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On Holocaust Remembrance Day

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This coming from a grotesque barbarian who denies the Holocaust even occured, and only a year after speaking as a welcomed guest at Columbia University? Hopefully, his time on this earth just got a lot shorter.


Ahamdinejad has many great ideas about how to liberalize (read modernize, not Democrat-in-ize) Iran and is very popular, especially with college students and young professionals. His distaste for America is borne out of years of intimidation when his attempts to modernize are view as a threat to the U.S. He is outspoken and believes it is well within his right to rule his country without U.S. opinion or interferance.

That said, his holocaust stance makes him a giant douche. These recent statements, on any other day, should be viewed as they are however, as anti-Zionist as oppossed to anti-Semetic...the fact he decided to issue them on Holocaust rememberance, coupled with previous comments are what make this an issue. Stating that Israel has established a "cruel and repressive racist regime" is well, based on fact. Read about the formation of the state of Israel and the 6 day war.

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Ahamdinejad has many great ideas about how to liberalize (read modernize, not Democrat-in-ize) Iran and is very popular, especially with college students and young professionals. His distaste for America is borne out of years of intimidation when his attempts to modernize are view as a threat to the U.S. He is outspoken and believes it is well within his right to rule his country without U.S. opinion or interferance.

That said, his holocaust stance makes him a giant douche. These recent statements, on any other day, should be viewed as they are however, as anti-Zionist as oppossed to anti-Semetic...the fact he decided to issue them on Holocaust rememberance, coupled with previous comments are what make this an issue. Stating that Israel has established a "cruel and repressive racist regime" is well, based on fact. Read about the formation of the state of Israel and the 6 day war.

U.S. State Department 2008 Human Rights Report: Iran

In 2005 hardline conservative Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad won the presidency in an election widely viewed by the international community as neither free nor fair. Civilian authorities did not fully maintain effective control of security forces.

The government's poor human rights record worsened, and it continued to commit numerous serious abuses. The government severely limited citizens' right to change their government peacefully through free and fair elections. The government executed numerous persons for criminal convictions as juveniles and after unfair trials. Security forces were implicated in custodial deaths and committed other acts of politically motivated violence, including torture. The government administered severe officially sanctioned punishments, including death by stoning, amputation, and flogging. Vigilante groups with ties to the government committed acts of violence. Prison conditions remained poor. Security forces arbitrarily arrested and detained individuals, often holding them incommunicado. Authorities held political prisoners and intensified a crackdown against women's rights reformers, ethnic minority rights activists, student activists, and religious minorities. There was a lack of judicial independence and fair public trials. The government severely restricted civil liberties, including freedoms of speech, expression, assembly, association, movement, and privacy, and it placed severe restrictions on freedom of religion. Official corruption and a lack of government transparency persisted. Violence and legal and societal discrimination against women, ethnic and religious minorities, and homosexuals; trafficking in persons; and incitement to anti-Semitism remained problems. The government severely restricted workers' rights, including freedom of association and the right to organize and bargain collectively, and arrested numerous union organizers. Child labor remained a serious problem. On December 18, for the sixth consecutive year, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution on Iran expressing "deep concern at ongoing systematic violations of human rights."


I like the part where INEEDAJOB tells the lead prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi to personally ensure that "suspects be given all their rights to defend themselves" against the charges".


Edited by FirefightnRick
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naturally, you are dead wrong again, about your anti-semetic statement statement of Isreal being a repressive regime. where in the heck do you get your information....from the PLA?? The six day war was begun by Egypt's deision to close the Gulf of Aquab to Israeli shipping and to remove the UN troops from the Siani. Then Egypt closed the Straights of Tiran and was massing troops along with its other arab neighbors for an immenent attack.

Isreal has always been in a precarious position knowing that it must protect its borders and people. If not, the muslims will do to them as they have done to others thoughout the centuries.

If you want to look who is more repressive compare Isreal's neighbors to Isreal.

"War is Hell" and always will be with innocent blood shed with combatants. However, the muslims win the battle of shedding more innocent blood than Isreal.

BTW, you shoud read one of your liberal friend's book, The Case for Isreal, by Alan Dershowitz or one of Oriana Falacci's books on Isreal's antagonists. Of course your response will be that they are some sort of phobic, racist and bigoted because you can not make a legitimate case to support your alligations.

cbl....if you would be interested in reading the Dershowitz book and promise to return it I would be more than glad to send it to you for your reading enjoyment. Currently, I have the Falacci book, on Reason, currently lent out.

