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A Look At Unt's Defensive Line

Brett Vito

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A good post as he tells it like he sees it.

OL will be a lot strong with Drake in the lineup. Kelvin is a stud. These guys now have at least two or three seasons of experience along with a redshirt season. The OL will keep us from getting killed from the pass rush.

WR's have to play big in this offense. Hopefully, they will do so. Cam and Dunbar are a great combination and a good change of pace.

Kicking game and special teams will be again critical.

Nice post Brett.

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Liked the article too but I take issue with Brett on one point. Look, no one in their right mind would think that UNT would be leaps ahead of where they were last year in the defensive line. What most of us hope is, that they will - in a bend not break DeLoach defensive scheme - be able to slow other teams down. When SBC teams are employing a run it up their throat mentality against us and despite our efforts gaining 6-7 ground yards on first down it's not a good sign. Just forcing our opponents into some 3rd down situations where they have 5+ yards to gain would be a huge improvement.

We know that people have high hopes for this team next season and I count myself in that mix but I am realistic. Draylon Ross may shock us all and turn it around but I saw very little out of him or anyone else at the defensive tackle position last season. I am more optimistic about defensive end although depth there is thin. There just are very few playmakers that can be counted on at this particular time. There are very few players that the defense can build a mentality or spirit around. In short we lack leadership in my opinion. I hope they will emerge.

Part of the lack of excitement surrounding the defense this spring is the fact that we won't really know much about it until a lot of Jucos show up this Fall. And it scares the dickens out of me that we are relying so heavily on Jucos. In Dodge's defense he did what he had to do.

In the interest of ending this on a bright note, I am feeling a lot better about the offense and in particular Rodge. I think he will be moving into this offense quite nicely and the return of a healthy Kelvin Drake is a big part of that.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

I don't think that Vito's views on the defensive line are wrong; just narrow. Every position is initially weaker than the year before due to inexperience. The defensive line certainly appears to be the weakest position.

There are four reasons why I believe that this year's defensive line will be considerably stronger than last year's....the influx of new talent, the experience of last year's players, the coaching change, and improved conditioning.

It's very possible that we may be seeing only 1/4 of the starting defensive line this spring. Shavod Atkinson, Kelvin Jackson, and John Weber all have some degree of acclaimation and are capable of starting. Atkinson and Weber were three-star rated and Jackson was 2nd team all-conference in his Mississippi JUCO.

The cupboard is pretty bare but several did gain some experience from last year. Russo seemed to make the biggest improvement, followed by DeSoto. To me, the others were mostly disappointments. I expected more from Franklin especially. Ross might be a decent spot player but I don't see him as a starter. While Cantly was redshirted, I still see the practice experience gained as a positive that could put him in the two-deep at DE.

Handing the defensive line coaching reins to Mike Nelson might be as important as any reason for improvement. He has tons of experience at the FBS level and, from reports, is already beginning to make a difference. A definite plus over the previous year.

Another factor that I believe will prove to be a marked improvement will be in strength, speed and conditioning. Strength Coach Ausmus is a proven commodity and I believe that you will see bigger, faster, and stronger players this year.

While I'm far from asserting that this will be the best defensive line in the conference, I'm pretty pumped over its potential. Then again, I know the definition of potential.

Edited by GrayEagleOne
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Everyone has their own views regarding the DL.

My view is this. The DL will be impressive this season.


1. DT Coach Mike Nelson. I beleive Coach Nelson is a good judge

of DL talent. At the LOI press conference event, Coach Nelson

spoke about the numbers of true DT's, all big guy's, and experienced

players. Coach Nelson was excited about coaching the DT's. Coach

Nelson is a dynamo-energetic, knowledgeable, teacher, motivator.

2. Coach Dodge assigned the entire DL to Coach Nelson- which is perfect

for Coach Nelson and for DC Gary DeLoach. Coach Nelson handled the

entire DL at BCS level programs. Coach Nelson and DC Gary DeLoach

are on the same page, and will work together to develop the DL. Putting

the entire DL under Coach Nelson's control is the right choice.

3. For the first time in many seasons, the DL will have several true big DT's, and

a true rotation with depth. I differ with Vito on the subject of the talent at DT.

Draylen Ross and Jesse DeSoto are very good DT's, that any D1 program would

want. Ross and DeSoto will soild. Just because the JUCO's come in, does not mean

they start. The JUCO's are very good, so they must be able to push out Ross and

DeSoto. Same for JUCO DE John Weber, and the other DE's on the team.

