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excerpts: No other Bowl Subdivision team in TX would want to field a team with NT roster configeration..more than 60 of the 101 players are were freshmen, RS freshmen or sopsh. The outgoing SR class 17 players had 9 current or former walk ons.

APR Nt has 77 ships instead of 85 and will have 82 this season. "I don't want to play with 8 less ships than anyone else in America for much longer. 2004-06 NT signed 11 JC's (DD's) only 2 finished their elgibility...

Season concluded with not one player on ship probation and in danger of missing spring training.

If NT were to fire Dodge NT would be on the hook for $495,000 in monthly base salary. If Dodge left early he would have to pay NT $195,000

Dodge started 16 inherited players (including punter, kick hold and long snapper) in this season final game debunking the myth that he would cast aside those DD left behind. 8 more DD signees started on played at least 9 games ...injuries took out 2 starters....

Strentht coach is shared with all other sports...

Dodge had inherited a program that lost 29 of 61 players with remaining elgibility

Posted (edited)

Here's my favorite quote:

The offensive line was this season’s most improved area, and now the defensive line is Dodge’s No. 1 recruiting priority, he said.

He's just now making it a priority?!?!

Did anyone watch the Tulsa-East Carolina CUSA championship game yesterday? Tulsa was favored in that game, but guess who (or what) was the main reason that ECU won.......IT'S DEFENSIVE LINE! The Tulsa QB (Johnson) had about 5 or 6 int's during the game. Why? BECAUSE THE DL WAS CHASING HIM ALL OVER THE FIELD AND/OR SACKING HIM WHILE HE WAS TRYING TO PASS.

Last year in the Navy game, coach Dodge made the bold decision (and as it turned out, the right decision) to squib kick the kick-off after our first score. We got the ball back and scored again, putting us up by 14 very early in the game. Why did he do this? Because he knew his defense could not stop the Navy running attack, and his only hope for a win was to stay ahead by a couple of touchdowns. And why couldn't we stop the Navy running attack? Because we were weak in the DL! AND we were not (like this year) able to tackle worth a damn.


When the 08 signing class was announced, I remember saying WHERE'S THE BEEF?

Our only hope for next year is if we suddenly find a couple of Juco DL beasts that can transfer and play in the spring. Otherwise, even if by some stroke of luck some outstanding HS D-Linemen sign with us, we're still a couple of years away to even hope they will contribute.

Edited by SilverEagle

excellent quote from article:

"This didn’t happen overnight," said Lettermen’s president Lance White, echoing what he called a prevailing sentiment. "The issues we have today were created the last five to seven years. People close to the program realize those things



I here you. But you know, some years there are only so many players at so many positions to go around. You just cannot go out and order a player up out of a catalog. Now one thing they could do is invite a bunch of DL's to walk on if they do not want to take a chance on handing out scholarships. And you know, as many schools as there are within just 50 to 100 miles of UNT, a strong walk on program would be great.

Here's my favorite quote:

The offensive line was this season’s most improved area, and now the defensive line is Dodge’s No. 1 recruiting priority, he said.

He's just now making it a priority?!?!

Did anyone watch the Tulsa-East Carolina CUSA championship game yesterday? Tulsa was favored in that game, but guess who (or what) was the main reason that ECU won.......IT'S DEFENSIVE LINE! The Tulsa QB (Johnson) had about 5 or 6 int's during the game. Why? BECAUSE THE DL WAS CHASING HIM ALL OVER THE FIELD AND/OR SACKING HIM WHILE HE WAS TRYING TO PASS.

Last year in the Navy game, coach Dodge made the bold decision (and as it turned out, the right decision) to squib kick the kick-off after our first score. We got the ball back and scored again, putting us up by 14 very early in the game. Why did he do this? Because he knew his defense could not stop the Navy running attack, and his only hope for a win was to stay ahead by a couple of touchdowns. And why couldn't we stop the Navy running attack? Because we were weak in the DL! AND we were not (like this year) able to tackle worth a damn.


When the 08 signing class was announced, I remember saying WHERE'S THE BEEF?

Our only hope for next year is if we suddenly find a couple of Juco DL beasts that can transfer and play in the spring. Otherwise, even if by some stroke of luck some outstanding HS D-Linemen sign with us, we're still a couple of years away to even hope they will contribute.

