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Obama's Tax Plan: "i Want To Spread The Wealth Around"

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Precisely... This Joe the Plumber dude threw out the line about taxes and higher bracket and inability to afford owning the company at the higher bracket. He doesn't underst OMG! $900!?!?

That Joe the plumber was a plant.

However, the REAL PROBLEM is the government thinking that the $900 dollars is theirs... its not, its mine. The government should learn to live on its own means. I have to, why can't they?

A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government. – Thomas Jefferson (1801)

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Guest JohnDenver

That Joe the plumber was a plant.

However, the REAL PROBLEM is the government thinking that the $900 dollars is theirs... its not, its mine. The government should learn to live on its own means. I have to, why can't they?

Correction: You lives off your wife's means.

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Correction: You lives off your wife's means.


Taxes are a necessary evil. However, government seems to see them as necessary, and forgets the evil part.

Taxation of earnings from labor is on a par with forced labor. Seizing the results of someone's labor is equivalent to seizing hours from him and directing him to carry on various activities. – Robert Nozic

To tax the larger incomes at a higher percentage than the smaller, is to lay a tax on industry and economy; to impose a penalty on people for having worked harder and saved more than their neighbors. – John Stuart Mill

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That Joe the plumber was a plant.

However, the REAL PROBLEM is the government thinking that the $900 dollars is theirs... its not, its mine. The government should learn to live on its own means. I have to, why can't they?

How was it that he was a plant when the Obama campaign came to his neighborhood and walked through talking to everyone who came forward, and now he's being attacked for asking a simple couple of questions about concerns he had?


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Why do so many folks have such disdain for anyone who makes a great deal of money???? Class envy perhaps. I guess that's why the idea of re-distributing wealth meets with so many fans. can't see it.

You make what you make....want more? Work harder, go back to school, change jobs, start your own business, take some risks...I have a nephew who cries about teacher salaries all the time. I cannot recall seeing a gun stuck to his head forcing him to become a public school teacher. He chose that profession and he is darn good at it. Just like my wife who spent a career in the public schools.

Just because someone makes a good bit of money is not a reason to vilify them. Are there BUMS who make a ton of cash and do it in a less than professional and honest manhner, sure there are! But, are there folks who makes less and still cheat doing it? Sure there are....but, do not blame everyone or put everyone in the same boat. Class warfare does no one any good. And taking from one person to give to someone else is just plain wrong!

Paying one's fair share of taxes is fine...paying more than one's share to give a hand out to someone else is not. Hand up, you bet, hand out...not so much.

I would love to be one of those RICH people Obama likes to talk about...but, alas, I am not....but that does not make those folks BAD people....they pay a good bit of taxes.....and create a good many jobs...and support a bunch of fine causes and unviersities, etc., etc.

OK, 'nuf said. America...great place...you want to be rich...go do it! It is 100% possible IF you are willing to take the risks and put in the effort.

That's the way I see it. It seems that the risk takers can work hard and lose, but if they make it, they should have to share (at least under the Obama plan). :blink: It just doesn't seem right.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not free medical care for anyone without it, but it's an option to buy into the same system the US government uses. So if you're like me and you're independently working, you can either find something through Aetna or BlueCross/BlueShield, Kaiser, what have you, OR buy into the US government system.

Please. "Aetna or BlueCross/BlueShield, Kaiser, what have you," cannot compete with U.S. government. This is socialized medicine on a small scale with the ultimate goal of the government taking over completely healthcare in America. This is nothing new and this is how EVERY massive social program starts.... small->big

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Please. "Aetna or BlueCross/BlueShield, Kaiser, what have you," cannot compete with U.S. government. This is socialized medicine on a small scale with the ultimate goal of the government taking over completely healthcare in America. This is nothing new and this is how EVERY massive social program starts.... small->big

Also, the way they will "make it affordable" is to tax businesses, like ours, who can't afford to provide coverage for our employees. Everyone in our company buys their own. Obama's plan is to tax small companies, like ours, who don't provide health care.

We've been out for quotes seven times over the past year to try to get health care coverage for everyone, but it's too much. It doesn't matter to Obama. What we can't afford to pay in premium, he'll have us paying in a tax. Either way, we can't afford it. We'll probably end up laying one or two folks off depending on how steep the tax ends up being.

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I can't wait until November 5th when all your heads collectively explode. Nice knowing you.

The odds look better considering Colin Powell just endorsed Obama. He cited his main problems being the mudslinging, the robocallers, and the sudden far-far-right swing that Palin represents. This after Powell maxing out the donations amount to McCain and *rumored* to almost becoming his running mate. It sounded less like Powell moving against McCain, who by himself isn't a bad person nor a bad candidate. It was more his moving away from the shift that the Republican party's taken in the last 8 years.

It's on NBC.com somewhere if you missed it.

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The odds look better considering Colin Powell just endorsed Obama. He cited his main problems being the mudslinging, the robocallers, and the sudden far-far-right swing that Palin represents. This after Powell maxing out the donations amount to McCain and *rumored* to almost becoming his running mate. It sounded less like Powell moving against McCain, who by himself isn't a bad person nor a bad candidate. It was more his moving away from the shift that the Republican party's taken in the last 8 years.

It's on NBC.com somewhere if you missed it.

Yup, Colin Powell, George Bush's 1st Secretary of State now supports Barack Obama.


JUST MORE OF THE SAME...LOL!!!!How ya like those apples? :P


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Yup, Colin Powell, George Bush's 1st Secretary of State now supports Barack Obama.


JUST MORE OF THE SAME...LOL!!!!How ya like those apples?


Yet another terrorist for Obama...

Will you change your profile picture back to the red-headed dance...I'm much more a fan of a cute irish girl than an 80s picture of a woman who really is only "election hot"

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Yet another terrorist for Obama...

Will you change your profile picture back to the red-headed dance...I'm much more a fan of a cute irish girl than an 80s picture of a woman who really is only "election hot"

Apparantly not only election hot.


Palin pushes SNL ratings to 14 year high.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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