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Jones Makes The Call On Knox

Brett Vito

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Hope it pans out...but I'm still skeptical of using 5 years worth of scholarship on the next Howerton.

I'll take another Howerton if it doesn't take quite as long for him to emerge. Howerton's our biggest inside body now, and it looks like he really enjoys banging down low (here come the comments).....hehehe he said banging down low.

Last year Howerton looked like he was afraid he might get hurt. Last night it looked like he was looking for an opportunity to play rough.

Edited by Mad Hatter
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Hope it pans out...but I'm still skeptical of using 5 years worth of scholarship on the next Howerton.

You may be right CBL. The way I see it though is that JJ recruited and signed him and he needs another year to develop. By throwing him to wolves right away, we would only free up 1 year of scholarship. I'd rather take a chance and reshirt him to see if Knox can develop into a meaningful contributor for several years. This, of course, is all speculation and I can certainly see the argument of not redshirting him (or even signing him altogether - but we are way past that). I hope JJ stops signing project players from here on out. Our team has reached a point where we do not need to this.

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You may be right CBL. The way I see it though is that JJ recruited and signed him and he needs another year to develop. By throwing him to wolves right away, we would only free up 1 year of scholarship. I'd rather take a chance and reshirt him to see if Knox can develop into a meaningful contributor for several years. This, of course, is all speculation and I can certainly see the argument of not redshirting him (or even signing him altogether - but we are way past that). I hope JJ stops signing project players from here on out. Our team has reached a point where we do not need to this.

I'd rather have another JC player for immediate inside help than a project on the bench. I think Howerton is much improved this year but he's not enough down low against a quality opponent.

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I'd rather have another JC player for immediate inside help than a project on the bench. I think Howerton is much improved this year but he's not enough down low against a quality opponent.

Howerton has committed 11 fouls in 31 mins vs DII competition. He has to do much better than that if he is to make much of a contribution this year.

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I think you were looking at the rebound column. Howerton has 11 rebounds in 31 minutes.

Right, my bad, but he had 7 fouls in 31 minutes. Defensive fouls were a problem for him last season, it is not good that he hasn't shown improvement in that area vs DII teams. He needs to improve if he is to be on the court very many minutes this season.

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Guest GrayEagleOne

You see very few players who are 6'10" or better who are not projects. Most are gangly, beanpoles who need to put on weight and get used to playing with the added weight. They simply grew tall so quickly that their body hasn't caught up.

Since he needs to mature and he wasn't going to get much playing time, it was the right call.

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