Posted (edited)


I here you. But you know, some years there are only so many players at so many positions to go around. You just cannot go out and order a player up out of a catalog. Now one thing they could do is invite a bunch of DL's to walk on if they do not want to take a chance on handing out scholarships. And you know, as many schools as there are within just 50 to 100 miles of UNT, a strong walk on program would be great.

I hope you don't think that I'm that naive. What I'm talking about is putting in the same amount of time and effort into recruiting D-linemen as they put into recruiting the dozen or so WR's that they signed the last two classes. You know, those same WR's that either didn't make it to the field in a regular role, or left the program. <_<

I call that a great use of their recruiting time. :thumbsup: ..............................................NOT! :angry:

Oh, and I forgot to make this comment. If Coach Dodge thinks that addressing the DL is such a priority, then why did he kick Joseph Miller to the curb? Coach Dodge made the decision to not pursue a medical redshirt for Joesph Miller. A healthy Joesph Miller in 07 had more tackles than all of the D-linemen this year.

Edited by SilverEagle


another quote from the article:

"I stand 100 percent behind the decisions that were made in the past by our AD and president [Gretchen Bataille]," said UNT Board of Regents member C. Dan Smith, a former player and one of the athletic department’s ranking advocates, via e-mail. "I have every confidence in the decisions that may be made in the future concerning our football program. As fans we all have opinions, but very rarely have all the facts."

now the obvious question to you, SE, and all the other fire td bunch...."do you have ALL the facts?".....because you certainly have opionions.


Oh, and I forgot to make this comment. If Coach Dodge thinks that addressing the DL is such a priority, then why did he kick Joseph Miller to the curb? Coach Dodge made the decision to not pursue a medical redshirt for Joesph Miller. A healthy Joesph Miller in 07 had more tackles than all of the D-linemen this year.

Are we for sure that Miller is not returning? He didn't play in the last 2 games. Making him eligible to apply for a med-red-shirt.



another quote from the article:

"I stand 100 percent behind the decisions that were made in the past by our AD and president [Gretchen Bataille]," said UNT Board of Regents member C. Dan Smith, a former player and one of the athletic department’s ranking advocates, via e-mail. "I have every confidence in the decisions that may be made in the future concerning our football program. As fans we all have opinions, but very rarely have all the facts."

now the obvious question to you, SE, and all the other fire td bunch...."do you have ALL the facts?".....because you certainly have opionions.

And do you and all the Dodge apologists have all the facts or just opinions?

The factsare simple though Todd Dodge is 3-21 in the first 2 seasons!!

FACT: Dodge has been great for attendance the first two seasons.

FACT: RV has not communicated with the alumni as he prmoised years ago.



another quote from the article:

"I stand 100 percent behind the decisions that were made in the past by our AD and president [Gretchen Bataille]," said UNT Board of Regents member C. Dan Smith, a former player and one of the athletic department’s ranking advocates, via e-mail. "I have every confidence in the decisions that may be made in the future concerning our football program. As fans we all have opinions, but very rarely have all the facts."

now the obvious question to you, SE, and all the other fire td bunch...."do you have ALL the facts?".....because you certainly have opionions.

It's my understanding that C. Dan Smith was somewhat of a hinderance to RV firing DD.

C. Dan Smith is a former player, and has contributed a great amount of money and energy to this program. I certainly hope that he knows more inside stuff (positive stuff that is) than I do.......because the outside stuff is very alarming.

As to the questions about Miller. Coach Dodge was asked a week or so ago if he was going to apply for a medical redshirt for Miller, and the answer was no.

Posted (edited)

I hope you don't think that I'm that naive.

Yes, because as you probably do not know, there's a much higher percentage of getting that game-breaking Defensive Tackle we so sorely need from a list of walk ons than from a college recruiting list. :D


Edited by FirefightnRick
Posted (edited)


excerpts: No other Bowl Subdivision team in TX would want to field a team with NT roster configeration..more than 60 of the 101 players are were freshmen, RS freshmen or sopsh. The outgoing SR class 17 players had 9 current or former walk ons.

APR Nt has 77 ships instead of 85 and will have 82 this season. "I don't want to play with 8 less ships than anyone else in America for much longer. 2004-06 NT signed 11 JC's (DD's) only 2 finished their elgibility...

