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Just got done early voting in Denton at the Carroll Building by the square. Line was short, maybe waited 10 minutes so if you're voting early, I'd check that place out.


Just got done early voting in Denton at the Carroll Building by the square. Line was short, maybe waited 10 minutes so if you're voting early, I'd check that place out.

That is good. It was a 45 minute wait when I went there yesterday.

Now go vote everyone!


VOTE...I did it Tuesday...great to see all the early voters....vote, it really is your DUTY as a citizen of this GREAT NATION of ours!!!!

Thanks to all who have already voted....to everyone else...GET IT DONE!


VOTE...I did it Tuesday...great to see all the early voters....vote, it really is your DUTY as a citizen of this GREAT NATION of ours!!!!

Thanks to all who have already voted....to everyone else...GET IT DONE!

Voted here yesterday in AR.

Voted for a Lottery, Yearly Legislative Sessions. Against Banning of Foster Care by co-habiting Couples (way to many kids in foster care for this crap).

Voted against the 2 Democrat Senators who were for the Bailout, instead voted for their opponents, who were Green Party. As for President I will not tell :)

Nice article in the Denton RC about the huge turnout so far. Don Alexander has done a great job keeping the county at the for front of election technology as needed and his staff will be able handle the masses, no matter what the negative nellies say.


Voted here yesterday in AR.

Voted for a Lottery, Yearly Legislative Sessions. Against Banning of Foster Care by co-habiting Couples (way to many kids in foster care for this crap).

Voted against the 2 Democrat Senators who were for the Bailout, instead voted for their opponents, who were Green Party. As for President I will not tell :)

I wish they'd let the people in Benton county vote whether or not the county should be wet. Every time the conservatives muck it up and get the petition thrown out on some vague legal reason. There's a reason why the Jane, MO Walmart is number one in the nation in liquor sales.


I wish they'd let the people in Benton county vote whether or not the county should be wet. Every time the conservatives muck it up and get the petition thrown out on some vague legal reason. There's a reason why the Jane, MO Walmart is number one in the nation in liquor sales.

Ditto here in Faulkner County, tired of driving to Menifee or Morgan for an alcohol run.

I guess there is a reason there are 120 churches in a town of 55K.

Posted (edited)

I didn't see any on the ballot.

Oh wait, you're were being stupid. My bad.

I';m just happy to know that they got their daily copy of the RNC Talking Points. God knows they're incapable of coming up with that on their own... :)

Edited by JayDub
Posted (edited)

I didn't see any on the ballot.

Oh wait, you're were being stupid. My bad.

I thought my posts were on your IGNORE button? Maybe you should reactivate that option again since you can't seem to handle the truth with any more maturity than a 4 year old?

It might help you get along.


Edited by FirefightnRick
Posted (edited)

I thought my posts were on your IGNORE button? Maybe you should reactivate that option again since you can't seem to handle the truth with any more maturity than a 4 year old?

It might help you get along.


The truth is that the rich will have lower tax rates than they did under that Commie Ronald Reagan.

And I don't need to get along with anyone who's got their head shoved so far up their ass with rhetorical bullshit they can't see the light of day.

BTW I originally quoted MeanGreendub, you jackass.

Edited by Coffee and TV




---No one running for office in the USA is a Socialist that wants to nationalize any companies or nationalize farming land as did the Soviet Union and Red China. Perhaps you could consider public schools, public colleges, and public hospitals, as socialist instutions since thare are a lot of people who pay taxes that do not use them. The people of Texas (by way of taxes) paid for part of our North Texas and public school education...

  • Upvote 1

I';m just happy to know that they got their daily copy of the RNC Talking Points. God knows they're incapable of coming up with that on their own... :)


--- I love the part that Rush Limbaugh refers to his listeners (supporters) as "ditto-heads". Ditto means "me-too"... I laugh every time I hear him call them "me-too-ers" and imply that they can't think for themselves. I doubt if they realize what he is doing.... LOL

  • Upvote 1

The truth is that the rich will have lower tax rates than they did under that Commie Ronald Reagan.

And I don't need to get along with anyone who's got their head shoved so far up their ass with rhetorical bullshit they can't see the light of day.

BTW I originally quoted MeanGreendub, you jackass.

Then maybe you need to place MGD's posts on your IGNORE list as well.


Posted (edited)


It's funny how that symbolic picture of socialism somehow offends you yet I didn't see one damn thing from you about being offended by JayDub's thread mocking Jesus.

So here you go one more time.


Carry On.


Edited by FirefightnRick

I didn't see any on the ballot.

Oh wait, you're were being stupid. My bad.

