bankers...all the while ignoring the problems his pals in Washington are creating each and every day. Time to get a new line...what's happening today is for better or worse, Obama's. If he wants the credit when/if anything positive happens, he better start living in the present and working for the future.

It's "personal responsibility" vs "the nanny society of big government". Too bad for the country...I think the "it's not my fault" folks are winning the battle of the "hearts and minds" of those in DC. Why...power and control!

WOW!, four paragraphs! I knew using the term boodsuckers would get a reaction, but this is better than yelling "HEY! WE'RE GETTIN' OUT-COACHED!

:D ........... B)

BTW, I don't have any buddies in Washington. I probably have an FBI file however. It probably has something to do with that solicitation for contributions that the John Tower re-election committee sent me (back in 69) and my "colorful response" that I mailed back to the committee......... B)

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Ahhh, typical. Cant out argue someone, start drgrading them

LOL, Im glad you are a mind reader and you are so in touch with "people of color"

So Im sure that you took a survey and have factual evidence that EVERYONE who ones "assault-type" weapons want to shoot people.

Id love to see that evidence, send it to me.

LOL, Im glad you are a mind reader and you are so in touch with "people of color"

In the last 30 years I've personally worked with (and trained) about 70+ Black foster parents. I think I have a pretty good idea about what they are thinking....and how they cope with white people.

So Im sure that you took a survey and have factual evidence that EVERYONE who ones "assault-type" weapons want to shoot people.

Nope, just my opinion. Unlike you, I didn't try to quote statistics.....I just used logic.

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Don't "fix" stuff that doesn't need fixing, oldguystudent, that's what your dem pals in DC are trying to do today and it isn't going to work either! If the only answer these guys can come up with is to throw obnoxious sums of money (that they don't have) at folks, well, that's not CHANGE, that stupidity!

See now, you're disagreeing with me simply to disagree. I'm curious to see if I've ever made a post of implicit support for the bailout or national health care. Hillary's campaign scared the bejeesus out of me because of her immediate and mandatory national health care plans. On the flip side, I wasn't necessarily against McCain until I got the impression that he just wasn't all there anymore, and I didn't need a president being controlled by his staff (but yeah, how's that one worked out for me?).

The two parties may have different agendas as to what they want to control, but they both want to control the populace. Several years ago when I was a little more implicitly partisan than I am now, I asked the president of my company if he thought the Dems had a chance in the election. Wisest words I ever heard came next. "It's not about the parties and their campaign ideologies. It's about power and the spoils of war."

There is no more small government no matter who's in office. The reason that I still vote on one side of the aisle more than the other, like most voters, still boils down to one or two issues. For me, I value my freedom to not go to church, study evolution, and take my teenage daughter to the clinic if need be, over the right to have guns, avoid taxes, or employ society-wide morality. On these issues, we will all argue until we're blue in the face, call each other names, stomp our feet, and vote for our respective parties, when none of them are related to what the federal government should be involved in. I'm probably guilty of voting against my own self interest in support of my own pet causes, and you are probably guilty of voting the other way for yours. Both parties have successfully pulled the wool over our eyes.

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Gee, can't pay it in full each month? Why live above your means in the first place? Hmmmmmmm...if you don't have the money, you might want to think about not charging it in the first place.

Correct me if I'm wrong (and in this case I may be. I'm going off memory) didn't you suggest to me one way to pay for college was to run up a credit card?

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Man, the rhetoric from KRAM and Silver seems a bit more venomous lately. And not just this thread. I've been there. It usually takes a person with a good sense of humor to bring me down. If only there were someone allowed to post here and bring us all back to reality with a chuckle or two.

Ah hell, in 2 weeks time I'm sure I'll get all riled up and jump back into it. But for now I've found my happy place.

SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You should know Rudy, that's what you do all the time.

Yeah, ok.

LOL, Im glad you are a mind reader and you are so in touch with "people of color"

In the last 30 years I've personally worked with (and trained) about 70+ Black foster parents. I think I have a pretty good idea about what they are thinking....and how they cope with white people.

