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Details Of Dawson's Death

Brett Vito

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Guest JohnDenver

You just don't hear about pot deals going "left"

What do you mean? You don't hear about drug deals going bad? Serious question, not being sarcastic.

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I'm guessing two possibilities:

A) Other substances involved

B ) It was a LOT of pot

Thats what people would typically think. But in reality, you cant assume its a high-end drug deal like on CSI or something. The details will eventually surface, but the really sad thing is that many kids dont understand the risks of dealing drugs, no matter what amount. This very well could possibly been something gone very wrong over a $20.00 bag of pot. All it takes is an illegal substance, nervous people, and a gun. Very sad...

Edited by trud1966
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Yeah, I already feel bad about Dawson and his family, and now this news.

Damn! I am sure the media will focus on NT and weed, and make the police

investigation second. Some one mention the drug testing, so I expect that issue

will be in the media again too.

I am sure more facts will be made public, as the investigation continues.

One point of the known facts do not add up to me. Dawson driving to Dallas.

If Dawson drove to Dallas, to meet Harrison, was Harrison riding back with Dawson

to Lewisville or to Denton maybe? Anyway, they park at the auto repair

business in Lewisville. The deal goes bad, and Dawson is murdered.

How did Harrison get back to Dallas? Hitch Hike or was someone else

at the scene, that gave him a ride back to Dallas? Harrison was quickly

found, and arrested in Dallas.

I think this might have happened. Dawson drove to Lewisville to meet

Harrison at the auto repair parking lot. The business was closed, it was

dark, several parked cars around to provide cover. The deal goes bad,

Harrison murder's Dawson, keeps the money and the dope, gets in

his car and drives back to Dallas.

I do not know if this happened or not, just my guess.

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Thats what people would typically think. But in reality, you cant assume its a high-end drug deal like on CSI or something. The details will eventually surface, but the really sad thing is that many kids dont understand the risks of dealing drugs, no matter what amount. This very well could possibly been something gone very wrong over a $20.00 bag of pot. All it takes is an illegal substance, nervous people, and a gun. Very sad...

Yes, it is very sad. You don't get burned if you don't play with fire. I would hope this would make others stand up and take notice, but these stories occur all the time and will continue as long as there is a market for drugs and an "easy" nick to be made.

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I'm guessing two possibilities:

A) Other substances involved

B ) It was a LOT of pot

I'll take both A and B. Very sad but also very disappointed that a guy mentoring children would behave in this manner. Unfortunately, it appears he provided the ultimate life example.

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The guy who they arrested could have said anything to make his case. I am not saying that Dawson wasn't involved in drug dealing or he was. The facts are not all there. It's a sad situation all around. How is the University, alumni or fans supposed to honor an alleged drug dealer? It's a sticky situation.

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The guy who they arrested could have said anything to make his case. I am not saying that Dawson wasn't involved in drug dealing or he was. The facts are not all there. It's a sad situation all around. How is the University, alumni or fans supposed to honor an alleged drug dealer? It's a sticky situation.

I must have misread. I thought it was the sister who told the police about the pot deal.

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The guy who they arrested could have said anything to make his case. I am not saying that Dawson wasn't involved in drug dealing or he was. The facts are not all there. It's a sad situation all around. How is the University, alumni or fans supposed to honor an alleged drug dealer? It's a sticky situation.

Dawson's girlfriend told police that Dawson was dealing marihuana. She would have no reason to lie about that.

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So, let's not hear any more negativity around Dodge and the drug testing if this does, in fact, turn out to be a "drug deal gone bad". Sound's to me like the "girlfriend" knew both parties were involved one way or the other in the sale/distribution of illegal substances. SAD. Do these kids not realize that illegal means just that, and if you "play with fire" you just might get burned? This is truly a sad event for the family, his friends and the Mean Green Nation as a whole.

Seems Coach Dodge had a pretty good reason for the drug testing. Sad, so very sad.

I truly hope the end of the story turns out a great bit differently than these "early reports". Man, hard to believe what some folks will do for what they think is an "easy buck or two". There is a great line in a book on economics that says something like...."if selling drugs is so good, then why do all the drug dealers live with their mother's"?

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So, let's not hear any more negativity around Dodge and the drug testing if this does, in fact, turn out to be a "drug deal gone bad". Sound's to me like the "girlfriend" knew both parties were involved one way or the other in the sale/distribution of illegal substances. SAD. Do these kids not realize that illegal means just that, and if you "play with fire" you just might get burned? This is truly a sad event for the family, his friends and the Mean Green Nation as a whole.

Seems Coach Dodge had a pretty good reason for the drug testing. Sad, so very sad.

I truly hope the end of the story turns out a great bit differently than these "early reports". Man, hard to believe what some folks will do for what they think is an "easy buck or two". There is a great line in a book on economics that says something like...."if selling drugs is so good, then why do all the drug dealers live with their mother's"?

The book i called Freakanomics and it is by Steven Levvitt I believe who is an economist at MIT. The point he is making is that Drug dealers live with their mothers because most of the money for the crack dealers go up the chain to the people on the top of the chain and the dealers themselves don't get much, if any money from it...

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When folks are in the "drug business" there is a pretty good chance that none of the parties are very reliable when it comes to keeping thing peaceful and working on the "honor system", etc. Small deal or big deal, I would not want to take the chance on the character of anyone involved in the deal. Most, it seems, will do what they think they need to do to take care of themselves first! This is certainly not the first, nor will it be the last, situation where something like this happens between "business associates" in an illegal activity.

Sort of makes you wonder why one would get involved in such a thing in the first place...the lure of "easy money" and some sort of "street cred" perhaps. My guess is, the funeral and the trial for the "other business associate" will cost one whole lot more than any "profits" made. I am also just guessing that this was not the first of such "business deals" between these folks.

SAD...so very sad. Reports were that Dawson was still enrolled at UNT and working to complete his degree. Who knows what he might have accomplished with his life...sad day.

Edited by KRAM1
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Seems Coach Dodge had a pretty good reason for the drug testing. Sad, so very sad.

Very true. When you're messing with illegal stuff bad things are always one small step away. It's a small step from using to selling. It's a small step from selling to being robbed. And, it's a small step to being behind the wheel feeling everything is okay when it's not. We (NT fans) should have learned this lesson. If you have the power or chance to try and cut this off, then you do so.

I hoped it would not turn out this way (bad drug deal), but it when it was not a carjacking gone wrong I started to worry (I still hope the story is wrong).

I pray for the family as this must be a very difficult situation to deal with.

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The book i called Freakanomics and it is by Steven Levvitt I believe who is an economist at MIT. The point he is making is that Drug dealers live with their mothers because most of the money for the crack dealers go up the chain to the people on the top of the chain and the dealers themselves don't get much, if any money from it...

That's the one...I just couldn't remember the title...great read...I recommend it to EVERYONE on this board. If you have not read it...go buy it and read it. Great read...fun...and makes a great deal of sense too! Thanks again, hickoryhouse.

BTW..."hickoryhouse"...does that have anything to do with the Hickory House restaurant that used to be in Denton? University Dr. When I was in HS here the Chicken Fried steak plate was great and sold for 79 cents. had good "other stuff" too. I think the place is now a Double Dave's Pizza joint.

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the sad story got worse with this news of drugs involved. i don't blame fans for trying to put him up on a pedestal but it shows we really dont know people sometimes no matter what good they appear to be doing. i wish it turned out different, for him and the program.

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