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Here's something I have been wondering about when it comes to the incredibly POOR turnout of UNT students for athletic events. Does the fact that students get in "free" work to the detriment of a larger turnout?

Now, before you dismiss this out of hand and before you chime in with "students actually do pay for tickets with their athletic fees", I ask that you think about it seriously for a bit and then reply. I have been to other colleges where students also pay a general athletic fee, but then have to purchase tickets to games. Yes, there were fewer seats available to students at these schools and the attendance was a "must do" for students...both seemingly not the case at UNT. But, would students, if they had to pay something for the actual ticket/passes see more "value" in them and thus put more effort into actually attending? Is this a case of "if it's free it cannot be worth much" going on at UNT?

If not a "pay" system (yes, at a discount cost of course) would having students make the effort to obtain a student football pass, then a basketball pass, and the an "all other sports" pass do any good in adding some "valuse"? Here the student would have to make the effort to go get the pass/passes, so pperhaps making the effort to do that would incent them to actually show-up for the games?

I certainly don't know the answer, but was mentioning this to another member...a great member at that...of the Mean Green Nation recently and we could not come up an answer to this. So, I ask here for the guidance of my fellow and esteemed GMG.COM posters! What do you think?


I've always wondered about that myself. Kind of like the phenomenon where you try to give something away for free, nobody wants it. Put a price tag on it saying "bargain," they eat it up.

There's a lot more behind our problems than conference affiliation. I would add Fouts atmosphere, and an established tradition of student apathy.


You didn't point out any specific examples, but I'm going to guess that the schools you're referencing use the fact that they don't have much trouble filling their venues with paying non-students as justification in charging students.

UY/A$M for example charge students because there such ridiculous demand for every seat in the house.

Start charging here and be prepared for 50% less student turnout.


Conference affiliation is a huge factor.

5 of the 7 non-conference home games in the past 5 years were over 20,000. Only 1 of 18 conference games was over 20,000. Nobody cares about playing Florida International.

Non- Conference

SMU 2006- 25,231

Tulsa 2008 - 22,785

Navy 2007- 26,012

NM State 2004 - 18,729

Idaho 2004 - 14,583

Tulsa 2005 - 23,112

Baylor 2003 - 29,437

Conference games:


FIU - 16,781

LALA- 17,106

Troy - 18,345

Arkansas State - 9,761


FAU - 20,479

LAMO - 18,973

MTSU - 18,181

WKU - 5,027


MTSU - 16,986

FIU - 15,123

FAU - 9,806


Troy - 17,644

LALA- 14,153

LAMO - 19,632

Ark State - 7,691


FAU - 15,803

MTSU - 15,913

ULM - 10,893


Conference affiliation is a huge factor.

5 of the 7 non-conference home games in the past 5 years were over 20,000. Only 1 of 18 conference games was over 20,000. Nobody cares about playing Florida International.

Agree, this is why after the new stadium we must make moving up to at least CUSA a priority. Conference games vs Tulsa, Smut, Houston, Rice, Tulane and UTEP would at least be recognized by students.


Conference affiliation is a huge factor.

5 of the 7 non-conference home games in the past 5 years were over 20,000. Only 1 of 18 conference games was over 20,000. Nobody cares about playing Florida International.

Non- Conference

SMU 2006- 25,231

Tulsa 2008 - 22,785

Navy 2007- 26,012

NM State 2004 - 18,729

Idaho 2004 - 14,583

Tulsa 2005 - 23,112

Baylor 2003 - 29,437

Conference games:


FIU - 16,781

LALA- 17,106

Troy - 18,345

Arkansas State - 9,761


FAU - 20,479

LAMO - 18,973

MTSU - 18,181

WKU - 5,027


MTSU - 16,986

FIU - 15,123

FAU - 9,806


Troy - 17,644

LALA- 14,153

LAMO - 19,632

Ark State - 7,691


FAU - 15,803

MTSU - 15,913

ULM - 10,893

I somewhat agree with this but also remember that by the time conference rolls around, we are looking at a 1-4, 0-5 record that keeps people away. A new, fresh season always brings optimism and larger crowds.


So, Green P1...question...if the student turnout were cut in half...would anyone notice????? A 50% reduction from what we have now relative to the size of the student body would hardly be noticed. The only student turnout on a game to game basis worth mentioning is our GREAT PIT CREW!!!! Hats off to the core members of this great group of students. It's a real shame that more UNT students don't have enough pride in their university to make the effort...what little effort need be made...to attend the games.

THANK YOU PIT CREW...you are the GREATEST. Try to hijack at least one other student each and bring them with you to the game Wednesday at the Super Pit.

Go Mean Green!!!


Face this fact. We are playing a perceived minor league schedule in a major market. The only way to truly get student attendance is to up the profile of the teams coming to Denton or beat Sun Belt teams by 40 every game. You will get the buzz you need by doing either one of the two scenerios.


So, Green P1...question...if the student turnout were cut in half...would anyone notice????? A 50% reduction from what we have now relative to the size of the student body would hardly be noticed. The only student turnout on a game to game basis worth mentioning is our GREAT PIT CREW!!!! Hats off to the core members of this great group of students. It's a real shame that more UNT students don't have enough pride in their university to make the effort...what little effort need be made...to attend the games.

THANK YOU PIT CREW...you are the GREATEST. Try to hijack at least one other student each and bring them with you to the game Wednesday at the Super Pit.

