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My Take On The Ull Game...


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I saw a team that refused to quit last night. The tiny mistakes that plagues this team is killing them right now. They played good enough to win at times, just not the whole time. On Chery's end-around TD run our free safety sucked in from 15 yards back right at the instanst Chery was about to turn it up field. That's a mental error that cannot happen as he has to recognize and adjust to since he's the last hope to stop him. And the entire game was this way. Just tiny mental errors that comes with youth and inexperience. I was told from several of our lettermen that hailed from the Nelson, Parker, Simon and Dickey era's that we should have somewhere around 50 to 60 Junior and Seniors from the Dickey regime, of which we only have about 15. We can say what we want about the need to win now, the cupboard is bare or not, and how there is no more excuses, but these are the facts plain and simple. This team has the tools to win, they just have to learn how to win.

Considering our demise on the field for 7 straight games now I thought the game day experience and attendance was incredible. The most important part of this is the families that turned out. Look how many kids were in the Junior Mean Green Club line at halftime. That to me was a fantastic sign for the future of this program.

It was also great to see and meet many of our ULL conference bretheren. Always some of the greatest people you'll ever know and meet. They are the reason why I love the Belt so much. If you haven't made it to ULL yet you should. I have said it many times now, the BEST road trip in the conference and better than many conferences in Texas have, hands down, and their fans are the reason. I look forward to maybe making it back down next year once again on the return trip.

Thank you to all again for participating in the unofficial Go Mean Green unified Chant. I tried to do it when it was quiet and have the most affect. I spoke again to the cheerleader/dancer director about this again and she was open for anything at this point considering nothing else seems to work. It is my intention to get the university and the leadership to teach this next year at Freshmen O and have Scrappy lead it. That way during games, after scores or whatever the camera can find scrappy and the entire stadium can participate. If I can get several sections to do it myself then surely a camera, a jumbo tron and the school mascot can take it to the next level?

We have all been critical of Rick Villareal in the recent past and I have been just as guilty. So things are not going as we have all wished lately and he has been the easiest target. I think he realizes this is human nature as do many of us do as well but it's still not fare and should stop. I have said this countless times and I'll say it again. If you haven't realized the improvements made in this program before Rick V got here then you weren't here then in the first place and I need to be reminded of that at times also and yesterday, after talking with him and several others in the administration, decided I need to take some of my own advice. I know his heart is in the right place and I know for a fact that nothing that has happened in regards to the stadium has occured without a full approval of the university leadership, BOR included. Sure, there have been mistakes. But if things do not go as we hope they do next week then know it was a university effort, not just the AD. It doesn't mean I agree with everything, but the effort to correct a horrible blight on this program and this university was a collective effort and I can live with the results and it will be back to the drawing board for another try down the road.

With that,

I spoke to every student I could about the stadium and it was 99.9 percent positive. Everyone of them flat out said yes we need a new stadium. I spoke to some band members and told them how great they sounded and how much I'd love to hear them play in a new stadium and they seemed very excited about the chance for that to happen. One disturbing thing I learned yesterday. I spoke with some Journalism students. When they told me their major I knew already what I was about to learn. But I flat out asked what the attitude was concerning the stadium within their classes and their department and they said that all of their professors were speaking out AGAINST the stadium. No surprise here as this is the same feedback we heard from journalism students back in '02. I won't say more about this other than you can rest assure that the administration is fully aware of the FACT that their own Journalism department has taken such a selfish and irresponsible stance in order to undermine the university's efforts to advance itself. More to come on this in the near future.

Overall, yesterday I saw many positives, mostly I saw families having a good time despite the lack of siccess on the field. This is a great sign and will be a strong foundation for this program to base itself upon when the team eventually turns around.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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I spoke to some band members and told them how great they sounded and how much I'd love to hear them play in a new stadium and they seemed very excited about the chance for that to happen. One disturbing thing I learned yesterday. I spoke with some Journalism students. When they told me their major I knew already what I was about to learn. But I flat out asked what the attitude was concerning the stadium within their classes and their department and they said that all of their professors were speaking out AGAINST the stadium. No surprise here as this is the same feedback we heard from journalism students back in '02. I won't say more about this other than you can rest assure that the administration is fully aware of the FACT that their own Journalism department has taken such a selfish and irresponsible stance in order to undermine the university's efforts to advance itself. More to come on this in the near future.

Overall, yesterday I saw many positives, mostly I saw families having a good time despite the lack of siccess on the field. This is a great sign and will be a strong foundation for this program to base itself upon when the team eventually turns around.


