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Where Unt Stands Heading Into Weekend

Brett Vito

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Damn that negative Brett Vito! How dare he point out that we are only rated 5th in our conference in recruiting!! He probably made all that stuff up because he hates UNT soooo much!!! This class is the best in the country, yet he dares to denegrate our greatness!! 12-0 next year!!!!

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The following is an example of what gomeangreen.com would like Vito to write:

2009 Preview

Coach Todd Dodge and his Mean Green are primed for what could be his best season since his arrival (no mention of losing seasons). In regards to the class that Dodge will be bringing in this Wednesday, everything is looking great, all the rating systems really have no real knowledge of the players we are recruiting, they just give them lower rankings because they are not going to a power conference, therefore I won't put any value in their rankings (no knocks on the low ranking of our class). I personally think UNT is bringing in the best class in the belt. I mean seriously, why wouldn't a recruit want to come here? Four years ago we won our fourth straight conference championship, we built a top notch athletic facility several years back, and we should have a new stadium sometime in the very near future. (Once again, no mention of losing records, bad defense, or bad offense)

As far as the product on the field, Riley has a ton of experience in this offense at the middle school and high school levels, so that should translate into immediate success at the college level. As side note, Riley really is 6'0" as it listed on the roster, regardless of those naysayers who claim he is 5'9-1/2" (Riley is not small and he won't be broken). The defense will be totally different as well due to the immediate impact our JUCOS will have and having a second year under DeLoach. I have seen highlight films of these JUCOS, and I know these are their very best plays of the season, but these highlight films tell me these JUCOS are going to be instant stars and turn this thing around. (There is no chance that the JUCOS will be busts, and no mention of who isn't coming)

Fans come out in droves for what will be a year unlike you haven't seen in a while, North Texas could double its win total from any year since Dodge has been here. GO MEAN GREEN! (Leave in the possibility for a "breakout" year)

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The following is an example of what gomeangreen.com would like Vito to write:

2009 Preview

Coach Todd Dodge and his Mean Green are primed for what could be his best season since his arrival (no mention of losing seasons). In regards to the class that Dodge will be bringing in this Wednesday, everything is looking great, all the rating systems really have no real knowledge of the players we are recruiting, they just give them lower rankings because they are not going to a power conference, therefore I won't put any value in their rankings (no knocks on the low ranking of our class). I personally think UNT is bringing in the best class in the belt. I mean seriously, why wouldn't a recruit want to come here? Four years ago we won our fourth straight conference championship, we built a top notch athletic facility several years back, and we should have a new stadium sometime in the very near future. (Once again, no mention of losing records, bad defense, or bad offense)

As far as the product on the field, Riley has a ton of experience in this offense at the middle school and high school levels, so that should translate into immediate success at the college level. As side note, Riley really is 6'0" as it listed on the roster, regardless of those naysayers who claim he is 5'9-1/2" (Riley is not small and he won't be broken). The defense will be totally different as well due to the immediate impact our JUCOS will have and having a second year under DeLoach. I have seen highlight films of these JUCOS, and I know these are their very best plays of the season, but these highlight films tell me these JUCOS are going to be instant stars and turn this thing around. (There is no chance that the JUCOS will be busts, and no mention of who isn't coming)

Fans come out in droves for what will be a year unlike you haven't seen in a while, North Texas could double its win total from any year since Dodge has been here. GO MEAN GREEN! (Leave in the possibility for a "breakout" year)

Excellent! That's what we like to hear. :rolleyes: Just like in politics, if you say the same thing over and over and over, then it has to be true and will come to fruition.

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Riley really is 6'0" as it listed on the roster, regardless of those naysayers who claim he is 5'9-1/2" (Riley is not small and he won't be broken).

Who cares if Riley is 5'9 1/2? The Sun Belt isn't the NFC East. You think Chase Daniel is any taller than Riley? He's not and he had a hell of a college career in a conference wildly superior to the Belt.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

I agree with Vito that while there is no totally accurate gauge of a player's worth that scout's ratings are the best that we have and that Rivals is the best of those that do ratings.