Edited by eulesseagle
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naturally, you are dead wrong again, about your anti-semetic statement statement of Isreal being a repressive regime. where in the heck do you get your information....from the PLA?? The six day war was begun by Egypt's deision to close the Gulf of Aquab to Israeli shipping and to remove the UN troops from the Siani. Then Egypt closed the Straights of Tiran and was massing troops along with its other arab neighbors for an immenent attack.

Isreal has always been in a precarious position knowing that it must protect its borders and people. If not, the muslims will do to them as they have done to others thoughout the centuries.

If you want to look who is more repressive compare Isreal's neighbors to Isreal.

"War is Hell" and always will be with innocent blood shed with combatants. However, the muslims win the battle of shedding more innocent blood than Isreal.

BTW, you shoud read one of your liberal friend's book, The Case for Isreal, by Alan Dershowitz or one of Oriana Falacci's books on Isreal's antagonists. Of course your response will be that they are some sort of phobic, racist and bigoted because you can not make a legitimate case to support your alligations.

cbl....if you would be interested in reading the Dershowitz book and promise to return it I would be more than glad to send it to you for your reading enjoyment. Currently, I have the Falacci book, on Reason, currently lent out.

Ahhh...this coming from a holocaust denier and frequent passer-by to white supremist websites. You should also check your definition of anti-Semetic...here I provided a link: Learn Something!

See, I never said anything anti-Semetic, mainly because I'm not anti-Semetic...what I am though is sympathetic towards a group of people who have had their entire nation taken away, a group of people who are constantly villified by the West for attempting to regain their land, and a group of people who have lost just as many innocent lives at the hands of Israeli (USA manf.) weapons as have innocent Israelis at the hands of suicide bombs. As a pacifist, I don't support the loss of anyone's life...but I also refuse to respect the notion that Israel is some meek child in the middle of barbarians...Israel is just as responsible for a lack of peace in the Middle East as any Muslim nation or group.

I'm also not anti-Zionist...here again a definition: You learned 2 things and its not even noon! Following the Holocaust, there is no question there needed to be a Jewish nation, and while it certainly was not the most practical at the time to create it around Jerusalem, it was the fullfilment of Zionist philosophy and the Jewish people were certainly deserving of that fulfillment. Despite all odds, there was actually a chance for this to have been done well, too. However if you knew anything about the creation of state of Israel you would know that it was a complete logistical and diplomatic failure by the U.N. and Western nations who came in with a blind eye to the concerns of the people living in what would become Israel...and their solution for this ignorance was to stuff as many missiles and guns as possible within her boarders.

As for the Six Day War...troop mobilization wasn't just big bad Muslim countries ganging up on Israel...it was the continuation of 1956 and Guiron's aggressive natiure and rhetoric...however if you would continue to prefer to view events in a bubble...I'll ask you, who shot first?

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Ahamdinejad has many great ideas about how to liberalize (read modernize, not Democrat-in-ize) Iran and is very popular, especially with college students and young professionals. His distaste for America is borne out of years of intimidation when his attempts to modernize are view as a threat to the U.S. He is outspoken and believes it is well within his right to rule his country without U.S. opinion or interferance.

That said, his holocaust stance makes him a giant douche. These recent statements, on any other day, should be viewed as they are however, as anti-Zionist as oppossed to anti-Semetic...the fact he decided to issue them on Holocaust rememberance, coupled with previous comments are what make this an issue. Stating that Israel has established a "cruel and repressive racist regime" is well, based on fact. Read about the formation of the state of Israel and the 6 day war.

The only thing you find wrong with Ahmadinejad is that he denies the Holocaust. . . . Unbelievable. You do recall that he vowed to destroy America, do you not? You are aware that he is funding terrorist groups with millions of dollars? That he is aiding and abetting in the deaths of American soldiers? But I guess all of that's okay, since he's popular with college students and young professionals.

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Iran is wrong. Israel is wrong.

Iran's current leadership may be modernizing, but segments of it still dig into terrorism. Israel may just want peace, but it's government system has a mix of moderates and a lot of "all or nothing" types. Neither seems to be able to gain a majority. Kinda fouls the moderation process. Ahmedinejad is a giant D-bag for writing what he wrote, but just like Chavez and Ortega, no one of real significance cares about what he says besides his few buddies in his axis of dweebil.

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Ahamdinejad has many great ideas about how to liberalize (read modernize, not Democrat-in-ize) Iran and is very popular, especially with college students and young professionals. His distaste for America is borne out of years of intimidation when his attempts to modernize are view as a threat to the U.S. He is outspoken and believes it is well within his right to rule his country without U.S. opinion or interferance.