Go Mean Green!!!

The sad fact is that the majority of our student body came here in part because they "don't give a flip" about sports. Complaining about it is like beating you're head against a wall. The only cure for what ales is success.


Conference affiliation is a huge factor.

5 of the 7 non-conference home games in the past 5 years were over 20,000. Only 1 of 18 conference games was over 20,000. Nobody cares about playing Florida International.

Non- Conference

SMU 2006- 25,231

Tulsa 2008 - 22,785

Navy 2007- 26,012

NM State 2004 - 18,729

Idaho 2004 - 14,583

Tulsa 2005 - 23,112

Baylor 2003 - 29,437

Conference games:


FIU - 16,781

LALA- 17,106

Troy - 18,345

Arkansas State - 9,761


FAU - 20,479

LAMO - 18,973

MTSU - 18,181

WKU - 5,027


MTSU - 16,986

FIU - 15,123

FAU - 9,806


Troy - 17,644

LALA- 14,153

LAMO - 19,632

Ark State - 7,691


FAU - 15,803

MTSU - 15,913

ULM - 10,893

Excellent Post and great stats to back it up, when I last talked with RV he said that they are working on getting into a better conference but said that at that time we couldnt compete with UTEP over the CUSA spot that opened up. I believe that was our biggest downfall.


Anyone see the OSU-Texas game on TV Saturday evening? Students packed the place. I also read that T. Boone Pickens picked up a good bit of the cost for the student tickets so more students would attend. Interesting to note that students do have to buy tickets for OSU athletic events. I recall I did so when I was a grad student at OSU, but the cost was reasonable. They do it because there is more demand for tickets than available seating. I get that,. And, I get that OSU plays in the Big XII as opposed to the Sunbelt.

BUT, for the life of me, I can't figure why that should make such a difference at UNT. With a student popukation the size of UNT's the old adage that UNT students are "different" or that they come here for "different reasons" simply doesn't hold water any longer. Some do come for different reasons and atre different types of students, but out of 33-35,000???? Come on, that EXCUSE #1, and lets the students off way to easily. Sunbelt or Big XII, more students should be attending than currently are doing so.

So, if all the reasons given are correct, what can UNT do to reverse the trend? Yes, there are the usual ones...bigger conference, better teams at home, win more...but besides those...can anything be done? I honestly don't know.

Why do the Pit Crew members show up and do such a good job while other students simply "couldn't be bothered"? Don't know...seems like it would make a good master's thesis for someone....

GO MEAN GREEN. See you at the Super Pit Wednesday!!!!


Oklahoma State traditonally has one of the toughest venues to play - Gallagher/Iba is famous for being one of the top 5-10 venues for watching a college game. That counts for alot too. It's like....they'll pack the place even when they aren't that great because it's so ingrained in their culture.


Except for football, students get into free to all USC sporting events, even basketball.

Now wonder OJ Mayo left so quickly.


The sad fact is that the majority of our student body came here in part because they "don't give a flip" about sports. Complaining about it is like beating you're head against a wall. The only cure for what ales is success.

GreenP1...just wondering. Where did you get the data that the "majority of our student body came here in part because they don't 'give a flip' about sports"? Is there research on that "fact" somewhere or is it just personal opinion based on observation? I definitely would like to see the data of that if it exists some where.


GreenP1...just wondering. Where did you get the data that the "majority of our student body came here in part because they don't 'give a flip' about sports"? Is there research on that "fact" somewhere or is it just personal opinion based on observation? I definitely would like to see the data of that if it exists some where.

The data was gathered during my six year observational study. From 02-08 I lived, studied, partied, and slept with the population in question. I may or may not write a book.


GreenP1...interesting observational data. Hardly scientific, but interesting none the less. What was your major? I wonder if this attitude is "major" related?

I have often felt as if the music, art, drama, etc. students were "less than interested" in most any type of campus organized activity, but I do think there may be many exceptions to my observations within the ranks of our music, art, drama, etc. students. It may be completely unfair to say one major or another leads the "I don't care crowd".

So, I guess what you are saying is that it has nothing to do with the conference affilitaion or the won-loss record. It is just that UNT students in general "don't do athletics"? Interesting. Anyone else share this view? If that is the majority view, is UNT destined to always have low student turnout?


GreenP1...interesting observational data. Hardly scientific, but interesting none the less. What was your major? I wonder if this attitude is "major" related?

I have often felt as if the music, art, drama, etc. students were "less than interested" in most any type of campus organized activity, but I do think there may be many exceptions to my observations within the ranks of our music, art, drama, etc. students. It may be completely unfair to say one major or another leads the "I don't care crowd".

So, I guess what you are saying is that it has nothing to do with the conference affilitaion or the won-loss record. It is just that UNT students in general "don't do athletics"? Interesting. Anyone else share this view? If that is the majority view, is UNT destined to always have low student turnout?

To clear my point up... conference, win/loss(especially in king football) are the main reasons for low student turnout. I was just pointing out that almost no one chooses to attend UNT because they're a fan of Mean Green athletics. UT, A&M, __________(insert favorite major program here) have rabid fans enrolling as freshmen every year. Unless you grew up in Denton or had a parent who cared, chances are you don't know/care about anything Mean Green related. I'll admit that upon enrolling the only thing I knew as an 18 year old kid was that Mean Joe Green played here like 30 years ago and the football field sucked. Thats the view of high school kids.

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