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Dodge Did The Right Thing!


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If you football players want to do drugs then do them on your own money, NOT MINE! Turn in your scholarships and go find a job and pay for your own education!

No one is forcing you to play football. However, if you take the money then you have made a commitment to the University(the students & alumni) and you are in "debt" whether you realize it or not. You made a commitment to give a whole hearted effort in the classroom and on the field.

Some of us work 70 hours and more a week just to make ends meet and then we also give what we can to the Athletic Program.

I would have kicked everyone of you off the team for doing drugs and yanked your scholarships no if, ands or buts.

How many of you were using drugs before the first game in Manhattan? Some of us drove the 1000 miles and spent over $750 to go see you guys.

We actually believed in you. Shame on you!

You who are doing drugs have no business representing The University of North Texas!

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What about music majors who may be smoking dope? What about business majors? Hmmm?

Do you just want your scholarship football players not smoking, or do you want everyone on any scholarship at UNT using "your money" to be tested?

Also, since you're so against people who may be committing misdemeanor crimes, why doesn't the school pull scholarships for everyone with traffic tickets? Driving over the speed limit is dangerous and irresponsible as well.

So, what's your cut-off? Football players? Tuba players? Speeding? Failure to signal? Minor in possession of alcohol?

Go ahead. Draw a line.

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What about music majors who may be smoking dope? What about business majors? Hmmm?

Do you just want your scholarship football players not smoking, or do you want everyone on any scholarship at UNT using "your money" to be tested?

Also, since you're so against people who may be committing misdemeanor crimes, why doesn't the school pull scholarships for everyone with traffic tickets? Driving over the speed limit is dangerous and irresponsible as well.

So, what's your cut-off? Football players? Tuba players? Speeding? Failure to signal? Minor in possession of alcohol?

Go ahead. Draw a line.

Hey, this IS a football blog and the conversation IS focused on football players. I'm pretty sure Bob feels the same way about the other majors on scholarship and would most likely post the same on the appropriate blog. (don't want to speak for Bob though)

Thanks for the post Bob!

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I 100% agree with you bob. In addition to your post, those football players need to be held accountable for the simple fact that they are role models to a degree. Alot of these players have aspirations to go to the NFL and as a society, we hold professional sports players and celebrities to a higher standard because they are role models. This should be no different for college players as well, because if one of these players was some kid's hero, that kid would lose that role model.

As an additional note that someone else had posted on this board regarding venting frustrations towards the players, someone else chimed in that they are also grown men and should be able to accept the criticism. This is not different, they need to face reality, grow up and press on.

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What about music majors who may be smoking dope? What about business majors? Hmmm?

Do you just want your scholarship football players not smoking, or do you want everyone on any scholarship at UNT using "your money" to be tested?

Also, since you're so against people who may be committing misdemeanor crimes, why doesn't the school pull scholarships for everyone with traffic tickets? Driving over the speed limit is dangerous and irresponsible as well.

So, what's your cut-off? Football players? Tuba players? Speeding? Failure to signal? Minor in possession of alcohol?

Go ahead. Draw a line.

Once again Lonnie, I concur.

I hope we don't drug test anyone wanting to WATCH a game at Fouts b/c the only way to watch this team is stoned out of your mind.

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What about music majors who may be smoking dope? What about business majors? Hmmm?

Do you just want your scholarship football players not smoking, or do you want everyone on any scholarship at UNT using "your money" to be tested?

Also, since you're so against people who may be committing misdemeanor crimes, why doesn't the school pull scholarships for everyone with traffic tickets? Driving over the speed limit is dangerous and irresponsible as well.

So, what's your cut-off? Football players? Tuba players? Speeding? Failure to signal? Minor in possession of alcohol?

Go ahead. Draw a line.

jaywalkers will burn in hell!

There is a two strike rule (not zero tolerance, sorry!) within the school system when it comes to drugs. And, I am glad that is the case. I do think that when you are getting a scholarship (be it athletic or academic) from the school you should be held to a higher standard. These individuals are ambassadors to the school. With any leader they should act above reproach. But, I think Dodge is handling it well in the sense that he is trying to help them first instead of kicking 'em out the door the first time.

Edited by Travis
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Sorry if I missed it, but did Dodge mention anything about testing himself and his entire coaching staff? If he's going to go beyond requirements and test the entire team, I think that he should step up and take the lead by testing himself and his staff regularly. Besides, most people would say that there are indications the staff in underperforming and we need to rule out drugs as part of the problem. ;)

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I 100% agree with you bob. In addition to your post, those football players need to be held accountable for the simple fact that they are role models to a degree.

Yes, and many of these athletes are buddies to Jr. Mean Green Club members. How would you like to be a parent of one of these kids and the kids start asking you questions about the drug use. Kids are taught to say no to drugs from their teachers and parents, who should really be their role models, while their buddies from the team could possibly be using recreational drugs. Believe me, these kids look at these players like they are gods. These players need to think about that for a minute.

I would like to see the athletic department take a proactive stance for once and start a "Say No To Drugs" program with the student athletes delivering the message.

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Sorry if I missed it, but did Dodge mention anything about testing himself and his entire coaching staff? If he's going to go beyond requirements and test the entire team, I think that he should step up and take the lead by testing himself and his staff regularly. Besides, most people would say that there are indications the staff in underperforming and we need to rule out drugs as part of the problem. ;)

Scholarship Athlete vs State Employee. Someone correct me about NCAA rules, but aside from that, my best guess is Different rules, different set of requirements and different outcomes totally. RV and Dr. B. will take care of testing Dodge as a condition of employement if the circumstance arises, Dodge takes care of his players. Maybe we should just test the folks on this board!

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Look, I don't mean to be defending dope-smokers. If I wanted to defend dope-smokers in general, I'd be a fan of Colorado or Texas or U Cal-Berkeley.

