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It points to what I have been "discussing" on this board for some time...the absolute lack of any student support for athletics at UNT. There is a VERY...VERY...small core of students who go to the games and participate (Pit Crew, etc.) and who deserve thanks. But, there is a culture on the UNT campus that seems to keep the students away. You can name all the usual excuses such as too close to Dallas/Ft. Worth, commuter school, music school, losing record the last couple of years in football, etc., etc. But, none of those get to the heart of the matter.

If I were the "top dogs" in the administration at UNT I would definitely see this as a problem of support for the long-term. Students who are engaged in their universities while students tend to give back to their universities in much higher numbers throught out their lives.

Too bad...18 students take a free bus, free admission, etc. to support their university. Sad, so very sad for them as they are certainly missing out on some great memories.

I wonder again if "free" has something to do with preceived value?

Posted (edited)

Let's see what the actual turnout is like before we get mad. I know of several students who said they were going to drive on their own. Plus, they changed schedule. First the bus was leaving Saturday and they were going to pay for a hotel, then they changed their mind and said it was leaving Sunday and coming back after the game.

The AD had been planning this trip for 6 weeks, but didn't even tell the students until the night of the first round game. You can't expect people to make or change plans at the drop of a hat.

I don't blame the students. The marketing arm of our athletic department is horrible.

Edited by UNTflyer
Posted (edited)

  UNTflyer said:
Let's see what the actual turnout is like before we get mad. I know of several students who said they were going to drive on their own. Plus, they changed schedule. First the bus was leaving Saturday and they were going to pay for a hotel, then they changed their mind and said it was leaving Sunday and coming back after the game.

The AD had been planning this trip for 6 weeks, but didn't even tell the students until the night of the first round game. You can't expect people to make or change plans at the drop of a hat.

I don't blame the students. The marketing arm of our athletic department is horrible.

But wait a minute. It is the students who are to blame. You mean to tell me that out of 35,000 students we could not fill one bus?

Why can't the students seek out the information on their own? A simple phone call to the AD. Why do we have to continue to spoon feed college kids?

The problem is not with the marketing or the Athletic Department. There is simply a lack of desire in the hearts of our students. Hell, word of mouth alone should have filled up that bus regardless of the timing!

Edited by meangreenbob
Posted (edited)

  UNTflyer said:
Let's see what the actual turnout is like before we get mad. I know of several students who said they were going to drive on their own. Plus, they changed schedule. First the bus was leaving Saturday and they were going to pay for a hotel, then they changed their mind and said it was leaving Sunday and coming back after the game.

The AD had been planning this trip for 6 weeks, but didn't even tell the students until the night of the first round game. You can't expect people to make or change plans at the drop of a hat.

I don't blame the students. The marketing arm of our athletic department is horrible.

Communication, or lack of. <_<

Edited by NT80

  meangreenbob said:
But wait a minute. It is the students who are to blame. You mean to tell me that out of 35,000 students we could not fill one bus?

Why can't the students seek out the information on their own? A simple phone call to the AD. Why do we have to continue to spoon feed college kids?

The problem is not with the marketing or the Athletic Department. There is simply a lack of desire in the hearts of our students. Hell, word of mouth alone should have filled up that bus regardless of the timing!

Excuse me but marketing IS the problem. Otherwise the Dallas Cowboys (winner of five superbowls) wouldn't feel the need to advertise/market their product. Yet they do!

I know we are talking about two different teams here, but we are also talking about a "culture" at North Texas that takes CONSTANT ATTENTION to change.

The athletic "culture" at North Texas is like a child that was raised from birth to feel bad about themselves. At five they are given to new parents who are very positive people. That child will not change it's mind about itself overnight simply because they are in a better situation. They must be re-parented (in a positive way of course) EVERY DAY.....MAKE THAT SERVERAL TIMES EVERY DAY.....in some cases ALMOST EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY, for YEARS before they begin to change their view of themselves......and sometime even after that they still have residual negative feeling about themselves.

The North Texas "culture" was formed a long time ago by the Dr. Bruces and Dr. Matthews of our family. It's going to take a lot of RE-PARENTING to turn it around.

So we must make POSITIVE contact with our new children on a regular basis in order to avoid these situations in the future.

Posted (edited)

  SilverEagle said:
Excuse me but marketing IS the problem. Otherwise the Dallas Cowboys (winner of five superbowls) wouldn't feel the need to advertise/market their product. Yet they do!

I know we are talking about two different teams here, but we are also talking about a "culture" at North Texas that takes CONSTANT ATTENTION to change.

