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Brett Vito


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I give props to anyone who has to cover this GOD awful team we have had over the past several seasons. He does a good job , gives very informative info and does so even when Dodge doesn't seem to want to give him the time of day. Keep it up Brett , you got a fan here !

Edited by NT03
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I like Brett, but he lets his opinion seep in his stories once in a while. The BLOG is where I find him most distressing at times where he appeared to take cheap shots at the football program in the past, but it seems like he has been much less on the negative side in recent weeks perhaps this year.

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Vito is a nice guy - a very nice guy. Vito has a problem with Dodge and he lets that get in the way of his career. Bad mistake in my opinion. A beat reporter is usually a fan of the team that they write about. Vito seems to like it when Dodge fails... I dunno, nice guy - wrong beat?

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Vito is a nice guy - a very nice guy. Vito has a problem with Dodge and he lets that get in the way of his career. Bad mistake in my opinion. A beat reporter is usually a fan of the team that they write about. Vito seems to like it when Dodge fails... I dunno, nice guy - wrong beat?

Vito does not hate us...because we do not hate him! The poll numbers, so far, show that; we are at worst, "nuetral". Vito may be disappointed about the previous QB leaving town, and dashing his hopes for a pizza parlor partner and a world-class pizza parlor name-Vito Vizza Pizza!

Edited by eulessismore
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Vito has to love this poll. It is a reporters dream to be the center of discussion because it shows that what he is writing is getting a reaction. I remember listening to one of the now many writers that is on the readio saying that he knew he was doing his job when half the people loved him and half the people hated him.

Good Work V-dog.

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At first I thought Brett was a guy just doing his job reporting what really was a lot of bad news. I thought the guy was a legitimate reporter until instead of reporting the news he dug out and obscure article from the more obscure minor market news rag so that Brett Vito could manufacture a "story" about bias on Todd Dodge's part. After that "story" I am now certain this slim ball who dares to consider himself a reporter should just go away. A charity group on who's board I serve has cancelled our $15K contract with Belo this year. I' strongly encouraging every company and charity with whom I have contact to cancel or at least reduce their advertising with every Belo entity and attribute their cuts to unquestionably grossly inaccurate and biased writing of Brett Vito. It's not having a major effect, but in an age when newspapers are closing down a "reporter's" unquestionably poor reporting standards that are directly contributing to a lose of advertising is certainly not going to help his career. I understand that Bett's education is dubious at best, but perhaps he would consider taking some reporting ethics classes from the university he is assigned to cover. He might actually learn something. "Learning something," a concept which has so far eluded him in his brief "career" in Dentin.

Edited by VideoEagle
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Vito is a nice guy - a very nice guy. Vito has a problem with Dodge and he lets that get in the way of his career. Bad mistake in my opinion. A beat reporter is usually a fan of the team that they write about. Vito seems to like it when Dodge fails... I dunno, nice guy - wrong beat?

Steve is right, I like Vito but I don't enjoy the attitude he has had in the past with our team. But like Gas I think Brett has mellowed lately. I also think the poll needs more options, that cover this sentiment.

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I hate your face.

( JP's robot voice from Grandma's Boy)

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