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The Full Statement From Vizza

Brett Vito

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Mitch, first of all, I only came across that letter because I googled you out of curiosity as to whether you'd played at UNT or not. My point in referencing it is that everybody comes to a time when a change is deemed appropriate. The circumstances between you and Vizza are likely not similar at all.

I think I unfairly took a poke at you just because the mentality around here seems to be that getting a scholarship to UNT is some kind of indentured servitude through which one should weather regardless of circumstances or situation. I believe the underlying reasons for this decision to run far deeper than a 1-11 record or competition with Riley Dodge, and I think Gio and his family thought long and hard before pulling the trigger. I'm also pretty certain that Vizza's parting was mutually agreed upon.

We were all 18-21 years old once, and we all made some good choices and some not so good choices. Most of us were able to do so without being in the spotlight of a D1A football program. It's easy for me now to sit on campus and wag my disapproving finger at students who don't go to class, don't buy their books, and whine when they don't get good grades, but it's also easy to forget what my priorities were and what level of commitment I had at that age.

It's really apparent that you're well respected among the older fans here, and I'm glad you were able to work hard, persevere and lead. On the flip side, as someone who's newly associated with this university, and who read your post without knowing you from anyone else, it was easy to infer that you are jumping on the "Gio is a quitter" bandwagon.

If this departure is mutually beneficial to the UNT football program and the Vizza family, then the personal venom that is flung at both sides of the equation is, to answer untjim1995's question, about the only thing that would drive me away from being a fan of this program.

I've been reading a lot of tripe from both sides today, your post came along, I came across that letter, and I took a reactionary pot shot. For that I apologize.

Hey oldguystudent. Thanks so much for your response. My wife and I both agree you sound like a nice guy. She even said, "He sounds smart." I won't go that far... just kidding.

Hopeful for Coach Dodge and the rest of the crew. Yes, most all of the coaches are good friends of mine (Coach Dodge was a groomsman in my wedding), so I have an even greater vested interest in their success. Will they get it turned around and winning the Sun Belt again? Of course, that remains to be seen. But, I do believe they are trying to do what's right, are working hard, know their football, and will make some good progress this year and, hopefully, the years to come.

Again, I'm also hopeful that those on gomeangreen (and throughout the blogosphere, for that matter) will take to signing their names at the bottom of their posts. Doing so is good for the soul... and may even be good for North Texas Football!

Take care,

Mitch Maher

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Glad I didn't leave after rough freshman and sophomore seasons. Glad I continued to work hard, persevere, and lead. I left UNT with my head held high, as well.

Mitch Maher

Nice to hear from you. I hope all is well. Mitch has already said (throughout) his posts much of what I would say, but I want to add a few things. First, as with most situations when a player leaves a program there is generally much more than meets the eye. I was originally recruited by and signed under Corky Nelson. After my freshmen year, Corky was fired and Dennis Parker was hired. I came in with 25 freshmen and 2 of us finished our eligibility. 23 left the program for a variety of reasons. Over the years, many players came and went and they all had their reasons.

It is impossible to argue with a player's perception of why they are leaving and it is useless to even try. Their perception is their perception. However, I will say this, I have not seen a coach who does not care about the long term well being of his players and does not want them to succeed. Young men may feel they're being treated badly or unfairly when they're not being used they way they think they should be. They may feel the rules set by a program limit the things they want to do. They may have an idea in their mind of what college football or college life should be like and when it's not the picture they have in their mind then it's wrong or incomplete or not enjoyable. This also happens with the view of what they think coaches should be like and over time can grow into a relationship that no longer works for them. I don't know if this is how Vizza feels but I've seen things happen like this before.

I know there are some good coaches on this staff. Coach DeLoach, Leftwhich, and Coach George are good coaches. Those following NT have seen what DeLoach and Leftwhich have done in the past. Also, I watched Coach George play (as a teammate) and later coach as a GA at North Texas then Coach at Juco and later in high school. He's a good solid coach. I believe in these guys and I still believe in Coach Dodge.

Someone asked Mitch in an earlier thread about TD and what did he expect in the first 2 years. Well, I think we all expected and hoped for more. I know I did. But, I have not given up on his ability to be a leader of this FB team and to help mold young men into productive adults while getting wins. I believe the initial years have been a learning experience for everyone - unfortunately a painful one. But I also know the problems involved and being addressed are more than just wins and losses. There are leadership issues, grade issues, and we've all seen and read about the off the field situations. The program did not get this way over night and it won't be corrected over night. It will take time. There is some positive ground work being made but I agree it's hard to see through the past two seasons.

