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Comments On Unt Stadium Issue

Brett Vito

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And, most of those folks are the same folks who say the same things about the university time and time again. Ever read the letters page in the DRC? It's the same folks who post the same "stuff" over and over again. Lots of folks who live in Denton see TWU and UNT as "outsiders", and I cannot say I blame them that much. Having lived in Denton since 1965, I have seen the "Town and Gown" gap grow and prosper. I can tell you with 100% confidence that it is a two-way street. Plenty of blame to go around on both sides. UNT & TWU both need to do a better job of reaching out to the community (and, I believe they are doing that very thing currently) and the city needs a big-time change in attitude and realize what a real treasure they have in both TWU and UNT and reach out to the university. That is beginning to happen too. When both sides see the other as a "partner" they will both realize how much benefit they can be to each other.

And, if you are a citizen of Denton and seem to think the universities run the city, well, get up off your lazy you-know-what and run for a city office or volunteer to serve on a city board. Maybe university folks get on the boards and get elected because they volunteer their time to do so. Being on a city board pays ZERO and being on the council is not much/if any better in the way of pay. Why is it that the people who always complain the loudest are the ones who never seem to "have the time" to get involved? Busy people get involved and try to make a difference...lazy people seem to complain that they have no time to volunteer. Odd, they seem to have plenty of time to complain.

The GOOD NEWS here is that, from where I sit, I see the problems of the past between the city and UNT and TWU growing less and less every day. Took lots of years to get to be a problem, it will take a few to "fix" that problem.

The stadium will be great for both UNT and the City of Denton. Just as the majority of students at UNT who voted for the stadium "get it", so do the majority of the citizens of the City of Denton.

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I think I may ban Vito for trolling.

Please Do. I don't mind the guy, but if he really isn't contributing anything beyond linking his site and taking traffic away from this one - why do you let him post here still? He posts nothing but links to his opinions. The rest of us discuss here and respond to each other building a community of acquaintances and friends who care about the same thing. This guy is doing a job and exploiting this site to do it.

People on this board usually read his blog/opinions anyway, we really don't need a link from him. Brett, Please contribute and share something on this board that you don't include in your blog or column. Participate in some jackassery and funny business. It only has to have a tinge of something being related to football.

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