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Way To Go Vito!


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So Vito, what good does it do my school for you to acknowledge and validate the destructive, distorted and deceptive view of a few malcontents (anti-athletic/stadium) whose only purpose is to draw attention to their own insecurity by giving them ink in the DMNS Sports Section, unless of course...you're one of them!

If I was in charge of our AD you would not be welcomed in our offices, PERIOD! Go work for smu, Brett!

Edited by meangreenbob
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This is a story that belongs in the Daily but not in the DMN sports section. Come on. We do not even know what validity to give this event yet. This is some students trying to voice their rebellion and certainly their rights. Hopefully as has been stated "no worries" on this situation. But this is not newsworthy in the DMN! All press is not good press. Kids may not be reading this but some parents (Dads) are and they do give their opinions on where there kids go to school. "Maby you should not consider NT, I get the impression they are anti sports/spirt". Whatever it is the impression may have been made.

I believe we are working towards a different attitude towards UNT sports overall. But with our history (or lack of it ) most of our momentum is baby steps. And this frustrates us all. Bad pr like this can really set us back. And we are in a pr battle for students and alum money. Part of our past problems was that the administration did not put resources into this pr battle. Heck I am not sure if they even wanted to step up the plate or realized what all the other schools were doing. We are so far behind and this kind of stuff sets us back with the public and our own sleeping alums.

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So Vito, what good does it do my school for you to acknowledge and validate the distructive, distorted and deceptive view of a few malcontents (anti-athletic/stadium) whose only purpose is to draw attention to their own insecurity by giving them ink in the DMNS Sports Section, unless of course...you're one of them!

If I was in charge of our AD you would not be welcomed in our offices, PERIOD! Go work for smu, Brett!

Here's a secret I picked up from a sportswriter once: It is the goal of every beat writer to run the teams he covers into the ground. That way, instead of traveling to conference playoffs or even the NCAA and having hundreds of thousands of people read his stories, the reporter gets to stay at home and sit on the sofa in his bathrobe and watch on TV as other reporters cover the events in a distant city. Those other guys have to deal with travel and logistics and covering the press conferences and getting free tote bags and feeling like they're part of something big and flashy and exciting. Chumps!

This distructive (sic) impulse of beat reporters is well documented. The news media thrive when the local team ceases being nationally prominent. It's how they save money in these tough times. If the Cowboys were ever to win the Super Bowl again, for example, the DMN would be very upset because it would have to print maybe 500,000 extra copies that would sell out in hours -- newsprint is way expensive! -- and their web site would have to deal with millions and millions and millions of hits from all over the world, thus driving up the company's revenues and international brand identity and making them pay more taxes. By the same token, the networks hate covering the Super Bowl and raking in huge truckloads of cash because they have to pay OT to all those production crew members.

So I'm sure that each time Vito reports factually on any negativity regarding UNT football, thus further marginalizing the appeal of stories about the program, his boss lets him use the Employee of the Month parking space as a little thank-you. If Vito reports factually on a postive development at UNT, he gets stuck with the night cops beat as punishment. For all the reasons cited above, the DRC is praying for the utter distruction (sic again) of the major employer in its home city in order to hold down coverage expenses. What some might think is a kind of sick pathology is actually part of a carefully crafted business plan.

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i disagree that a reporter's job is just to report only the good news. its a fact that some students want a re-vote. are we so afraid of its results that we pretend it isn't in process and stick our heads in the sand? smacks of censorship to me, something we experienced under our most recend axis of evil, bush, cheanny, and rumsfeld.

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I sent an email to Dr.B voicing my concern...you might want to do the same. Just go to the University web site and go to administration and there is a link to Dr.B's office. I got an email back very quickly from an assistant who guaranteed me that Dr.B would see my email. Suggest that you put your date of graduation and reference any donations you have made to the school...member Mean Green Club, etc.

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Sorry, I was not very clear on one point. I sent the email to Dr.B referencing my concern over the student petition, not Vito's reporting. I probably should have put this info under the stuff about the referendum, not here. Administrator, please feel free to put this under the referendum discussion if you wish.

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i disagree that a reporter's job is just to report only the good news. its a fact that some students want a re-vote. are we so afraid of its results that we pretend it isn't in process and stick our heads in the sand? smacks of censorship to me, something we experienced under our most recend axis of evil, bush, cheanny, and rumsfeld.

