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Just wanted to know what is being done to get the Greeks out to vote? This is a huge population that is in our corner, their turnout needs to be huge.

I'm calling my brother to remind him to vote.


Im currently an active of Delta Sigma Phi and we have all of our pledges and actives voting YES!!!!!!!!

I talked with RV a few weeks back and told them to expect a high turnout from fraternities and sororities to vote YES as well, as we all should.....

RV waled through our tailgating tent last week and talked to our frat among the others to rally support, he already has all of the greeks in support.

Posted (edited)

Im currently an active of Delta Sigma Phi and we have all of our pledges and actives voting YES!!!!!!!!

I talked with RV a few weeks back and told them to expect a high turnout from fraternities and sororities to vote YES as well, as we all should.....

RV waled through our tailgating tent last week and talked to our frat among the others to rally support, he already has all of the greeks in support.

I am a Sigma Chi alumni, but all Fraternities and Sororities need to understand the importance of this vote. Nothing brings your alumni and their money back like football games and Homecoming. This vote is not only important for the university, but the entire Greek system. (and Tastey's family)

To clarify what the above means, since I was rushing posting from my Blackberry, nothing brings alumni together like a football weekend. These alumni arrive on campus and are ripe for the picking by the university, the alumni's departments and the alumni's, if they were in the Greek system, Greek organization. Many alumni would never step foot on campus without the football games. Just as the Rice Athletic Director stated in their football program, going to the New Orleans Bowl allowed Rice to have the largest off-campus gathering of alumni in Rice history and has allowed Rice to raise $72 million for athletics and even more for the university. Yes, this is little ol' Rice of academic acclaim.

Edited by UNTLifer

Given the overall distaste for Greeks on this board, I find it amusing that now you need us ( them ). Greeks can be a real mess, but they also can be very positive for a campus...let's see them deliver on the good side on this one.


Given the overall distaste for Greeks on this board, I find it amusing that now you need us ( them ). Greeks can be a real mess, but they also can be very positive for a campus...let's see them deliver on the good side on this one.

Don't get me wrong, I still think the vast majority of Greeks are complete douchebags. However, I have always appreciated their support of athletics...at least they kinda show up. :D


Don't get me wrong, I still think the vast majority of Greeks are complete douchebags. However, I have always appreciated their support of athletics...at least they kinda show up. :D

Let me guess. You had a girlfriend "visit" a house while you were out of town. she just went because her freinds were going. she didnt have any fun anyway. What do you mean where did I get this sweet t-shirt with some dudes letters on them? someone must have left it over here, probably one of my freinds. they are such tramps. I cant belive they hang out with those guys anyway. whats that? you are going to your parents house next weekend? I will probably just stay here in town and study... hey I burned this mix cd for you. just the greats you know Poisons every rose, Air Supply etc...


Let me guess. You had a girlfriend "visit" a house while you were out of town. she just went because her freinds were going. she didnt have any fun anyway. What do you mean where did I get this sweet t-shirt with some dudes letters on them? someone must have left it over here, probably one of my freinds. they are such tramps. I cant belive they hang out with those guys anyway. whats that? you are going to your parents house next weekend? I will probably just stay here in town and study... hey I burned this mix cd for you. just the greats you know Poisons every rose, Air Supply etc...

Hahaha! Not even close.


Don't get me wrong, I still think the vast majority of Greeks are complete douchebags. However, I have always appreciated their support of athletics...at least they kinda show up. :D


Although I've always wished I'd come from a family that could have afforded me friends like this in college......popped.jpg

Posted (edited)

I thought the "collar up Polo" look went out around 1987?!

Oh, they're back. I see a lot of guys in pastel collar-up Polo-style shirts in Uptown Dallas. Looks like a damned John Hughes film festival.

Edited by Smitty

I was in a fraternity in college. Mixed feelings on the whole thing. Definitely plenty of douchebaggery to go around. Also learned a lot from it in terms of operational experience, marketing, and networking. Most of my animosity towards it is aimed at the national office and it's attitudes towards west coast chapters rather than the polo shirt wearing crowd on campus (actually, in my day, the style was to have the sweatshirt with the embroidered letters wrapped around your waist with the letters adorning your ass).

The other half of my college life was as a history major hanging out with all the super anti-greek artsy people. Just as much douchebaggery in that circle, just on different terms.

You're just as likely to find a drunken cavorting asshat stoically smoking a clove cigarette in the Humanities coffee bar as you are in a fraternity house.

To give a local example, who here would rather hang out in the social circle of journalism majors than with the greek community? You think those guys would hesitate to steal your beer and your girlfriend any more than fraternity members would?

It all really boils down to individual chapters and the personalities they take on. I watch the various fraternities and their activities on campus, and there are some I wouldn't join in a million years. Others seem fairly innocuous. Even within my own fraternity, it was a chapter by chapter case. We got along great with the guys at UCSD, but couldn't get out fast enough when visiting the chapter at UC Davis. It's as unfair to lump all greek members into a single category it is to do so with all college students.


As long as the greeks vote yes, who gives a crap. let them do their thing.

Pushing the band into saying yes is cool too, let's give them a better venue to showcase their music.

Boomer will sound better, the girls will look better, a new scoreboard and replay will look better. Everyone wins.


In my days (83-90), the greeks weren't part of the solution at all. Their attendance/support was horrible. The standard procedure was for them to start rolling in sometime after halftime, slowly filling their areas. Then they spent most of the game turned the other way, looking back into the crowd, talking/planning their after-game parties, etc. The usual thing you heard as they were dragging in was "Hey, look NT's winning". Duh, we were f'ing good at the time.

The worst part was when they did the stupid "paint your greek section". It made the stadium look like all we could afford was the left-over paint from HD. This further added to the problem, because they then thought that it meant their section was reserved. So, as I said, they'd come in during 3rd quarter and be total a$$'s to people that had been there the whole game, "in their seats", crowding them out until they finally moved. I always wondered why they had such little interest in the games, but now I see it's pretty much the NT culture.

Similarly, I still can't comprehend how I'm walking across campus to the game and there's all these students running around playing soccer, sitting outside, etc. w/o any plans to go to the game. C'mon, get over to the stadium and support your school!

It's not like they're off working, studying, etc.



Oh, they're back. I see a lot of guys in pastel collar-up Polo-style shirts in Uptown Dallas. Looks like a damned John Hughes film festival.

They're supposed to be gone again, too. It kicked off again like, 3 or 4 years back and slowly made its way to Texas. And when something hits Texas, it's usually already done. Those guys in the collar-popped Polos are probably a lot like the morons with the straight-bill cap that's tilted sideways. There's very little difference between the the collar-poppers and the Abercrombie gangstas. Both make me want to take a bat to their heads for that foolishness.

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