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Recruiting Note

Brett Vito

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"UNT didn't fare quite as well this season"

I am so tired of Vito and his endless attacks on North Texas. It is so apparent that the guy hates UNT and only wants failure for all of our academic and athletic programs. The above statement by Vito is obviously dripping in sarcasm and meant to scare away any recruit that would even consider UNT. The nerve of this hack!

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"UNT didn't fare quite as well this season"

I am so tired of Vito and his endless attacks on North Texas. It is so apparent that the guy hates UNT and only wants failure for all of our academic and athletic programs. The above statement by Vito is obviously dripping in sarcasm and meant to scare away any recruit that would even consider UNT. The nerve of this hack!

I know! How hard would it have been to just write this instead?

Ball State has yet to offer, but could be a threat to land Adams if it decides to put a scholarship on the table. The Cardinals are 12-1 and are headed to the GMAC Bowl.

UNT is freaking awesome at kicking ass!

Adams said he is focusing on finishing up his classes and won't decide what he wants to do until after he goes home to Florida and visits with his family about his options on the 12th.

Edited by Green P1
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"UNT didn't fare quite as well this season"

I am so tired of Vito and his endless attacks on North Texas. It is so apparent that the guy hates UNT and only wants failure for all of our academic and athletic programs. The above statement by Vito is obviously dripping in sarcasm and meant to scare away any recruit that would even consider UNT. The nerve of this hack!

I hope your post is also dripping in sarcasm.

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"UNT didn't fare quite as well this season"

I am so tired of Vito and his endless attacks on North Texas. It is so apparent that the guy hates UNT and only wants failure for all of our academic and athletic programs. The above statement by Vito is obviously dripping in sarcasm and meant to scare away any recruit that would even consider UNT. The nerve of this hack!

a lot of people on this board Love Vitto, I was all for a new beat writer when TD was hired, the whole "let's start fresh" thing, but the Vitto"ites" came to his rescue.

I can live with Vitto's stabs at UNT here and there; I've gotten used to them. The important thing is we get back on a winning track!

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"UNT didn't fare quite as well this season"

I am so tired of Vito and his endless attacks on North Texas. It is so apparent that the guy hates UNT and only wants failure for all of our academic and athletic programs. The above statement by Vito is obviously dripping in sarcasm and meant to scare away any recruit that would even consider UNT. The nerve of this hack!

He has actually developed a good sense of humor this season, since being fenced out of practice. It's pretty funny how he fits jabs into more and more of his blogs. I think there is some underlying message to TD in some of it. I doubt Dodge would hire Vito as his agent, and I doubt Vito want to be it right now.

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Vito knows Dodge is an arrogant dude. He is gonna give it to him because Dodge showed him no respect from articles written by Vito dating back to the Black vs. White issue. Dodge has had it out for him since then and maybe even before.

Vito is using his "twist" whenever he can. It is kind of funny really. Vito knows he gets under the skin of Dodge and Dodge has never had anyone ever be critical of his coaching ability.

Can you imagine if Dodge gets the hook? Wow, now that would be some journalism. I don't believe Vito would get any kind of interview, that's for sure.

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"At this point, UNT doesn't want a player pondering his options, especially a JUCO player who has two years left and wants to win now."

the above quote stuck out to me as this is exactly what UNT is doing with Atkinson, who has said he is open to a BCS offer.

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a lot of people on this board Love Vitto, I was all for a new beat writer when TD was hired, the whole "let's start fresh" thing, but the Vitto"ites" came to his rescue.

I can live with Vitto's stabs at UNT here and there; I've gotten used to them. The important thing is we get back on a winning track!

There's so much confusing about this statement.

1.) How many people really love him?

2.) Why is his name so hard to spell?

3.) What schools and newspapers work together to change out beat writers and coaches at the same time?

4.) Was there a public drive to remove Vito? Did people chain themselves to the practice field or chant "Brett Vito graduates" or something similar? Were you leading this effort and would have pulled it off if not for those pesky Vitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttoites?

5.) Winning would be nice - and hopefully Vito independent. If I find out he's making us lose, I will personally destroy him.

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