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Unt Players Fail Drug Test

Brett Vito

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Tasty, Props to you for your article on the ULM game. It is unbelievable that you picked up on the fact that teams know when we are going to run vs. pass.

How do you feel about your buddy Rick V. being on the sidelines? I read somewhere that he is now giving out instruction on the sideline.

These game recaps are getting behind with these other stories....I guess Tasty is just going to have to quit his job. :D

Why would RV need to be on the sidelines?

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RV's been on the sidelines since day one. He yells at the ref and yells at the team to cheer them on. In that sense he is no different from the dozen or so VIP sideline pass holders that are out there for every game. At least he usually doesn't step in front of the people with cameras. :)

It's not like he's diagramming plays and yelling them out to Coach Dodge.

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Narration by Cheech Marin. I can hear it now:

"Heyyyy maaaaan. The 2008-2009 season was a tough one holmes. But its cool esa, the students voted for a new stadium maaaaaannnn." pufff puffff.

Thats the worst Cheech impression I've ever read...

1) Homes, not holmes.

2) Ese, not esa.

3) 2008 season, not 2008-2009.

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Thats the worst Cheech impression I've ever read...

1) Homes, not holmes.

2) Ese, not esa.

3) 2008 season, not 2008-2009.

He's stoned while doing it, so wouldn't the way he had it be more ... um ... "accurate." :ermm:

Edited by UNTFan23
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I just wish that Dickey would have done this. As the article stated and I COMPLETELY AGREE... gateway drugs lead to harder drugs and eventually someone will get hurt, or die. It has happened before and I am sure that Dodge does not want that on his hands. I also know that he put personal feelings aside for this and I am glad that names were not released because kids do not deserve to have their lives ruined because they screwed up in college. THE ONES THAT WANT TO PLAY WILL SAY THAT THEY ARE SORRY, GO THROUGH THE COUNSELING, AND MOVE ON... the other ones... well, many of them have left the team. When you have plenty of money and your scholarship is just a "bonus" to your family, it doesn't really matter - you just go somewhere else to play and your parents pay your way until you get a ship. People wonder about the breakdown of Senior leadership... well, Dickey looked the other way.

Some of the cover ups from the Dickey Era: Thefts, Assaults, Drug Use, Guns, Accusations of Rape, thefts from other players, thefts from the locker room, selling of stolen goods... just to name a few. Was the lid kept on it pretty good? Absolutely. How would you all feel about those 4 conference championships if the NCAA revoked all of our wins from the Dickey era and made those losses? Dickey and his staff were a walking time bomb. I will take an 0-12 Dodge coached team that is trying to raise our kids to be MEN over a 5-7 team that went to New Orleans with a waiver. Sorry for the harsh answer but I like to see things run cleanly, especially when our Mean Green Club donations pay for these scholarships and so does the bodybag game money. Are things in turmoil right now? Yes... Do you REALLY BELIEVE that Dodge created this turmoil? Not.... Dodge was brought in to clean up Dickey's mess, put in an exciting offense, and have a positive attitude... I would bet that he thought he could just lay down the law and the kids would listen but some of those habits started to bleed into his young team. He put his foot down and I am proud of him for doing it. We should be PRAISING Dodge, not scolding him. Why test the whole team? You kinda have to when your son is on the team or some jerk will accuse you of favoritism or trying to get rid of Dickey's players (clears throat... looks like someone already is accusing him of that). Younger players look up to the veterans and pick up on their habits. This is the time to clean things up... when there is no winning percentage to protect.

I don't know what to think about Brett pulling a FOI act on this one. Nothing was being covered up... it is being fixed... and I would bet that the majority of us on this board already knew about this (I know that i knew about all this weeks ago). We need 2 more years to exorcise the demons in this program. I say that Dodge should do this by any mean possible. Thank you Coach Dodge for taking the hard road and doing the right thing. If you were winning right now, people would be praising you. Unfortunately the team is losing so your good deed is looked at as if you are somehow the problem. I guess that he supplies the pot to the kids, huh?

Come on guys - it is easy to be a fan of a winning team. Be real fans and support your team when they are down. You will feel better when things turn around (with or without Dodge).

Edited by stebo
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I don't know what to think about Brett pulling a FOI act on this one.

Well put, Stebo...I'm as guilty as anyone (or at least those of us who knew about much of the "goings-on" during Dickey's time here) for forgetting the covered-up transgressions of those teams.

As for Brett's filing an FOI request...I say, "thank you for having the balls to do it". I think those of us who give to the program, either in time or monetarily, at least have a right to know what is going on.

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Man your stepping on some toes accusing the older boys of influencing the yougsters into bad habits. I would love for the test results to be posted. You can bet the boys know who they are... To insinuate the bench sitters = positive test is wrong & insulting. I wish the positive tests would sit. We might win some games.

Edited by ScreaminEagle
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Thats the worst Cheech impression I've ever read...

1) Homes, not holmes.

2) Ese, not esa.

3) 2008 season, not 2008-2009.

Sorry, I didnt know there was a standard of written Cheeh impressions :P

But, UNTFan23 is right, he would be stoned while doing the video, so it actually may be more accurate :lol:

Should we change our fight song to Lowrider?

Or better yet, Our new fight song is...wait for it...

Because I Got High, by Afroman. :lol::rolleyes:

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I was afraid to post it since I didn't want to be too much of a smartA$$, but then that's rarely stopped me! LOL!

BTW, SilverEagle, I like your throwback avatar. It reminds me of some of the NTSU things my uncle had back when I was a wee-one.


It's the one and only SCRAPPY!

With LOTS OF ATTITUDE at no extra charge. ;)

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Are things in turmoil right now? Yes... Do you REALLY BELIEVE that Dodge created this turmoil? Not.... Dodge was brought in to clean up Dickey's mess, put in an exciting offense, and have a positive attitude... I would bet that he thought he could just lay down the law and the kids would listen but some of those habits started to bleed into his young team. He put his foot down and I am proud of him for doing it. We should be PRAISING Dodge, not scolding him. Why test the whole team? You kinda have to when your son is on the team or some jerk will accuse you of favoritism or trying to get rid of Dickey's players (clears throat... looks like someone already is accusing him of that). Younger players look up to the veterans and pick up on their habits. This is the time to clean things up... when there is no winning percentage to protect.

you want to get on the DD kids.............. what about the 4 kids that are Fr. and So that have been arrested in the last 2 years. Who did DD do this. Pull the test records from the DD test results and fine me the number of kids that tested positive. Look DD kids had nothing to do with this pile of BS. You want to start spreading BS about some of the kids now is not the time for that...................Hell what about the kid that was aressted last Wed from the lockeroom he is a redshirt Fr.Damn DD.............

Edited by PHSCoach
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you want to get on the DD kids.............. what about the 4 kids that are Fr. and So that have been arrested in the last 2 years. Who did DD do this. Pull the test records from the DD test results and fine me the number of kids that tested positive. Look DD kids had nothing to do with this pile of BS. You want to start spreading BS about some of the kids now is not the time for that...................Hell what about the kid that was aressted last Wed from the lockeroom he is a redshirt Fr.Damn DD.............

Methinks you misread or misunderstood Stebo's post.

Crap, we just made the 1:17PM Ticket Ticker. yippee <_<

And your point? It's in the news...there's no hiding that.

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People should be careful about making allegations. I have removed posts. Do not make allegations without some proof.

Hell if we start going down that path who knows what someone might make up? Alumni paying players for no work? Alumni taking players to strip clubs? Who knows, it could get crazy.

So lets keep it factual.


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