However, the rankings are badly flawed. While you can group players, you cannot tell who is 14 from 19 etc. Therefore, awarding bonus points for the exact ranking is a crock of crap. Why does Rivals use a rating system and then ignore it when it comes to determining who had the best recruiting class?

I did a compaison of the Sun Belt teams a couple of weeks ago using the Rivals' Ratings and North Texas was a solid second behind Troy. Admittedly, that was before we lost Charles and gained Jackson, who has yet to be rated.

I don't know that this class is the equal of last year; probably not. It is a remarkablle class in light of the poor record of the last two (actually four) years, the weakness of our conference, and the visible means of a new stadium.

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I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about my post on the "fake-Brett Vito" write up. I am a Vito backer...I think he does a good job. He writes about what we are at this point...my post was intended to take a pot-shot at those who bust Vito's balls. I get tired of people who go on rants about him writing things the way they are instead of trying to make the feces not stink (how's that for not using foul language and not getting a "vacation")

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Soon we will hear from those that say "you can't trust the recruiting services" and "you don't know how a recruiting class really rates until you see them on the field" or "it takes several years to judge". These same people would have been trumpeting the success at this point last year of the greatest recruiting class ever. Just a matter of perspective, I guess.

The real hypocrites will simultaneously trumpet last year's success while claiming this class is better than the experts say.

It would be interesting to compare last year's post to this year's.

Those with no emotional connection to this university are the best to judge this class, I'll accept their opinion over any in-house (meaning this board) evaluation.

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UNT90...do you include Brett Vito in your "insiders" list whom are not to be trusted with player evaluations? Just wondering. I think Brett certainly has an "emotional tie" to UNT. While I am not a Vito basher, I even chatted with him at one of Dodge's shows and told him that i enjoyed his work and to keep after it as it is not his job to be a "homer". That being said, I do think he has a bit of a "chip on his shoulder" when it comes to Dodge, and that does not help him keep his personal bias out of his work at times. Overall, I do think he does a good job and I enjoy reading his work.

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Soon we will hear from those that say "you can't trust the recruiting services" and "you don't know how a recruiting class really rates until you see them on the field" or "it takes several years to judge". These same people would have been trumpeting the success at this point last year of the greatest recruiting class ever. Just a matter of perspective, I guess.

The real hypocrites will simultaneously trumpet last year's success while claiming this class is better than the experts say.

It would be interesting to compare last year's post to this year's.

Those with no emotional connection to this university are the best to judge this class, I'll accept their opinion over any in-house (meaning this board) evaluation.

You have some serious issues. You look to be the hypocrite here as you seem to be too emotional about this.

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Vito has been better the last week or so on his blog and his articles for the most part are always good, but to say he does not act like like he has a chip on his shoulder at times and that he does not take pot shots at UNT football is pretty naive.

I am descendant of Sicilians, and grew up that where what you said about family and close friends goes no further. People can get used to being mad at a family member and rant and rave, carry on and what not, but at the end of the day it still stays in the family. Let an outsider say the same thing and well he may not be walking so well, it seems that many get so used to their rants here that when they see Vito pissing down their backs they don't know it. Vito is an outsider if for no other reason then he writes public copy. Yes Vito can do a very elegant job at times without whitewashing the facts, or coming across as a homer. I as I said before I think he has been better as of late.

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We need some help still with two big areas, LB depth, D-line talent and depth, and another JUCO QB must be signed.

Vito calls it like it is, tough to swallow but he is correct most of the time. Good thing is Dodge got a lot of schollies back from those who have left the program to fill some voids.

He has to win now. He can't wait for DFW prospects to mature, he has to do it now.

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You have some serious issues. You look to be the hypocrite here as you seem to be too emotional about this.

Whoa!!! No need to get personal. What I wrote wasn't. Do you agree that people seem to want to see things from their point of view? I am emotional about it, that's why I'll leave the evaluations to those far removed from this program such as Rivals and Scout (plus they know a hell of a lot more about it than me). As far as me being a hypocrite, feel free to point it out anytime, but please come with some kind of facts to back it up.

And this was definitly not a shot at Oldtimer. I always appreciate his updates. But I think he will even tell you that he has a little bias toward UNT.

