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Recourse For A Crappy Class?

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All I know is that I used to have raccoons in the apartment complex I live in. Those little bastards had great hands and blistering speed. We could really use a few additions in the receiver position.

Does it just seem to me that they're deceptive, or is just the masks they wear?

Edited by eulessismore
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So let's say I'm in this class where the instructor only shows up half the time. When she does show up, she uses 30 of the 80 minutes of allotted class time. During this 30 minute period, she spends half of it talking about her college days, her car, her son and Obama. Now in week six, she's cut class to once a week instead of twice. She comes unprepared, and doesn't really talk about anything in class. Now to further the fun, let's say that the test was comprised of completely random and irrelevant questions that left your's truly with a 68, but probably one of the higher scores in the class. Let's further say that our lovely instructor mocked the class for getting such low scores today. Some of you know exactly about what and whom I speak. The syllabus says that I must first go to a grader, then to the instructor, then to the department. Given the in-class track record, I wonder if I can skip the first two steps. Anyone have experience with this kind of thing?

I came to this school a bit cocky with the notion that I could face any professor, and so far it's proven true, but when I'm assessed on completely random minutia, my GPA is getting threatened by playing trivial pursuit on tests for the Seinfeld of classes (the class about nothing). I don't think anybody can overcome that.

You're not enrolled at the University of Phoenix, are you?

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