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"ya Buying It Serie"

Brett Vito

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Why did Vito even mention spring training? Did he mean spring training 2009? I didn't see anything that recent being mentioned.

I guess that you don't understand that Vito wasn't allowed in the fence so he basically boycotted Spring 2009, except for potshots. I hear that they also bound and gagged him on four occasions, dragged him to gitmo, and subjected him to constant waterboarding and other various torture techniques. The good news is that he is trying out to be the hairless doggie in the next Austin Powers movie ;P

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I'm buying nothing on the offensive side of the ball. The same coaches return with less experienced skill players. Outside of the OL being coached by a bona fide guy, the rest has the potential to be an unmitigated disaster from start to finish.

One of the only two things I buy is that the defensive line will be stronger. And, that is simply based on the fact that Mike Nelson was hired. He was with Dan McCarney at Iowa State for 10 years. He and McCarney coached some of the best D-lines in ISU history. You have to be encouraged when you look at McCarney's work currently as the DL coach at Florida, then realize that he and Nelson were gameplanning together for 10 seasons.

Hear me now and believe me later, the Mike Nelson hire was the best UNT hire since Hayden Fry. He's a true college football coach with real results on his resume at this level. http://www.cyclones.com/ViewArticle.dbml?D...p;Q_SEASON=2006

The only other thing I buy is that the special teams will be better. How could it not be? Southlake's former track and field coach isn't coaching the DL or special teams anymore. What a joke. It's hard to believe anyone bought into Robert Drake being able to coach at the collegiate level when his high school duties weren't even football first! It's just yet another example of how insanely naive and unprepared Todd Dodge was to be a head coach at this level. And, sadly, it shows how ridiculously unattached the athletic director was in the initial hiring process.

We appear to be the only college in the country that gives "learning curves" to its football program. And, this in an era when - everywhere else - immediate results are expected. The problem, of course, is that every other school isn't just standing still through our "learning curve." It's so poor here that some are even giving Dodge a mulligan on his first recruiting class. For what purpose? To drag out the "learning curve" for an even longer period of time?

The season can't get here fast enough. This should be the put up or shut up year for Dodge. Hopefully, the decision makers at UNT see this as well. I doubt it, but a man can hope.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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