By saying this story belongs in the Daily but not newsworthy for a major metroplitan newspaper is censorship? Come on, it just common sense that this is local college buzz. That is what this thread is about. Not the "only good new should go to press" tired waste of human thought. We all know the press should report the good and bad. It is their job. But they do not put Daily level bits in the DMN sports section. Again this thread did not suggest that Vito report this story possibly in the Denton paper but the Dallas paper? Stop with the axis of evil stuff. Evil is out there it is just not us.

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By saying this story belongs in the Daily but not newsworthy for a major metroplitan newspaper is censorship? Come on, it just common sense that this is local college buzz. That is what this thread is about. Not the "only good new should go to press" tired waste of human thought. We all know the press should report the good and bad. It is their job. But they do not put Daily level bits in the DMN sports section. Again this thread did not suggest that Vito report this story possibly in the Denton paper but the Dallas paper? Stop with the axis of evil stuff. Evil is out there it is just not us.

Just to keep things straight -- and typing seriously this time -- the Daily is the campus paper. Vito doesn't write for it. In addition, the DRC is owned by the DMN, and it's DMN editors alone who decide which DRC stories to pick up.

I also wonder about the wisdom of appealing to the university administration to stop a democratic process that apparently is authorized by the SGA bylaws. If Dr. B were to act on these complaints and bigfoot all over the protest vote, that might be the swiftest and most effective way of killing legislative support for the athletic fee hike.

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Did not realize it was in the SGA by laws. Seems odd to me that a vote can be overturned....recount, disputes, yes, but to overturn the vote through another election seems sorta weird to me. At least the Prez knows my thoughts on the subject. I don't think it is ever unwise to voice concerns to the President...it is part of her job to hear from donors.

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Vito knew exactly what he was doing by only reporting one side of the story and that makes it misleading, deceptive and destructive. It's this same kind of careless and/or deliberate bias reporting that is destoying America and our freedoms.

Hey Vito, heres an idea? Why don't you tell all the people in Dallas about next weeks playoff game at the Super Pit.

Edited by meangreenbob
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Vito knew exactly what he was doing by only reporting one side of the story and that makes it misleading, deceptive and destructive. It's this same kind of careless and deliberate bias reporting that is destoying America and our freedoms.

Wow...we just made a big jump in significance...I want to see this explored.

Hey Vito, heres an idea? Why don't you tell all the people in Dallas about the playoff game at the Super Pit next week?

Whata say we get that home playoff game locked up before we advertise it...

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Vito knew exactly what he was doing by only reporting one side of the story and that makes it misleading, deceptive and destructive. It's this same kind of careless and deliberate bias reporting that is destoying America and our freedoms.

Hey Vito, heres an idea? Why don't you tell all the people in Dallas about the playoff game at the Super Pit next week?

I understand he's under strict orders not to write about the playoff game because it might be a positive story. Let's watch to see if he rebels against his liberal and biased bosses and reports on it anyway.

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...is pretty much the last question a journalist should ask in reporting a story.

It never ceases to amaze me how many folks Vitto makes angry with what he writes. Seems to me he is pretty good at what he does as he continuely gets people upset over his writting and papers love that since it keeps people buying and going to their websites.

In any given week, when watching the local news, what percentage of the stories are positive? I would say less than 10%.

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999
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Vito knew exactly what he was doing by only reporting one side of the story and that makes it misleading, deceptive and destructive. It's this same kind of careless and/or deliberate bias reporting that is destoying America and our freedoms.

The voice of those that perfer the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil school of journalism.

If your concept of America and freedom is that easily threatened, then you've got bigger problems to worry about than what a journalist is reporting.

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I do not see how the University can possibly move forward with the stadium in light of this article. I fail to see how the AD could possibly recover. This truly is a black day for the University of North Texas. I hope everyone remembers where they were on February 25, 2009. Mean Green Athletics, as we know them, are now officially dead.


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I do not see how the University can possibly move forward with the stadium in light of this article. I fail to see how the AD could possibly recover. This truly is a black day for the University of North Texas. I hope everyone remembers where they were on February 25, 2009. Mean Green Athletics, as we know them, are now officially dead.


Agreed...we had our good times...I'll never forget 2002 and 2007, but it is time for us to come to terms with the passing of our beloved athletic program. She would want us to celebrate her life...not to mourn her death...

I'll start a new thread.

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The voice of those that perfer the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil school of journalism.

If your concept of America and freedom is that easily threatened, then you've got bigger problems to worry about than what a journalist is reporting.

You really don't know how insipient your comment is, do you? Or do you?

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