That said, his holocaust stance makes him a giant douche. These recent statements, on any other day, should be viewed as they are however, as anti-Zionist as oppossed to anti-Semetic...the fact he decided to issue them on Holocaust rememberance, coupled with previous comments are what make this an issue. Stating that Israel has established a "cruel and repressive racist regime" is well, based on fact. Read about the formation of the state of Israel and the 6 day war.

Not so fast CBL-

You still have not explained your comment on Isreal being a "cruel and repressive racist regime."

Personally, since you agree with this statement you need to give your commentary, please................

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are you saying occupying a country is a cruel and racist regime?? that is a bit far fetched. Explain, if you can.

Yes. I would say taking a country and removing its residents would be considered cruel...I would also say that doing it on the basis of race (we'll go ahead for the sake of this arguement and call Judism and Islam "races" so we're not just going back and forth on the matter of semantics) constitutes racism...and I would say that maintaining that policy for 60+ years would constitute a regime.

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Where would you suggest that Israel be then?

Honestly...essentially right where it is.

My issue is that in '47-'48 there was a chance to create an Israel where it is today through proper diplomacy that would've elicited considerable less animosity (though, I still think that was a go for the title before you get your first win kinda move, and a European Israel would've been a smarter first move). However the U.N.'s plan was a complete F.U. to Palestine...and when it was rejected (with good reason) by the Arab states, we (the West - USA, England ect) armed Israel to the hilt and said this is the word...deal with it to the Arab world.

Since, both Israel and its Arab neighbors haved turned that area into WWIII...both provoke and initiate hostilities...yet Israel is portrayed as the innocent and sympethetic nation in need of our constant protection.

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Isreal was given Palestine through the Balfore agreement after WWI via the western powers. Naturally, the arabs sided with the Ottoman Empire and lost.....hey they also sided with the Nazis and lost a second time....what a surprise. Displaced Jews from around the world had been moving in and purchasing the land from arabs since the 1880's. International law gave them the land so how could they have stollen it? Not unless you are reading the texts of Chomsky and Dr. Arafat would you even consider making such an outlandish statement.

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1945 Land Ownership

Well aware that the area wasn't homoginously Arab.

And by "Balfour Agreement" I assume you mean the Balfour Declaration...which was little more than a statement of British intent to establish a Jewish state. It also said this:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

That bold part didn't really work out too well...

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Yep, the Balfor Agreement set forth boundries for other arab states and yes the B.A. was consumated by international agreement giving the Jews the right to the land called Palestine....after what the Roman Empire called it. Ergo, the Jews have every right to the land & least of all was it stollen, under international law, as does the other Trans-Jordan countries (that were carved out of this territory) have every right to their land under international law from the B.A..

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Yep, the Balfor Agreement set forth boundries for other arab states and yes the B.A. was consumated by international agreement giving the Jews the right to the land called Palestine....after what the Roman Empire called it. Ergo, the Jews have every right to the land & least of all was it stollen, under international law, as does the other Trans-Jordan countries (that were carved out of this territory) have every right to their land under international law from the B.A..

So are you saying if Britain decided today that it wanted to create an Arab state and selected Kansas as the location, that as long as it is ratified by other countries it would not be stealing for arabs to come in and take over Kansas? Regardless of how the US or people in Kansas feel about it?

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So are you saying if Britain decided today that it wanted to create an Arab state and selected Kansas as the location, that as long as it is ratified by other countries it would not be stealing for arabs to come in and take over Kansas? Regardless of how the US or people in Kansas feel about it?

That is actually a pretty good analogy.

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you are actually just as uniformed about the situation as you were when you first began.

Just because someone does not agree with your opinion does not make them uniformed. I happen to agree with you on this point ee, but CBL is presenting a solid arguement. Don't be close minded to new ideas. Listen to them, study them and then if you still don't agree present an opposing view supported with fact.

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all anyone has to do is read the balfor agreement & the subsequent articles of international law which made Isreal a legitimate state along with the other states that were formed by the same agreement. if Isreal is an illegitimate state then so are all the other states that were formed by the same agreement. cbl's argument sides with the muslims which is a false arguement.

I really don't care if cbl believes something that is diametrically opposed to fact. it is not the first time.

as far as cbl presenting a solid argument??? come on dude.............get real.

new ideas??? these are not new ideas........

support them with fact??? are you kidding me.....are you just getting into this conversation?????

greenbat....there is such a thing as reading comprehension......if feel really embarased that you have not understood my point and facts.

i suggest that you read my posts again.....if you do not understand what you are reading then you need to google up that info and form your own opinion, based on facts.......not just cbl's rants, raves and calling a legitimate nation racist just because she "feels" that it should not exist.

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