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On Holocaust Remembrance Day

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all anyone has to do is read the balfor agreement & the subsequent articles of international law which made Isreal a legitimate state along with the other states that were formed by the same agreement. if Isreal is an illegitimate state then so are all the other states that were formed by the same agreement. cbl's argument sides with the muslims which is a false arguement.

I really don't care if cbl believes something that is diametrically opposed to fact. it is not the first time.

as far as cbl presenting a solid argument??? come on dude.............get real.

new ideas??? these are not new ideas........

support them with fact??? are you kidding me.....are you just getting into this conversation?????

greenbat....there is such a thing as reading comprehension......if feel really embarased that you have not understood my point and facts.

i suggest that you read my posts again.....if you do not understand what you are reading then you need to google up that info and form your own opinion, based on facts.......not just cbl's rants, raves and calling a legitimate nation racist just because she "feels" that it should not exist.

Apparently YOU did not read my post. I stated in my post "I happen to agree with you on this point ee, but CBL is presenting a solid arguement." It has been years since I've read the Balfor Agreement, but I understand what it says. Are you understanding the point the CBL (He is male, not female) is attempting to make. Again, I agree with your stance on this, I am just tired of your knee-jerk reactions to the majority of the Non-sports post. I could, put you on IGNORE, but sometimes you have a good point. So as long as you don't turn into a The Fake Lonnie Finch, you will not be Ignored. All I ask is that you accept that what you think is not always what is correct. Again, I agree with you, "Isreal a legitimate state along with the other states that were formed by the same agreement."

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Just because someone does not agree with your opinion does not make them uniformed. I happen to agree with you on this point ee, but CBL is presenting a solid arguement. Don't be close minded to new ideas. Listen to them, study them and then if you still don't agree present an opposing view supported with fact.

And this comes from GreenBat. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Don't go "postal" now...just having a little fun. :flowers:

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No, He meant Ed Balfour. My Balfour Declaration? He was a hell of a goalie.

No worries ya'll. The Great Hussie will step in, apologize to iran that this is somehow our fault, and everyone's lord will set things right.

Iran better take a number since that moron Timothy Geithner is now apologizing saying that the U.S. "carries a "substantial" share of blame for the current economic crisis."

Let's see, our elected officials have now taken the blame for the economic crisis, sat by calmly as Daniel Ortega went on a 15 minute rant about the U.S., made nice with Jugo Chavez even accepting an ant-U.S. book from him, bowed down to a Saudi prince, released classified documents regarding the interrogation techniques that we employ and what our limits are weakening our position against the terrorist, threatened to arrest former Bush cabinet members over policy decisions, threatens to close Gitmo with no plan as to what to do with these terrorist, has mortgaged our future with over the top spending that could crumble our economy in ten years, etc.... This all in less than 100 days in office. I'm afraid to think where this country will be at the end of his term.

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Isreal was given Palestine through the Balfore agreement after WWI via the western powers. Naturally, the arabs sided with the Ottoman Empire and lost.....hey they also sided with the Nazis and lost a second time....what a surprise. Displaced Jews from around the world had been moving in and purchasing the land from arabs since the 1880's. International law gave them the land so how could they have stollen it? Not unless you are reading the texts of Chomsky and Dr. Arafat would you even consider making such an outlandish statement.

Man I do not want to get involved in this mess, because this shit all happened before most of us were even born. But I just want to point out a few mistakes by EE that dont make sense: And once again not any side over the other, because I have had a crappy week and dont want to be blamed. lol.

First off: Most of the Arab countries during the time of WW2 were ruled by Britain and France and provided much needed oil, supplies, and what military they had to aid the Allies. Most of the Arab countries were strong allies of the U.S. under FDR and had specifically told the prez that they would be willing to help in any way.

Also who tha F*&% is Dr. Arafat..... WTF? Arafat is no doctor ha ha and he is irrelevant.

Also what is the PLA? ha ha

Anyways having a bad week, just wanted to point things out, excuse my language... :o

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Man I do not want to get involved in this mess, because this shit all happened before most of us were even born. But I just want to point out a few mistakes by EE that dont make sense: And once again not any side over the other, because I have had a crappy week and dont want to be blamed. lol.

First off: Most of the Arab countries during the time of WW2 were ruled by Britain and France and provided much needed oil, supplies, and what military they had to aid the Allies. Most of the Arab countries were strong allies of the U.S. under FDR and had specifically told the prez that they would be willing to help in any way.

Also who tha F*&% is Dr. Arafat..... WTF? Arafat is no doctor ha ha and he is irrelevant.

Also what is the PLA? ha ha

Anyways having a bad week, just wanted to point things out, excuse my language... :o

You can correct me on this, but the Arab world was still mostly stable and western friendly up until the years just before the death of Anwar Sadat in the 1960's. But yeah, Yassir Arafat is really an irrelevant person right now. He hasn't actually been of real value for about the last 5 years, his power and influence has been taken and spread out by other figures and groups in that country. Go figure.

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dr arafat was a doctor even if he was a dentist.

pla: Palistestainian Liberation Authority.

google Haj Amin al-Husseini for arab affiliation with the nazis.....he was also involved with nazi youth amongst the arabs.....also a diplomat in berlin.

playmaker, all you have to do is use your favorite site and look the information up.

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