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A lot of talk lately of people being diagnosed as GMG +/ - ... so what are you & why??

If you are +/- " curious" you must choose NOW !!!!

We will be building a wall after all have voted and those who are + will move to the east and those whom are - will be in the west area.

Edited by NT03
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A lot of talk lately of people being diagnosed as GMG +/ - ... so what are you & why??

If you are +/- " curious" you must choose NOW !!!!

We will be building a wall after all have voted and those who are + will move to the east and those whom are - will be in the west area.

can't we do North/South??

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2 things.

1. It was good for all people.

2. My daughter, (20 months) pointed to your icon, kissed it and said, "Baby!" Turned to me and smiled from ear to ear.

WTF is a 20 month old doing reading the crap we write here? Bad things are happening for parenting! :)

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Ok, since I voted positive, I'll tell you why. It doesn't really have anything to do with next year (although I want very badly to start winning more games and at least being competitive in the ones we don't win), or even Todd Dodge (or whether or not he stays or goes). It has to do with the spirit of the UNT community, and especially the young people, the students, who voted to impose a fee upon themselves and future students to create an appropriate venue in which to play D1 college football.

Yes, I went to then NTSU during the Hayden Fry era, but didn't really follow football then. I was a poor student, fresh out of the Army, going to school on the GI Bill, and couldn't really afford to keep a car in repair enough to drive down to Texas Stadium where so many of our "home" games were played in those days. Of Course, I could have made a better effort and caught some of those, and even the occasional home game at Fouts, but it's hard for students to get into the game day experience as much when the games are being held off campus.

Now basketball in those days, that was a heady (and on campus) experience! I hope that many of you had the pleasure of watching the men's basketball team in the Bill Blakeley era; I'm talking the home court advantage at the Super Pit in those days. Have that many of us thought what it will be like when we have the new football stadium, with the reestablishment of a winning tradition, at the same time that our basketball team has continued to progress, along with the crowd support it deserves? Man, I'm talking about a hot time in the old town on many a Saturday!

Edited by eulessismore
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It seems the poll may a bit off. I sense alot more negativity from pollers then I ever do optimism. It is just one person's observation...GMG

3-21 over two years, an apparent below average recruiting class (still hoping for last minute jewels), and no stadium announcement will do that to most people.

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I'm HIV +. Is that the same as GMG +?

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I am positive about GMG.(that's what the poll asks)

I believe that I am positively realistic about my expectations about my alma mater and it's programs. However I find myself mostly negative about some of the very questionable decisions that have been made (down the corridor of years) by the people that were hired to run my school's athletic program. Starting about the time that Hayden Fry left.

The last time that any North Texas administrator (or committee) got bold and/or genius (or even realistic) in their decision making was when Jitter Nolan found a way to bring Hayden Fry on board. I would include Corky Nelson in that "great decision" statement, but he was hired (after he came after the job for a second time) after the Bob Tyler debaucle. And so I would say the decision to hire him was "accidently good."

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I am GMG positive. I do enjoy the postings and views of MG fans.

For the non fan, trolls, and remaining invaders, that try to ruin

pro GMG postings everyday, please follow what you should already

know. If you cannot say anything good about someone, then keep

your mouth shut.

Hayden Fry-- YES

Bill Blakeley-- YES

Corkey Nelson-- YES

Todd Dodge-- YES

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