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If I understand correctly, it is illegal to serve alcohol at a collegiate sporting event in the state of Texas. The deck is leased to a third party vendor, and is technically not part of the game.

Clearly, whoever wrote this law has never been to a UNT home game experienced the pain that only Booze can kill...

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I have an idea for a promotion. Let's try not to eliminate parts of our potential audience.

By allowing alcohol, you would make games less family friendly, and people would no longer want to bring children. Thus, attendance goes down.

By having scantily clad women pranciing all over the stadium, you make it uncomfortable for women. They no longer want to attend games. Thus, attendance goes down. As a side affect, some of these women who no longer want to attend also do not want their husbands attending when they are not there. Thus, attendance goes down.

Just because something would make the game more fun for you does not mean that it will lead to a realized increase in attendance.

Exactly. Anyone who thinks scantily clad women and beer go well with football is a goober.

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I like the idea of free tickets for students who attend Denton ISD..or have band night...something to bring in the local high school kids. It's great pub, it gets them on campus. You can hand out 50,000 free tickets and if a fifth of them show up I'd consider it a sucess.

Or better yet, show NT athletics is committed to Texas High School football. Give out free tickets to all high school football players in the Dallas area.

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Exactly. Anyone who thinks scantily clad women and beer go well with football is a goober.

All I am saying is that when trying to increase attendance for a brand that hasn't been clearly established and does not have a lot of loyalty, we should not be doing things that make some people not want to come.

And clearly, comparing us to the Cowboys, the most valuable sprts franchise in the US, is an easy, one-to-one comparison.

We just don't have the established name to do some of the things that are being proposed. We don't have the atmosphere to keep people in the stands if they don't like certain aspects of attending a game. It's not like someone can go to the water-cooler on Monday and say "Did you see that UNT game on TV? Great game, huh? Well, I was there. The place was electric. A real championship atmosphere." Instead, with some of the proposals that have been reccomended and being realistic, it might sound like this: "Did you hear about the UNT game? No? You didn't miss much. I was at the game. The team looked lousy and I was so annoyed by all the drunks screaming obcenities, that I just left early. I am probably not going to another game."

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There are some great ideas being brought to the table but until you figure out HOW to market there is no point.

Meaning, great ideas are just great ideas until someone spreads the word.

The number one way of marketing today is via email communications. I hardly get anything sent to me from NT, yet other programs have my email address (for various reasons) and I receive reminders about games or emails about upcoming events.

You have to spread the word and do it continuously. I've been doing loyalty marketing for hotel companies for the past 8 years. What I wouldn't give to get my hands on the NT athletic marketing department.

Oh, and I'm not opposed to scantily clad women at all, and I am a woman. LOL

It's a good idea. Get some hooters girls into the game to sign autographs or take pictures at a booth/table. I would focus on getting more peole INTO the game vs. to the game itself. baby steps.....

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If we're talking about UNT Football, then following are some golden marketing rules...

1) Football is mostly for men

2) Men mostly like women

3) Scantly clathed women work at Hooters, Bone Daddy's, etc.

4) Therefore, host Mean Green Promotion nights at these fine establishments

There are already scantily clad women at North Texas games, and everywhere else on the UNT campus. They're called students.

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