Losing intensifies all problems just like winning can mask them. Losing is a gut check and some will stick through it while other don't. It was the same way when I played and that much hasn't changed. You need strong leadership from the top to the bottom to overcome issues like this. I do believe TD is a strong leader who expresses an upbeat approach almost to a fault. Now the leadership needs to come from within the team. You cut your losses and move forward with the guys you have because a coach will set direction but the players have to make it happen. The players need to make each other accountable. This is the only way this thing is truly going to turn around. A coach can only say and do so much but the players are the ones who know who they can and will trust. Until this happens, TD and his staff can do whatever they want, but things will not change. Mitch knew this and his teammates respected him because Mitch was solid on and off the field. We had others, but none better than Mitch.

Bottom line - coaches can direct and set the course but until the players start being accountable to each other, trust each other and play for each other on and off the field then things will start heading in a direction we'll all be happy about. They'll win and they'll win the right way and every incoming player will know what is expected of them to be a part of the Mean Green and the "other" nonsense will cease.

Greg Matthews

Edited by GMoney
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Nice to hear from you. I hope all is well. Mitch has already said (throughout) his posts much of what I would say, but I want to add a few things. First, as with most situations when a player leaves a program there is generally much more than meets the eye. I was originally recruited by and signed under Corky Nelson. After my freshmen year, Corky was fired and Dennis Parker was hired. I came in with 25 freshmen and 2 of us finished our eligibility. 23 left the program for a variety of reasons. Over the years, many players came and went and they all had their reasons.

It is impossible to argue with a player's perception of why they are leaving and it is useless to even try. Their perception is their perception. However, I will say this, I have not seen a coach who does not care about the long term well being of his players and does not want them to succeed. Young men may feel they're being treated badly or unfairly when they're not being used they way they think they should be. They may feel the rules set by a program limit the things they want to do. They may have an idea in their mind of what college football or college life should be like and when it's not the picture they have in their mind then it's wrong or incomplete or not enjoyable. This also happens with the view of what they think coaches should be like and over time can grow into a relationship that no longer works for them. I don't know if this is how Vizza feels but I've seen things happen like this before.

I know there are some good coaches on this staff. Coach DeLoach, Leftwhich, and Coach George are good coaches. Those following NT have seen what DeLoach and Leftwhich have done in the past. Also, I watched Coach George play (as a teammate) and later coach as a GA at North Texas then Coach at Juco and later in high school. He's a good solid coach. I believe in these guys and I still believe in Coach Dodge.

Someone asked Mitch in an earlier thread about TD and what did he expect in the first 2 years. Well, I think we all expected and hoped for more. I know I did. But, I have not given up on his ability to be a leader of this FB team and to help mold young men into productive adults while getting wins. I believe the initial years have been a learning experience for everyone - unfortunately a painful one. But I also know the problems involved and being addressed are more than just wins and losses. There are leadership issues, grade issues, and we've all seen and read about the off the field situations. The program did not get this way over night and it won't be corrected over night. It will take time. There is some positive ground work being made but I agree it's hard to see through the past two seasons.

Losing intensifies all problems just like winning can mask them. Losing is a gut check and some will stick through it while other don't. It was the same way when I played and that much hasn't changed. You need strong leadership from the top to the bottom to overcome issues like this. I do believe TD is a strong leader who expresses an upbeat approach almost to a fault. Now the leadership needs to come from within the team. You cut your losses and move forward with the guys you have because a coach will set direction but the players have to make it happen. The players need to make each other accountable. This is the only way this thing is truly going to turn around. A coach can only say and do so much but the players are the ones who know who they can and will trust. Until this happens, TD and his staff can do whatever they want, but things will not change. Mitch knew this and his teammates respected him because Mitch was solid on and off the field. We had others, but none better than Mitch.

Bottom line - coaches can direct and set the course but until the players start being accountable to each other, trust each other and play for each other on and off the field then things will start heading in a direction we'll all be happy about. They'll win and they'll win the right way and every incoming player will know what is expected of them to be a part of the Mean Green and the "other" nonsense will cease.

Greg Matthews

Outstanding Post G-Man. Good to hear a former players perspective on this.

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Mr. Matthews,

You are exactly the kind of athlete I have been rooting for at North Texas my whole life (since the late 1960's).....I have always thought of us as the "underdogs" who occasionally stepped up and beat schools like Tennessee, Houston, Oklahoma State, Southern Mississipi, Baylor, SMU, Texas Tech, etc....NOT because we had better "5 star players", but because we had guys with more HEART & WANT-TO....this was very apparent in the Hayden Fry years and the Corky Nelson years.

So I KNOW it can happen here again.....it can happen with Coach Dodge, but as you said, it is up to the players..........

and those that wish to be elsewhere......good luck

thank you for your efforts and your post...

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