Yada, yada, more excuses. Show us results, not regression in year 2. Baylor, Ga Tech, Ole Miss, and many others all had major improvments with their FIRST year coach...no more excuses!

Edited by NT80

There was some good news in that article assuming it is correct, that is that NT will have 82 scholarships available. That is only 3 under the maximum and 2 better than last year. Defensive lineman are a priority for every team, there not a lot of them out there and the competition is heavy. As far as the number of players, It seems to me that playing with 77 ship players is far from being catastrophic. I think you will find that there a number of programs that ended the season with similar numbers. When a number of 1aa programs with many less ships than NT are more competitive than NT, playing with a handful less ships than average doesn't seem that pertinent. I don't think many believe that DD left the program in good shape and obviously both the quantity and quality of the last year's junior and senior classes is greatly lacking.

Does anyone have a guess at what the writer is talking about when he stated it would cost $495,000 in monthly base salary to terminate Dodge? Obviously, it is not per month; that would make Dodge's pay the highest for a head coach n the USA. I assume it refers to the total buyout of the remainder of his contract and that seems rather low to me.

TD is going to get at least one more year, and hopefully he can turn the program around. But to suggest as this article does that the last two season results were primarily a result of TD inheriting a very poor team and had little to do with very questionable coaching is overly slanted. I can buy that the win-loss record is due to a talent gap, however I do believe that being totally non-competitive in the majority of games has as much to do with coaching as the players. Frankly after the debacle in Tennessee, were a team with two weeks to prepare was totally blown out in the first half by the second worst offensive team in the Belt; I had little hope for this coaching staff. However, the Arkansas State did provide a bit of optimism for the program and hopefully is a harbinger for progress to come.

Posted (edited)

I hope you don't think that I'm that naive. What I'm talking about is putting in the same amount of time and effort into recruiting D-linemen as they put into recruiting the dozen or so WR's that they signed the last two classes. You know, those same WR's that either didn't make it to the field in a regular role, or left the program. <_<

I call that a great use of their recruiting time. :thumbsup: ..............................................NOT! :angry:

Oh, and I forgot to make this comment. If Coach Dodge thinks that addressing the DL is such a priority, then why did he kick Joseph Miller to the curb? Coach Dodge made the decision to not pursue a medical redshirt for Joesph Miller. A healthy Joesph Miller in 07 had more tackles than all of the D-linemen this year.


No, I certainly do not think you are that naive. But, how do you know that they are not putting in the same amount of time into recruiting a DL this year? Yea, they signed to many WR's, I agree with that. And, besides wasn't Deloach brought in here to build the defense.? Further, he has also been given "years" to build the defense, so you still have plenty of time to get those DL's here. The defense really sucked this year, and nobody really got after Deloach. Now, it looks like he won't be held responsible if a great dl is not signed come February.

As for Miller, there is probably more to the story than we know. I certainly don't know.

Edited by Green Dozer
Posted (edited)

Yes, because as you probably do not know, there's a much higher percentage of getting that game-breaking Defensive Tackle we so sorely need from a list of walk ons than from a college recruiting list. :D


It was just a suggestion Rick, and Nebraska did a pretty good job of finding good linemen in their hay day when they had a strong walk-on program. And you will hear commentators say this player or that player was a walk on at every position, and turns out to be a great college player. Glad you thought so much of it that you seemed to have got a good laugh. Furthermore, its not any worse and just as funny as some of the suggestions you have made for this program.

Edited by Green Dozer
Posted (edited)

Nt has 12 seniors.

Nt is "PLAYING" with one of the youngest teams in D-1.

Nt is, also, "PLAYING" with about the number of players as other FCS (formerly D-1AA) teams.

Tina brings up an interesting point on all the other teams with the approximate amount of underclassmen.....however......HOW many of Tina's teams, that she listed, are "STARTING THE SAME AMOUNT OF FRESHMEN AND SOPHMORES" as NT?? (maybe SMU) That is NOT in Tina's report......however......other fire td "jumpin' off the ship rats" thinks that this is a "fair" comparison? yea right......analyze that tina.


another point.....how many of the same teams that tina is mentioning is playing the "SAME" number of players as Nt?

tina is just throwing out stats.....like the brown stinky stuff and hopes that it will stick......IMHO, it does not stick it just stinks.

BTW, i am going to be giving away crow........i understand it taste just like chicken......SE may have some local reciepts.

Edited by eulesseagle

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