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UNT90...do you include Brett Vito in your "insiders" list whom are not to be trusted with player evaluations? Just wondering. I think Brett certainly has an "emotional tie" to UNT. While I am not a Vito basher, I even chatted with him at one of Dodge's shows and told him that i enjoyed his work and to keep after it as it is not his job to be a "homer". That being said, I do think he has a bit of a "chip on his shoulder" when it comes to Dodge, and that does not help him keep his personal bias out of his work at times. Overall, I do think he does a good job and I enjoy reading his work.

I do include Vito in this group. I think Vito would probably include Vito in this group. Notice he didn't even give very much opinion, but referenced various rankings. I don't know how you could cover a program 24/7 like Vito does and not have a positive bias toward that program.

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Whoa!!! No need to get personal. What I wrote wasn't. Do you agree that people seem to want to see things from their point of view? I am emotional about it, that's why I'll leave the evaluations to those far removed from this program such as Rivals and Scout (plus they know a hell of a lot more about it than me). As far as me being a hypocrite, feel free to point it out anytime, but please come with some kind of facts to back it up.

And this was definitly not a shot at Oldtimer. I always appreciate his updates. But I think he will even tell you that he has a little bias toward UNT.

Well you called everyone hypocrites who might be excited about this recruiting class, so I would say that is pretty personal. And yes, people want to see things from their point of view, you being the leader of that pack. From what I have seen, you take everything to the extreme and if someone doesn't agree with you then they are, well, hypocrites. It was also amusing when I read this thread for the first time, saw your initial sarcastic post blasting this recruiting class and the not quite veiled attempt to provoke a fight with one of your "hypocrite" rivals except no one bit. So you had to them make an even stronger attempt to get into a fight 3 hours later, since no one bit. Good stuff.

Just curious, but would you have happened to be one of the people last year who was saying that we couldn't trust the recruiting rankings, recruiting classes can't be judged until a few years down the line, etc..., when we had a relatively high rated class? Seeing your disdain for everything that Dodge has to do with, I think that was probably the case. If that is so, then you are indeed a hypocrite. See ya.

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Well you called everyone hypocrites who might be excited about this recruiting class, so I would say that is pretty personal. And yes, people want to see things from their point of view, you being the leader of that pack. From what I have seen, you take everything to the extreme and if someone doesn't agree with you then they are, well, hypocrites. It was also amusing when I read this thread for the first time, saw your initial sarcastic post blasting this recruiting class and the not quite veiled attempt to provoke a fight with one of your "hypocrite" rivals except no one bit. So you had to them make an even stronger attempt to get into a fight 3 hours later, since no one bit. Good stuff.

Just curious, but would you have happened to be one of the people last year who was saying that we couldn't trust the recruiting rankings, recruiting classes can't be judged until a few years down the line, etc..., when we had a relatively high rated class? Seeing your disdain for everything that Dodge has to do with, I think that was probably the case. If that is so, then you are indeed a hypocrite. See ya.

Thank you for making the point that people see what they want to see. I thought last year's class was great. Applying the same standards to this years class, it's pretty freaking bad at this point. I don't disdain Dodge and hope that he succeeds, as that would be great for UNT. The FACT is he hasn't to this point. I don't see anything to indicate that he will this year. I hope I'm wrong.

The post was not directed at any specific person on here, but apparently you thought, for some reason, it was directed at you.

Edited by UNT90
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Thank you for making the point that people see what they want to see. I thought last year's class was great. Applying the same standards to this years class, it's pretty freaking bad at this point. I don't disdain Dodge and hope that he succeeds, as that would be great for UNT. The FACT is he hasn't to this point. I don't see anything to indicate that he will this year. I hope I'm wrong.

The post was not directed at any specific person on here, but apparently you thought, for some reason, it was directed at you.

I didn't think it was directed at any specific person, and surely not myself as it is such a beat down to come to the football board that I rarely do anymore. Even when there is good news there are people, like yourself, that come in and bash and pick fights. So yes, I agree you weren't attacking any one specific person. Instead, you were going for all the "hypocrites" who may have a differing opinion than yours. I don't care either way, I just noticed that when I was reading through the thread.

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