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And, finally, New Rule: Stop pretending that other governments have nothing to teach us. From those socialists in Sweden, we can learn how to fix a banking crisis. And from our friends in China, we can learn how to punish the jerks who caused it.

You know, the ones who took bailout money and bought private jets made out of rubies and veal. This is Dick Fuld of Lehman Brothers. [slide of Fuld] What a "dick" Fuld. He personally made $500 million in sub-prime mortgages, and he gets to keep it while you and I pay off his bad bets. [slide of Madoff] This is Bernie Madoff. Bernie stole $50 billion, mostly from other Jews. For Jews, this was the worst pyramid scheme since the actual pyramids.

Which brings me back to China. Now, a couple months ago, some greedy businessmen in China were caught spiking the milk they sold to children with melamine, a plastic-derivative which boosted the protein levels and, thus, their profits. Well, you know what the Chinese are doing to the businessmen behind their milk scandal? They're putting them to death.

Talk about lactose intolerant.

Now, am I saying we should treat the bankers who poisoned our financial markets with tainted investments the way China treated its poisoners? Please, we're not China. We're just owned by China. So, no, I don't think we should put all the bankers to death.

Just two. I mean, maybe it's not technically legal, but, let's look at the upside. If we killed two random, rich, greedy pigs. I mean, killed. Like, blew them up at halftime at next year's Super Bowl. Or left them hanging on the big board at the New York Stock Exchange. You know, as a warning, with their balls in their mouth. I think it would really make everyone else sit up and take notice.

This crisis is rooted in greed. And if two deaths shocked a society of 300 million into acting decently enough to avoid this in the future, well, they'd die as heroes. And, you know, it's not like collateral damage isn't built into our assessment of things.

Cars kill almost 50,000 people a year, but we accept that as a fair price for being able to get around without riding on top of an animal.

So, two dead bankers really starts to look like a bargain. And isn't that what they love? Bargains?

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No, we err greatly in looking at governments because no other country has the mix of civilians that we do. The rest of the world is largely homogenous in each of their populations. This makes everything easier from immigration law to health studies.

Sweden? Are you kidding? Can you get a more homogenous population group than Sweden?

No country has the melting pot that we have. No country takes on the amount of immigrants we have.

We've got caucasians whose lineage is European, hispanic Americans from all over Central and South America, blacks whose roots are in Africa or the Carribean, Asians of all stripe and background, continental Indians, native American Indians, Arabs from all over the Near and Middle East, Africans, etc., etc., etc....and on top of all of that...The Amish!

Each has their own culture. Each has their own beliefs about everything from God to how to make a living. Each has their own genetic predisposition to certain illnesses and diseases. This is not a one-size-fits-all population in the U.S.A.

And, so we're supposed to look at countries that are damn near 100% homogenous as social and political examples?

To suggest that kind of garbage is to be expected from morons like Bill Maher. Years ago, I ceased to be amazed at the simplistic drivel people like him tired to push onto their viewers as "thought provoking." Anyone with just a cursory grip on health differences among the American demographic groups would never suggest we follow any other country in the world. But, therein lies the problem...most commentators don't have a cursory grip on anything other than running off with the mouth.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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No, we err greatly in looking at governments because no other country has the mix of civilians that we do. The rest of the world is largely homogenous in each of their populations. This makes everything easier from immigration law to health studies.

Sweden? Are you kidding? Can you get a more homogenous population group than Sweden?

No country has the melting pot that we have. No country takes on the amount of immigrants we have.

We've got caucasians whose lineage is European, hispanic Americans from all over Central and South America, blacks whose roots are in Africa or the Carribean, Asians of all stripe and background, continental Indians, native American Indians, Arabs from all over the Near and Middle East, Africans, etc., etc., etc....and on top of all of that...The Amish!

Each has their own culture. Each has their own beliefs about everything from God to how to make a living. Each has their own genetic predisposition to certain illnesses and diseases. This is not a one-size-fits-all population in the U.S.A.

And, so we're supposed to look at countries that are damn near 100% homogenous as social and political examples?

To suggest that kind of garbage is to be expected from morons like Bill Maher. Years ago, I ceased to be amazed at the simplistic drivel people like him tired to push onto their viewers as "thought provoking." Anyone with just a cursory grip on health differences among the American demographic groups would never suggest we follow any other country in the world. But, therein lies the problem...most commentators don't have a cursory grip on anything other than running off with the mouth.

Tell us how you really feel, don't hold back.

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No, we err greatly in looking at governments because no other country has the mix of civilians that we do. The rest of the world is largely homogenous in each of their populations. This makes everything easier from immigration law to health studies.

Sweden? Are you kidding? Can you get a more homogenous population group than Sweden?

No country has the melting pot that we have. No country takes on the amount of immigrants we have.

I stopped reading here.

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No, we err greatly in looking at governments because no other country has the mix of civilians that we do. The rest of the world is largely homogenous in each of their populations. This makes everything easier from immigration law to health studies.

Sweden? Are you kidding? Can you get a more homogenous population group than Sweden?

No country has the melting pot that we have. No country takes on the amount of immigrants we have.

We've got caucasians whose lineage is European, hispanic Americans from all over Central and South America, blacks whose roots are in Africa or the Carribean, Asians of all stripe and background, continental Indians, native American Indians, Arabs from all over the Near and Middle East, Africans, etc., etc., etc....and on top of all of that...The Amish!