The athletic "culture" at North Texas is like a child that was raised from birth to feel bad about themselves. At five they are given to new parents who are very positive people. That child will not change it's mind about itself overnight simply because they are in a better situation. They must be re-parented (in a positive way of course) EVERY DAY.....MAKE THAT SERVERAL TIMES EVERY DAY.....in some cases ALMOST EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY, for YEARS before they begin to change their view of themselves......and sometime even after that they still have residual negative feeling about themselves.

The North Texas "culture" was formed a long time ago by the Dr. Bruces and Dr. Matthews of our family. It's going to take a lot of RE-PARENTING to turn it around.

So we must make POSITIVE contact with our new children on a regular basis in order to avoid these situations in the future.

No sir, marketing or the lack of it was not the problem in this situation. If you had 10 to 15 buses lined up and ready to go and only 18 showed up than yes marketing would be the problem but that was not the case. We are talking about (1) bus and 35,000 students. I know that there were (5) no shows but this is still pathetic. Also, no disrespect but I do not buy your analogy concerning the athletic "culture" at UNT. Just my opinion.

Edited by meangreenbob

  meangreenbob said:
No sir, marketing was not the problem in this situation. If you had 10 to 15 buses lined up and ready to go than yes marketing would be the problem but that was not the case. We are talking about (1) bus and 35,000 students. I know that there were (5) no shows but this is still pathetic. Also, no disrespect but I do not buy your analogy concerning the athletic "culture" at UNT. Lets stop treating our kids as helpless little babies. After all, isn't that what the communist.............I mean Democratic Party is doing? Sorry.

It doesn't have to be one end of the spectrum or the other: 60+ years of horrible administration and liberal anti-athletic oriented students is going to have some carry over. We've had some great times the last 10 years, but some apathy is still present and can't be dismissed as if we are Tennessee.

And if this wasn't announced until the day after or before the Wednesday game, than I think marketing could have been better. Especially if times were changed and minds were not made up.

Feel free to disagree.

Posted (edited)

I am at school every week. I didn't hear about it. If I had heard about it I couldn't have gone because I have to work this weekend. I could have arranged my schedule around it (ie. PLANNED for it) if it was announced a month or two in advance. Hell, even a couple weeks in advance would have helped out. They could have handled this better, and gotten a big rowdy crowd at the game(s).

Letting me know something is going to happen is not treating me like a baby.

Expecting a bus-load of students to be able to drop their weekend plans at the last moment (which may or may include working and preparing for tests) to go to Arkansas is a tad on the unreasonable side.

In this age of communication we have a terrible website that screams annoyingly, little or no email alerts concerning the team, no use of text-updates, and basically a crappy marketing department.

With what seems like half the student population walking around with iPhones, why do we not get our Tech guys to make a UNT app? why do we suck so much?

Edited by aztecskin

I also am on campus every week and first found out about it at the game on Wednesday. Theres no way I could change my work schedule in 3 days notice to attend a basketball game. Had I known when they originally planned on doing this (who knows when that actually was) I would certainly have gone. Yes, there are 35,000 students, but I'm willing to bet less than 5% actually knew about it and MUCH less knew about it with more than a couple days of notice... If thats not a marketing problem, then I don't know what is.


Let's keep this thread going and change the face of North Texas marketing.

Anyone up for a Jamie Adams and Paul Batchelder ignoring party? I have inside sources that tell me those conniving bastards think the internet is evil and never check their email. Perhaps they've tag teamed Brett in his attempt to terminate Mean Green sports.



Pitiful. And many of us often wonder why we cannot get in an upgraded conference or NIT bids. I went to a Class A high school playoff game the other day which was a couple of hundred miles away from both schools, and the place was packed with hometown fans. It's a wonder that we even have an athletic program with this kind of support. Our lack of support is superceded only by UTA, which unlike North Texas, truly is a commuter school. If we can't even get the Greeks to support the program, how do we expect to get the Geeks, Freaks, Nerds and everday "normal" guys and gals to come out for the games? Really sad, and I don't know the answer. Maybe we have a lot of students taking personal vehicles. B) Enough bitching. I'll be headed out tonight (after we whip MTSU) to watch us kick some butt both Monday AND Tuesday. And I don't even get in for free!


  risinggreen said:
Pitiful. And many of us often wonder why we cannot get in an upgraded conference or NIT bids. I went to a Class A high school playoff game the other day which was a couple of hundred miles away from both schools, and the place was packed with hometown fans. It's a wonder that we even have an athletic program with this kind of support. Our lack of support is superceded only by UTA, which unlike North Texas, truly is a commuter school. If we can't even get the Greeks to support the program, how do we expect to get the Geeks, Freaks, Nerds and everday "normal" guys and gals to come out for the games? Really sad, and I don't know the answer. Maybe we have a lot of students taking personal vehicles. B) Enough bitching. I'll be headed out tonight (after we whip MTSU) to watch us kick some butt both Monday AND Tuesday. And I don't even get in for free!