But, what you and others need to understand is that there is legal precedent for this type of testing - from the high school level on up.

You've perhaps seen the lawsuits/squabbles at school districts who begin to try drug testing. It almost always starts with testing the football team. So, what do you think happens. The football parents sue to block saying, if your going to do our kids, you've got to do everyone involved in any extra curricular: band, theatre, debate, etc.

And, courts have found that you cannot just cover one group. That's why some districts have testing for everyone. You can't single out one group.

On the college level, it would be the same way. It's just that no one has gone down that road. Part of the reason is cost. The cost to test everyone involved in anything official on campus would be high. Plus, you'd have the maggot-infested, leftist professors trying to stop it.

Look, we're in an era where some college presidents have called for the lowering of the drinking age. Yes, well-educated people being that stupid. Well-educated, highly-paid, and supposedly role models.

However, it doesn't matter what I personally feel about dope moking or alcohol use. I know the law. And, I know the legal pathways that led to those laws. And, what I'm telling you is Todd Dodge has jumped into a battle that has already been fought and lost.

His ordering of the tests were needless. Legally, they would hold little ground in court because of the low-level ranking of marijuana on the court's radar these days. Basically, he's wasted everyone's time. Which, he does anyway for three hours every Saturday night. This was just a needless diversion.

The only shock value to me is that RV didn't have the sense to stop it. It simply shows me that RV has chosen to sink with the ship. I guess on some level, I should respect that...but, I don't. When you make a mistake, you admit you're wrong, correct it, and move on. He's not doing that. I'm surprised he would hitch his professional cart to this type of thing. I'm betting anything you can offer that they did this without consent of school counsel.

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So Dodge did the right thing?? WHAT, pray tell, did Dodge.... do?

Dibrell left the team shortly after the testing, reportedly on his own... so, he either left on his own (without penalty) or Dodge was covering up any underlying discipline related reason for his departure.

One other player was reportedly suspended two games, and common assumption is that it was for an unrelated reason.

That leaves two loose, unconfirmed reports of any disciplinary action and thirteen cases of.... nothing.

Sure, you can assume all you want that very conveniently none of the 15 ever set foot on the field, that they were all Dickey recruits, that all discipline has been kept quiet and doesn't involve any suspensions, or any other of the number of laughable excuses I've read this week. Or, you can assume, based on the facts we have access to, that there has been no discipline whatsoever. None. Zip.... and the tests were done after the RICE GAME.

Hey, I can drug test whoever the hell I want. Amounts to a hill of Ranch Style Beans if I don't do a damn thing about the results.

Hell, it's not even like we're playing for anything -- Dodge has crafted quite possibly the most noncompetitive team in contemporary div.1/FBS history. Yet, here we are, half a season after the tests.... nothing. His hand has to be forced now, doesn't it? Maybe RV's will be? Dr. Bataille's?

If it's college football related, Todd Dodge can F it up. So far, that's all we have to go on.

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Scholarship Athlete vs State Employee. Someone correct me about NCAA rules, but aside from that, my best guess is Different rules, different set of requirements and different outcomes totally. RV and Dr. B. will take care of testing Dodge as a condition of employement if the circumstance arises, Dodge takes care of his players. Maybe we should just test the folks on this board!

But, both being paid with "your money"...right?

By the way, I'll test anytime for anything you name voluntarily. I'm opposed to drug and alcohol use. But, I know the law. And, therefore, I know that Dodge and RV have simply wasted time and credibility on this thing.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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Scholarship Athlete vs State Employee. Someone correct me about NCAA rules, but aside from that, my best guess is Different rules, different set of requirements and different outcomes totally. RV and Dr. B. will take care of testing Dodge as a condition of employement if the circumstance arises, Dodge takes care of his players. Maybe we should just test the folks on this board!

2-18 says the circumstances may have arisen.

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Coach Dodge and RV wasted time and money on the testing?

RV was not supportative of the testing?

Coach Dodge must have had some type of indication, or saw something,

that made him want to investigate futher. I do not think Coach Dodge

dreamed the testing up on his own, then ordered the testing.

I would say Coach Dodge did consult with RV, who in turn consulted

with GB. I would also say both RV and GB gave their blessing and approved

the testing process. Coach Dodge could not have done this alone.

The whole point of the testing was not because the team is 0-8. The

testing was done to help these kids, protect their health, protect their

futures, correct the problem, provide counciling, and to make sure

the kids understand any substance use or abuse will not be on the

football team. This does not matter how the courts view the use or

possession of weed. What matters is, some kids were using weed on

a regular basis and Coach Dodge took measures to correct this


I do agree with TFLF on one point. If you test one group of people,

then you have to test all groups of people. Like TFLF said, no one

will go down that road. If this type of testing were possible, the

results made public, life in America would change over night.

Edited by charlie nt73
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All I will say to this is WOW! Some "interesting" line of thought on this thread. I am a pretty simple guy when it comes to illegal stuff...obne rule...DON'T DO IT...IF YOU DO and YOU GET CAUGHT...You deserve what you get! I am out of the it's "only" MJ...I don't care...it's illegal. make it legal and then I say treat it like we alcohal laws, DWI's, etc. Until then...It's Illegal. But then, some folks see absolutely nothing wrong with folks coming into this country and staying her ILLEGALLY! What's wrong with it is THAT it is illegal!

And, correct me if I am wrong here....I think players play better sober.

I support Dodge with the testing thing...many more players tested fine than the 15 who made the decision to let themselves and their teammates down with so bad choices. Let's celebrate AND PLAY the one's who did the right thing for a change and not "reward" the athletes who screwed it up!

GO MEAN GREEN.... I say START THE CLEAN TEAM!!!!! :rolleyes:

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