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Comments On Vizza Whereabouts

Mean Green 93-98

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Story just seems to get stranger and stranger. I would like to know what the real story is with all of this. I do find it all pretty odd..."space cadet" stuff from his Dad. Is his Dad playing with a full deck? I have no way of knowing as I have never met the man, but would assume he is of at least "normal" intelligence. That's what makes all this so "interesting" to say the least. Does anyone think this was Dad's doing, and that Gio just "gave in" to Dad (who may have some sort of grudge against TD for something he may or may not have done?

REally interesting. The kid can play, and I wish he were still playing for UNT. Did he "bail" or did Dad force him to "bail" because of looming competition for the #1 job? It cannot be that, can it? I just don't get it. If you have a problem with competition (which I doubt Gio has...I don't know what I think about his Dad) why play college sports in the first place? It "ain't HS football where nosy/pushy/bossy parents can and do have a say in what goes on with the team...you think that had something to do with it...Daddy was not being "listened too" by the head coach so he took his "ball" and left the field? I sure hope not.

Anyone have any isnside scoop on this. I do wish Gio well wherever he ends up...and I do hope he ends up playing again. The kid has some decent talent...and showed the UNT fan base that he's a pretty tough kid..anyone...this is so very strange.

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Story just seems to get stranger and stranger. I would like to know what the real story is with all of this. I do find it all pretty odd..."space cadet" stuff from his Dad. Is his Dad playing with a full deck? I have no way of knowing as I have never met the man, but would assume he is of at least "normal" intelligence. That's what makes all this so "interesting" to say the least. Does anyone think this was Dad's doing, and that Gio just "gave in" to Dad (who may have some sort of grudge against TD for something he may or may not have done?

REally interesting. The kid can play, and I wish he were still playing for UNT. Did he "bail" or did Dad force him to "bail" because of looming competition for the #1 job? It cannot be that, can it? I just don't get it. If you have a problem with competition (which I doubt Gio has...I don't know what I think about his Dad) why play college sports in the first place? It "ain't HS football where nosy/pushy/bossy parents can and do have a say in what goes on with the team...you think that had something to do with it...Daddy was not being "listened too" by the head coach so he took his "ball" and left the field? I sure hope not.

Anyone have any isnside scoop on this. I do wish Gio well wherever he ends up...and I do hope he ends up playing again. The kid has some decent talent...and showed the UNT fan base that he's a pretty tough kid..anyone...this is so very strange.


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I liked Gio too much not to be interested in what he's doing football or other wise.

However, I am surprised that someone, even a newspaper reporter, and look up records to see who is and is not enrolled at a public university. Maybe this is a common practice, but if enrollment records are available, are addresses and license plate registration also ?

And as far as Gio (I can't spell the rest of his name. And now there's no need) feeling pressure from any other quaterback currently enrolled at North Texas, I don't think he had anything to be worried about.

I'm not saying. I'm just saying. (I think that's funny)

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Story just seems to get stranger and stranger. I would like to know what the real story is with all of this. I do find it all pretty odd..."space cadet" stuff from his Dad. Is his Dad playing with a full deck? I have no way of knowing as I have never met the man, but would assume he is of at least "normal" intelligence. That's what makes all this so "interesting" to say the least. Does anyone think this was Dad's doing, and that Gio just "gave in" to Dad (who may have some sort of grudge against TD for something he may or may not have done?

REally interesting. The kid can play, and I wish he were still playing for UNT. Did he "bail" or did Dad force him to "bail" because of looming competition for the #1 job? It cannot be that, can it? I just don't get it. If you have a problem with competition (which I doubt Gio has...I don't know what I think about his Dad) why play college sports in the first place? It "ain't HS football where nosy/pushy/bossy parents can and do have a say in what goes on with the team...you think that had something to do with it...Daddy was not being "listened too" by the head coach so he took his "ball" and left the field? I sure hope not.

Anyone have any isnside scoop on this. I do wish Gio well wherever he ends up...and I do hope he ends up playing again. The kid has some decent talent...and showed the UNT fan base that he's a pretty tough kid..anyone...this is so very strange.

I'm not saying Matt Vizza is a douche - in any way shape or form. I would truly offend myself and my colleagues with such an unfair insinuation. However, if you look at the attributes of douchness, you will find that "douche" traits may exist. Still, I don't think he is really a douche at all. Maybe his dad told Gio to be a douche and Gio gave in? Who knows? I know I don't. In fact, I regret the allegation that he may be a douche at all and wish it wasn't said.

Does anyone think he is a douche? Not that I "do." I sure hope not anyway.

Anyone know anything about douches that might "help" us. I always liked the "piss and vinegar" Gio brought to the field and just think this douche thing (that isn't happening) is very "odd."

Edited by Quoner
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I'm not saying Matt Vizza is a douche - in any way shape or form. I would truly offend myself and my colleagues with such an unfair insinuation. However, if you look at the attributes of douchness, you will find that "douche" traits may exist. Still, I don't think he is really a douche at all. Maybe his dad told Gio to be a douche and Gio gave in? Who knows? I know I don't. In fact, I regret the allegation that he may be a douche at all and wish it wasn't said.

Does anyone think he is a douche? Not that I "do." I sure hope not anyway.

Anyone know anything about douches that might "help" us. I always liked the "piss and vinegar" Gio brought to the field and just think this douche thing (that isn't happening) is very "odd."

Maybe the *_______________________ blog or *______________________ website is called could use this as their first big story.

*denotes new name of otherwise defunkt "TY".

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However, I am surprised that someone, even a newspaper reporter, and look up records to see who is and is not enrolled at a public university. Maybe this is a common practice, but if enrollment records are available, are addresses and license plate registration also ?

License plate registration no, but address and home phone number is available thanks to Eagle Calls

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Back to topic, I believe someone earlier posted he didn't transfer to A$M because of the lateness of his exit from UNT and instead went to a JC until Fall. I am curious to see how he does somewhere else and what he has to say about why the change without his dad talking for him. Still, he left UNT so who really cares?

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