Ya, I do say a lot of controversial stuff that makes me sound stupid. Oh wait, that's Joe Biden.

Posted (edited)

It's funny how that symbolic picture of socialism somehow offends you yet I didn't see one damn thing from you about being offended by JayDub's thread mocking Jesus.

So here you go one more time.


Carry On.



---Did not see it... I don't read everything and have not even checked in on GMG in several days. Just because one person demonstrates poor behavior doesn't not justify anyone else to do so...... sounds rather childish..

---For what it is worth. I am definitely a Christian...( attend regularly, wife even teaches at a private school started by a church ) but don't think churches have any business campaigning for candidates and don't think government should dictate to churches either... In other words I agree with the Constitution. I even went to a religious sponsored college for a while. You jump to far too many conclusions without knowing facts.

---Surprise.. I never have voted straight ticket.. I unlike you appear to be.. am open minded to others and their ideas. I don't consider either party the "enemy" and definitely would not suggest shooting them. Both parties have some good people and both have have sorry ones.

---I and many others really dislike how our country has been so divided... it was not that way when I was younger. I personally think it is largely due to all these "hate mongers" on radio and TV (even some who are supposedly "religious" programs). Once talk-radio got started (most stations were was once news and top-40, country stations, or had religious programing without political overtones) plus the 24 hour cable programs started when began about 1980 due to satellite technology....things have really changed..... and not for the better.....

---One thing I thing college should teach us is to have an open mind and to listen to others.... then believe as we wish. None of us are always right and none of us are always wrong.... and neither is any political party or any church. .

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)


---Did not see it... I don't read everything and have not even checked in on GMG in several days. Just because one person demonstrates poor behavior doesn't not justify anyone else to do so...... sounds rather childish..

Not childish, just poor taste in my oppinion.

You jump to far too many conclusions without knowing facts.


.Nope, didn't jump to any conclusions at all. You pretty much respond to nearly everything you dissagree with politically, and even go so far as to try and turn non political threads into such including those on the Football board. We have all seen your rants..."Governor Perry...blah blah blah".

Surprise.. I never have voted straight ticket.. I unlike you appear to be.. am open minded to others and their ideas.

No, what I'm most surprised is how you know how I have voted or will vote and in general, know me so well in regards to how I am with other people and their ideas as to post it here without knowing me at all? Can you accurately guess people's weight, too? Please excuse me if I refuse to join your efforts in experimentation with socialism. If I want any part of that I'll move to France.

I and many others really dislike how our country has been so divided...it was not that way when I was younger. . .

Pardon me if this comes across as personal and rude, but were you not "younger" and in High School and then in College during the 60's? Such a cohesive time during our nations history I must say. :bangin:

Once talk-radio got started (most stations were was once news and top-40, country stations, or had religious programing without political overtones)

Religious radio without political overtones? Don't tell that to Jerry Fallwell and his "The Old Time Gospel Hour" or Billy Graham.

Once talk-radio got started (most stations were was once news and top-40, country stations, or had religious programing without political overtones) plus the 24 hour cable programs started when began about 1980 due to satellite technology....things have really changed..... and not for the better

.Don't let this one worry you none. Once the Messiah gets into office and he and his friends Nancy and Harry get their way and have the Fairness Doctrine going again we'll all be left to rely on Hollywood and liberal left media (NBC, CBS, ABC and MSNBC) to decide what's best for us.

---One thing I thing college should teach us is to have an open mind and to listen to others.... then believe as we wish. None of us are always right and none of us are always wrong.... and neither is any political party or any church. .

Yeah, I can only imagine what William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Micheal Klonsky are teaching people in their respective colleges today?


Edited by FirefightnRick

I am just relieved that this election is going to be determined by posters exchanging insults on the gomeangreen.com message board.

Kinda makes me proud to just be a part of it all.

Posted (edited)


--- I love the part that Rush Limbaugh refers to his listeners (supporters) as "ditto-heads". Ditto means "me-too"... I laugh every time I hear him call them "me-too-ers" and imply that they can't think for themselves. I doubt if they realize what he is doing.... LOL

I just find it funny that the people that make up the vast majority of those calling Obama a "socialist" have no idea what the definition of "socialism" is. Of course, they live in the "Real America", y'know the truly patriotic places in America... <_< Wake up, people...both campaigns have mastered the use of buzzwords. The GOP have just mastered the art of bastardizing words like "patriotism" for their gain...to the point that even argument over it's definition has become divisive.

I am just relieved that this election is going to be determined by posters exchanging insults on the gomeangreen.com message board.

Kinda makes me proud to just be a part of it all.