Each has their own culture. Each has their own beliefs about everything from God to how to make a living. Each has their own genetic predisposition to certain illnesses and diseases. This is not a one-size-fits-all population in the U.S.A.

And, so we're supposed to look at countries that are damn near 100% homogenous as social and political examples?

To suggest that kind of garbage is to be expected from morons like Bill Maher. Years ago, I ceased to be amazed at the simplistic drivel people like him tired to push onto their viewers as "thought provoking." Anyone with just a cursory grip on health differences among the American demographic groups would never suggest we follow any other country in the world. But, therein lies the problem...most commentators don't have a cursory grip on anything other than running off with the mouth.

Please tell me what any of this has to do with punishment for stealing millions upon millions from people and walking away scot free?

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I don't care what anybody says... this board is a lot better because Lonnie is on it, whichever side you fall on.

This is your Brain on Drugs!!

Edited by GreenBat
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Bill Maher is an IDIOT! It's sad that reporters like Paul harvey are gone and we are left with IDIOTS like Bill Maher...the guy is nothing but a hack! Why waste your time on theis guy.

In the immortal words of GreenGuyBass..."Who Cares?"

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Bill Maher is an IDIOT! It's sad that reporters like Paul harvey are gone and we are left with IDIOTS like Bill Maher...the guy is nothing but a hack! Why waste your time on theis guy.

In the immortal words of GreenGuyBass..."Who Cares?"

Just another conserfative idiot who doesn't get it. It's humor.

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....and insightful humor at that. This guy at least gets conservatives to come on his show and debate with him. You never see people like Rush Limbaugh (that fat prescription abusing hypocrite) do the same thing.

Rush Limbaugh rarely does interviews at all, especially since he lost his hearing. He became addicted to Oxycotin after having a painful surgery. It happens to the best of people, and I don't see how he has been "hypocrite" regarding this.

As to Maher's conservative guests, they are typically weak, spaghetti-spined Republicans who are not very skilled at making their argument. Most of them I have never heard of. I suspect that's exactly what Maher wants so as to make himself look good.

His show is liberal, for liberals, with liberal guests, a liberal studio audience, and he pushes his liberal point of view. That's all fine, but what is the point in conservatives even appearing on his show? It would be like inviting a Hindu to a Baptist Sunday service. The host and the audience is hostile and not even interested in listening with an open mind.

Edited by UNTflyer
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Rush Limbaugh rarely does interviews at all, especially since he lost his hearing. He became addicted to Oxycotin after having a painful surgery. It happens to the best of people, and I don't see how he has been "hypocrite" regarding this.

Because he's on record saying drug addicts should be incarcerated.

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Because he's on record saying drug addicts should be incarcerated.

Perhaps in the past, when he spoke about recreation drug users and dealers... and if he was still railing about "sending people up" for their drug use, then I might agree he is a hypocrite, but he's not. The ACLU defended Rush when the police wanted his medical records, and the ACLU was one of Rush's biggest targets.

People often soften their opinions when they discover they are just as human as everyone else. I think most people would agree that people who get a DUI should be thrown in jail... until the night they get pulled over after having 2 beers.

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Rush Limbaugh rarely does interviews at all, especially since he lost his hearing. He became addicted to Oxycotin after having a painful surgery. It happens to the best of people, and I don't see how he has been "hypocrite" regarding this.

As to Maher's conservative guests, they are typically weak, spaghetti-spined Republicans who are not very skilled at making their argument. Most of them I have never heard of. I suspect that's exactly what Maher wants so as to make himself look good.

His show is liberal, for liberals, with liberal guests, a liberal studio audience, and he pushes his liberal point of view. That's all fine, but what is the point in conservatives even appearing on his show? It would be like inviting a Hindu to a Baptist Sunday service. The host and the audience is hostile and not even interested in listening with an open mind.

He's had Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reily and Christopher Hitchens on his show more than once. I wouldn't call any of these three people spineless. Bill Maher is going to debate Ann Coulter at the Chicago Theatre on March 11th.

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He's had Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reily and Christopher Hitchens on his show more than once. I wouldn't call any of these three people spineless. Bill Maher is going to debate Ann Coulter at the Chicago Theatre on March 11th.

He fraking dated Ann Coulter for crying out loud. So much for GOP Lifer's argument.

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He's had Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reily and Christopher Hitchens on his show more than once. I wouldn't call any of these three people spineless. Bill Maher is going to debate Ann Coulter at the Chicago Theatre on March 11th.

Please note that I said "typically".

O'Reilly and Hitches are not conservatives. O'Reilly is a right-leaning independent... and Hitchens? For cryin' out loud he used to brand himself a socialist.

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I used to watch the O'Reilly factor every night for years and read several of his books. O'Reilly is an entertainer not a journalist. I grew tired of his ignorance on so many topics. Also he and others on the network were called out for being mouthpiece for the former adminstration that was in office.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann is a much better show than the O'Reilly Factor and I switched two years ago.

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Maher is to the left what Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, O'Reilly etc... are for the right. I have no real beef with any of them. We live in a country with free speech thank goodness. Their shows create easily definable demographics for advertisers and they rake in the profits. Good for them, its the American way. I will say it irritates me that so many Americans look to these entertainers to form a political view point. We are becoming a Country of sheep.

By the way, if you don't mind Limbaugh calling you his Lieutenant. You are sheep.

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