4. The development of the DL talent is right there. The more competition, the

better the DL becomes. A good Defense begins in the trenches. I do like how

the DL players are developing under Coach Nelson and DC Gary DeLoach.

5. Side note, regarding Cam and Lance's TD's against the DL. First, the RB's go

against the 2nd, 3rd teams alot. Brett Vito did not mention which Defensive unit

these RB's scored on in "red zone" drills. So, I would say, the RB's were doing what

they should be doing, scoring TD's, and the OL was doing their jobs too. I want the RB's

to be able to score on any defense, and I want the defense to stop anything the offense has.

The only way to make the offense and defense better, is the way competition and training

at practice, will point out the best players.

I do believe the 2009 team will have the personell in place, both on offense and defense, and will

be a stronger team than most fans expect.

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I think the team has several darn good RB's. Both Cam and Lance

had good runs against several good defensive teams last year.

I like this competition from the OL and RB's against the Defense

and the DL players. Tough competition means tough players.

Yes, DeLoach wants 4 good plays from the DL before the next

rotation can go in. Last year's DT rotation was too thin. The 2009 roation

will not be thin. There are 6 players that will either start or play alot in

the DT rotation.

Ross, Desoto, Atkinson, Jackson, gives a pretty solid 2 deep, at DT.

Add in Cantley at both DT and/or DE. Next up Troy Franklin, Stewart,

(who played pretty good last year), and possibly Kyle White, our

true freshman coming in this fall.

I am very glad to have Atkinson and Jackson coming in, but, they

are not starters yet, unless they are able to push out Ross and

DeSoto. Either way, these 4 or 5 players at DT, will make a huge

difference in the way offensive coordinators attack the NT defense.

Do not forget this. The DE position will be a good group too, with a

a two deep rotation, plus several more DE's with game experience.

These DL players will make a difference, and will improve the entire

defensive team play. The DL will be fun to watch in 2009.

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Everyone has their own views regarding the DL.

My view is this. The DL will be impressive this season.


1. DT Coach Mike Nelson. I beleive Coach Nelson is a good judge

of DL talent. At the LOI press conference event, Coach Nelson

spoke about the numbers of true DT's, all big guy's, and experienced

players. Coach Nelson was excited about coaching the DT's. Coach

Nelson is a dynamo-energetic, knowledgeable, teacher, motivator.

2. Coach Dodge assigned the entire DL to Coach Nelson- which is perfect

for Coach Nelson and for DC Gary DeLoach. Coach Nelson handled the

entire DL at BCS level programs. Coach Nelson and DC Gary DeLoach

are on the same page, and will work together to develop the DL. Putting

the entire DL under Coach Nelson's control is the right choice.

3. For the first time in many seasons, the DL will have several true big DT's, and

a true rotation with depth. I differ with Vito on the subject of the talent at DT.

Draylen Ross and Jesse DeSoto are very good DT's, that any D1 program would

want. Ross and DeSoto will soild. Just because the JUCO's come in, does not mean

they start. The JUCO's are very good, so they must be able to push out Ross and

DeSoto. Same for JUCO DE John Weber, and the other DE's on the team.

4. The development of the DL talent is right there. The more competition, the

better the DL becomes. A good Defense begins in the trenches. I do like how

the DL players are developing under Coach Nelson and DC Gary DeLoach.

5. Side note, regarding Cam and Lance's TD's against the DL. First, the RB's go

against the 2nd, 3rd teams alot. Brett Vito did not mention which Defensive unit

these RB's scored on in "red zone" drills. So, I would say, the RB's were doing what

they should be doing, scoring TD's, and the OL was doing their jobs too. I want the RB's

to be able to score on any defense, and I want the defense to stop anything the offense has.

The only way to make the offense and defense better, is the way competition and training

at practice, will point out the best players.

I do believe the 2009 team will have the personell in place, both on offense and defense, and will

be a stronger team than most fans expect.

Change the name from Nelson to DeLoach and the year from 2009 to 2008, and points one and two could have been made last year. It is never a good thing when you are relying on players that have yet to take a class at your school. Lets wait and see who shows up this fall. I still think we lack the needed talent at DL positions and will have trouble pressuring the QB and stopping good running teams.

Hope I'm wrong.

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