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A Look At The Recruiting Rankings

Brett Vito

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One of the best blogs I've seen from Vito in a LONG time.

Particularly liked this part:

"UNT landed a really good class last year and is doing well this year considering the circumstances that I won't go over here for fear of flying fruit and nasty e-mail"

:) I realize this is his blog space and an area to post his opinions, so he could just as easily have gone further. I definitely enjoyed reading something in the press that wasn't leaning one way or the other. Thank you, Brett Vito!

Outside of that, he mentioned a "stealth" recruit that we were saving for later in the process to spring on everyone. Not sure if I just read it wrong, but I couldn't tell if he thought we did have someone like that coming down the pipe b/c he'd heard some insider info or if he was just saying that that was part of the excitement of the recruiting period and just speculating that we "might" pull something like that off?

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I would add Shelton Gandy to that. It seems almost every recruiting coup we've pulled, Gandy is somewhere behind it.

Must....not....giggle....or react....tee....heeeeReacharoundeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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