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Denton Guyer Tackles


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I just curious and don't now that much about recruiting but does NT go after guys like the ones on today's sports page that are going to Nebraska and Tech? Do talented player like these fell that they are above playing at NT? Just wondering.

I was thinking the same exact thing this evening. It's just ashame that NT never signs not even one of the top players that come out of Denton's High Schools each year. I know these kids want to go away to college, but you would think that maybe once in a while a player would want to stay at home. I can only remember Phillip Armour as the last, quality player from Denton to play for NT and that was in the early '90's.

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I just curious and don't now that much about recruiting but does NT go after guys like the ones on today's sports page that are going to Nebraska and Tech? Do talented player like these fell that they are above playing at NT? Just wondering.

I've heard one mother say she wanted her son at least 2 hours away (they lived in Arlington, he chose Midwestern State in Wichita Falls). I think that's far enough away that they don't bring their laundry home for Mom to do.

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I think I can provide a little insight on this topic. I have lived in Denton since I was 5, graduated from DHS, and then went on to UNT. I am now a teacher with Denton ISD and live in Denton still. I can tell you that most of the students that I have, not just the athletes, look down on UNT. I don't really know why that is, but most of them have the mindset that UNT is not a good school and they want to get out of Denton as quickly as possible after high school. I know that when I was at DHS, most of the other students felt the same way, so this is not a new problem. I think it is just a situation where familiarity breeds contempt. There are a lot of good athletes coming out of the Denton schools now and I wish UNT had a better shot at getting them. I hope that once we get the new stadium built and put a consistently winning program on the field, this attitude will begin to change. I'm sure the coaching staff went after some Denton kids, but they just were not able to compete with this mindset. Hopefully that will change soon.

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I'm from Denton too, and I think unachris is right on. It's a combination of 2 things... in school it's cool to say that Denton sucks and you want to leave, and there's a perception, probably in many college towns, that if you don't go away to college you settled for something.

It was interesting how many people that went away to college (or just moved away) after high school were back in Denton 3-4 years later and realized that it doesn't suck.

I don't know anything about the 2 players in question. There's a good chance they were out of reach for us if they got Big 12 offers.

Still, there are 4 guys just from Ryan in the freakin' NFL now. Big Herm from DHS is about to be. We should be recruiting in Denton.

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I can understand the mindset. Where I grew up there was a local university, no football, but track baseball and basketball. Both my parents went to school there. It is a fine institution and is now part of the UT system, they didn't offer what I wanted to study and I wanted to get the hell out of town. Had I stayed I would have been stuck there my whole life. There is nothing wrong with staying home, The problem is most of the kids I went to high school with never left home and never did anything with their lives. Most still live with their parents (part of it is a culture issue) and most people never explore the outside world.

I have visited other campuses, just recently I was in richmond, Colleges all over the place, beautiful campuses. I think that's part of the appeal. The State of Virginia does it right. UNT Needs a major Beautification project to bolster it's appeal, in my opinion I think its a necessary for pride and a sense of belonging and the city needs to get behind it. I loved my time at UNT hopefully I will go back some day and work on campus.

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