So Im sure that you took a survey and have factual evidence that EVERYONE who ones "assault-type" weapons want to shoot people.

Nope, just my opinion. Unlike you, I didn't try to quote statistics.....I just used logic.

Im soo sorry for doubting you. Please forgive my lack of knowledge about other races

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Your attempting the impossible. You're trying to convince non-thinkers (KRAM) to think. It is an impossible task. His family and friends have been attempting it for years. Take some advice from a friend, don't be dragged down to his level. Continue to think through things before you make your decision and don't blindly follow the crowd who want to bash the president, who won the election with a clear cut majority of the popular vote as well as the electorial college, which is more than can be said about the previous administration.

You may want to start thinking for yourself there Bat, the topic was on the Bail out Bush started. But the Republicans did not agree it was right. The Democrats pressed it including Obama. FACT

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??? Not be included on what? Rescuing their buddies at Wall Street who were crying for the bail out? It was Wall street who came to the government for help.

The democrats called for this to the cry of most Republicans, particularly Obama. Unbeliebable the majority of the republicans oppossed this lesistation. At least get your facts straight.

Subject one

Obama, McCain inclined to support bailout deal

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Im trying to get away from this stupid thread, but you keep pulling me back in.

You should know Rudy, that's what you do all the time.

BS - I have been holing my tongue specifically so someone cant come back and try to use this one. Now, if you call someone disagreeing and debating with you degrading, then yes

LOL, Im glad you are a mind reader and you are so in touch with "people of color"

In the last 30 years I've personally worked with (and trained) about 70+ Black foster parents. I think I have a pretty good idea about what they are thinking....and how they cope with white people.

So Im sure that you took a survey and have factual evidence that EVERYONE who ones "assault-type" weapons want to shoot people.

Nope, just my opinion. Unlike you, I didn't try to quote statistics.....I just used logic.

I dont know what is more offensive:The racist thought that all gun owners are white rednecks who want to kill black people, or the arrogance that because you have helped 70+ black families adopt kids that you can speak for an entire race of people different than your own. Im still in awe how you have the forsight to "know" that the individual I described was just "humoring" the person he was talking to, without even knowing the race or the sex of the person he was talking to. lol

(NOTE to GreenBat: I did not say that Silver Eagle is racist)

About the 99% thing. Im sorry, I thought that you would understand, like most, that whenever someone uses the example of 99% this or 99% that, they are meaning a large majority. Im sorry for that. Let me rephrase it for you so that it may be easier to understand. A LARGE MAJORITY of gun owners, regardless of race, do not hold secret fantasies or get off on the thought of shooting people of another race.

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Im trying to get away from this stupid thread, but you keep pulling me back in.

BS - I have been holing my tongue specifically so someone cant come back and try to use this one. Now, if you call someone disagreeing and debating with you degrading, then yes

I dont know what is more offensive:The racist thought that all gun owners are white rednecks who want to kill black people, or the arrogance that because you have helped 70+ black families adopt kids that you can speak for an entire race of people different than your own. Im still in awe how you have the forsight to "know" that the individual I described was just "humoring" the person he was talking to, without even knowing the race or the sex of the person he was talking to. lol

(NOTE to GreenBat: I did not say that Silver Eagle is racist)

About the 99% thing. Im sorry, I thought that you would understand, like most, that whenever someone uses the example of 99% this or 99% that, they are meaning a large majority. Im sorry for that. Let me rephrase it for you so that it may be easier to understand. A LARGE MAJORITY of gun owners, regardless of race, do not hold secret fantasies or get off on the thought of shooting people of another race.

Rudy, I said foster families, I said nothing about adoptive kids....although I have been involved in those situations as well. I said pretty good idea based on a working relationship with those 70+ families and honest conversations with them about a variety of issues. Just as you never said I was racist, I never used the word "Red Neck".

It's not about you Rudy. B)

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Correct me if I'm wrong (and in this case I may be. I'm going off memory) didn't you suggest to me one way to pay for college was to run up a credit card?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I would not recommend such a thing. I trhink you have me confused with a fiscal liberal! Ha!

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