Isn't that the entire GOP platform?...divide and conquer? :D

Edited by JayDub

Amazing stuff here folks...lots of name calling. Come on...your Mom's would not be proud of you! Thank goodness the election will be over in just over a week. man, it's about time!

To me, it is amazing how little "some" folks know about the party or the candidate that they support. That is really scary, and brings up the qiestion of whether everyone SHOULD be allowed to vote. maybe there Should be some "test"...but, then again...only in America where only citizens are susposed to vote do you have polling place information in Spanish and folks around to read the ballot to voters who cannot read the language of the nation ijn which they claim to reside as CITIZENS! Goos grief...witnessed that myself as I voted early last week. With that going on...what do you expect! SAD!


...only in America where only citizens are susposed to vote do you have polling place information in Spanish and folks around to read the ballot to voters who cannot read the language of the nation ijn which they claim to reside as CITIZENS! Goos grief...witnessed that myself as I voted early last week. With that going on...what do you expect! SAD!

KRAM it gets better Denton County must have Spanish, but Harris County must have it in Spanish, Vietnamese, I believe Maverick County must also have ballot in Kickapoo (I believe that is the Indian group with more than 5% in the county).

Posted (edited)


--- I was alive (in college) duing the 60's as you said...[ also draft bait for 6 years ] There was alot of political chaos then but it was totally different than now. It was not so much between parties but from groups wanting civil rights and opposing the war which also was not divided so much on political lines**. When I graduated from HS the kid behind me in math was black (good student) and not permittted to attend any SWC college or even the Baptist one in my home town which was a few blocks from his house.. That was not right. Women also had serious problems and had trouble conducting business without a husband's signature. My mom ever now and then was totally disgusted by it all..... the worse being when she was not allowed to check the family bank account balance without my father being present.. Maybe not every bank did that but theirs did. [she opened an account at another one that would allow her access] Woman were not permitted on juries until after that period even if a woman was on trial.. You are years yonger than I and I don't think you have a true picture of the way things were. note the movie 12-angry men.... no wowen.... there weren't any on juries on most states. When the Civil Rghts bills were passed Lyndon Johnson predicted that they had just handed the South to the Republican party.... and it happened......but was the right thing to do. I know you are sincere but really don't seem to understand how things were then.

---I do dislike Perry... I work in education and dislike how much he has cut education funding and how much tuition and LOCAL property taxes have gone up as a result....(funding has to come from somewhere ) ... I have a direct reason to do so.... it is not one bit about which political party.. Not once have I said a bad comment about McCain... other than saying I don't think someone (Palin) from a small wilderness town who had never traveled internationally understands international problems or even the problems of large American cities. I really find it hard to believe that people can honestly defend this decision. I also disliked Gov. White (Democrat) and some of the idiot things he did to education... So did a lot others... he lasted one term. . It is all about issues not party. You appear to be party oriented, not issue oriented.

---Perry has also cut funding to state parks and they are falling apart..... It is THE headline in today's local paper. I use parks and once camped out a lot at them with my kids. A couple of years ago the Park system had ONE pickup budgeted for the ENTIRE system. A lot of repairs can't be done and many restrooms are just locked up. He and current legislature is at fault. Again I oppose him because of what he has done... not what party he is a member of...

---Our home insurance rate in Texas is double the national average now. Our auto insurasnce is the highest in the USA.... Please tell me why I should support him... don't just state he is conservative or GOP or whatever... give specific reasons. I stated some that say why I don't.

--- I have listened to Billy Graham (a lot)... maybe my memory is bad but don't remember him endorsing candidates or even a political party. I know he has visited the White House many times and Presidents of both parties. He is nothing like most of the current group on TV etc.

---I will repeat... I dislike a cartoon of someone holding a gun to the head of another especially a political one. . I am not anti-gun.. I own several... That type of picture is not something most Americans approve of......nor is it funny.


**LBJ (as President) had breakfast meetings at the White House a couple of times a month with the leaders of BOTH parties [ Ford-the House , Dirkson-Senate], and many other to discuss problems and legislation. That no longer happens and in fact except McCain, Liberman and a few others... they don't talk much at all that I can tell. That don't work together as they once did even if they had "issue" differences. No one disliked Goldwater (actually they respected him) who was considered far right then... later he appeared to be very moderate [ it wasn't Goldwater that changed] and he opposed religion trying to control government .


---Your weight... about 192...[ how close am I? ] I have talked to you in person (with my son) several times. (most 2-3 years ago) .. I doubt you remember me... You tended to blow me off. I even identified myself as Screaming Eagle-66. I own a shirt or two you had for sale as well .................LOL

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