You're right. We have an apathetic fanbase. Part of it is that we don't have a tradition of winning. Its hard for everyone to get excited about pulling out a squeeker against a Sunbelt team when there are more compelling teams on television. Those things cannot be alleviated by clever marketing. Only winning is the cure. But, given the fact that we have a tentative hold on the attentions of the student population, we should make every effort to reach out to them and squeeze every drop of attention that is willing to be offered. Translation: there are only so many who are willing to freely give their time to this team, so they should make sure that every one that wanted to attend/participate and could have attended/participated knew about it with enough time to do so.



UNT should of at least sent out an email to all of the students on Wednesday about the bus. It does not cost anything to send out an email to 35k students and it takes only a couple minutes to write an email. In fact, students should be getting regular emails about athletics and other things that are happening on campus in order to encourage them to participate in the college experience. Is this too much to ask?


  Green Jackal said:
UNT should of at least sent out an email to all of the students on Wednesday about the bus. It does not cost anything to send out an email to 35k students and it takes only a couple minutes to write an email. In fact, students should be getting regular emails about athletics and other things that are happening on campus in order to encourage them to participate in the college experience. Is this too much to ask?

An email did go out, several in fact.


  risinggreen said:
Pitiful. And many of us often wonder why we cannot get in an upgraded conference or NIT bids. I went to a Class A high school playoff game the other day which was a couple of hundred miles away from both schools, and the place was packed with hometown fans. It's a wonder that we even have an athletic program with this kind of support. Our lack of support is superceded only by UTA, which unlike North Texas, truly is a commuter school. If we can't even get the Greeks to support the program, how do we expect to get the Geeks, Freaks, Nerds and everday "normal" guys and gals to come out for the games? Really sad, and I don't know the answer. Maybe we have a lot of students taking personal vehicles. B) Enough bitching. I'll be headed out tonight (after we whip MTSU) to watch us kick some butt both Monday AND Tuesday. And I don't even get in for free!

I know the answer. Lingerie for the women and speedos for the men. Guaranteed to work. At the very least we'll get the gay and lesbian crowd to show :lol: . Also, could have filled a dozen buses if we had the right waitresses serving snacks and beverages.


  aztecskin said:
I am at school every week. I didn't hear about it. If I had heard about it I couldn't have gone because I have to work this weekend. I could have arranged my schedule around it (ie. PLANNED for it) if it was announced a month or two in advance. Hell, even a couple weeks in advance would have helped out. They could have handled this better, and gotten a big rowdy crowd at the game(s).

Letting me know something is going to happen is not treating me like a baby.

Expecting a bus-load of students to be able to drop their weekend plans at the last moment (which may or may include working and preparing for tests) to go to Arkansas is a tad on the unreasonable side.

In this age of communication we have a terrible website that screams annoyingly, little or no email alerts concerning the team, no use of text-updates, and basically a crappy marketing department.

With what seems like half the student population walking around with iPhones, why do we not get our Tech guys to make a UNT app? why do we suck so much?

For God's sake son, have you never heard about taking the initiative? What do you need, a personal phone call? Why is it everyone's else's fault. If you're posting on this board then you knew what was going on, period! Have we dumbed down two generations of kids to the point that they believe they are entitled to a free house, free car, free health insurance..............YES!!! And the sad thing is that it will cost us our freedom.

Posted (edited)

  aztecskin said:
You're right. We have an apathetic fanbase. Part of it is that we don't have a tradition of winning. Its hard for everyone to get excited about pulling out a squeeker against a Sunbelt team when there are more compelling teams on television. Those things cannot be alleviated by clever marketing. Only winning is the cure. But, given the fact that we have a tentative hold on the attentions of the student population, we should make every effort to reach out to them and squeeze every drop of attention that is willing to be offered. Translation: there are only so many who are willing to freely give their time to this team, so they should make sure that every one that wanted to attend/participate and could have attended/participated knew about it with enough time to do so.



WE have won 20 games for the last three years!!!!

Furthermore, and listen very very clearly! It is not about winning! It never has been! It's about PRIDE in the school you go to. Win or lose! Who the hell is spreading the rumor that your school or team must win before you can attend games? I honestly want to know.

Learn the UNT FIGHT SONG before you post such nonsense!!!!

Edited by meangreenbob

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