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I spoke to some band members and told them how great they sounded and how much I'd love to hear them play in a new stadium and they seemed very excited about the chance for that to happen. One disturbing thing I learned yesterday. I spoke with some Journalism students. When they told me their major I knew already what I was about to learn. But I flat out asked what the attitude was concerning the stadium within their classes and their department and they said that all of their professors were speaking out AGAINST the stadium. No surprise here as this is the same feedback we heard from journalism students back in '02. I won't say more about this other than you can rest assure that the administration is fully aware of the FACT that their own Journalism department has taken such a selfish and irresponsible stance in order to undermine the university's efforts to advance itself. More to come on this in the near future.

Overall, yesterday I saw many positives, mostly I saw families having a good time despite the lack of siccess on the field. This is a great sign and will be a strong foundation for this program to base itself upon when the team eventually turns around.


Hey, not to be too polyanna, but thought I'd flip the emphasis, and commend you for giving well deserved compliments to the band members, as I have been doing. My reason for changing your emphasis is that we have more music majors than journalism majors. Like it or not, those music majors bring a much higher profile to UNT than any other program, and probably give more support to the football program than most on this board will recognize. We should be grateful that no matter what has been happening in the win-loss column, that the Green Brigade is still arguably the best marching band in the country, and is noticed for its excellence by those in attendance. I would guess that many of them will vote in favor of the athletic fee, since it would result in an improved music venue for them and future band members.

Having played the double B Flat Tuba in the NT Marching Band for three years 55-58, I love the Green Brigade and love Mean Green Athletics and Mean Green Football.

The new Stadium will be a great benefit for all of UNT!!!!!!

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I talked with quite a few people about the stadium vote issue throughout the day yesterday.

People were instantly committed to vote yes after seeing the stadium model. They loved it and they should. Beautiful.

Alot of people are for the new stadium, those being Alumni, Greeks, Athletes, and pro-UNT supporters.

Those against: Music and art majors, Journalism Majors (those were the most spirited in being against athletics), and Foreign students (they dont matter because once the graduate to go back to where ever they came from.

I think we have the majority for this thing to pass. It also shows who is definately pro-UNT and who is not....This stadium will benefit the university as a whole and the possibilites are really endless.

For a person not to see that and stand in the way of our universities progress should forever be shunned on our campus and not given the respect they deserve on campus.... (NT Daily and Journalism cronies)

NT Daily- It's what's used when toilet paper isn't avaliable or an option.... :lol:

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NT Daily sucks fido's balls. Bunch of liberals who don't have a clue.

As far as the game, I believed the dudes played damn hard. We have some very young talent that have to mature in the offseason to get physically stronger and faster.

I liked what I saw last night. The offense did enough to win the game. We drove the ball a few times but a couple of fumbles kept us from getting more points and we had to kick a field goal instead of a dropped TD throw. Probably should have gone for it on that possession and on the possesion before the first half.

We missed Antoine last night and still are getting burned way too much but what do you do.

I liked the effort and the attitude. Some young guys are trying to lead more and more. Craig, JJ Johnson, Vizza, Tobe, Victor Gill, and Darien Williams and some others are young but trying to lead and leaving all they have out on the field. Can't ask for more than that.

I am impressed with what we have coming back for two or three more seasons.

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One disturbing thing I learned yesterday. I spoke with some Journalism students. When they told me their major I knew already what I was about to learn. But I flat out asked what the attitude was concerning the stadium within their classes and their department and they said that all of their professors were speaking out AGAINST the stadium. No surprise here as this is the same feedback we heard from journalism students back in '02. I won't say more about this other than you can rest assure that the administration is fully aware of the FACT that their own Journalism department has taken such a selfish and irresponsible stance in order to undermine the university's efforts to advance itself. More to come on this in the near future.

Ouch. As a J grad that drives me nuts. When I was there back in the late '80s, the profs were supportive of athletics. Kiker eagerly sent photographers to cover games, and Wells and Moses were supportive enough to knock our staff for running a picture of K State tearing down their goalposts after beating UNT to end their historic losing streak. They didn't think the UNT school paper should run a photo of the opposing team tearing down its posts.

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NT Daily sucks fido's balls. Bunch of liberals who don't have a clue.

As far as the game, I believed the dudes played damn hard. We have some very young talent that have to mature in the offseason to get physically stronger and faster.

I liked what I saw last night. The offense did enough to win the game. We drove the ball a few times but a couple of fumbles kept us from getting more points and we had to kick a field goal instead of a dropped TD throw. Probably should have gone for it on that possession and on the possesion before the first half.

We missed Antoine last night and still are getting burned way too much but what do you do.

I liked the effort and the attitude. Some young guys are trying to lead more and more. Craig, JJ Johnson, Vizza, Tobe, Victor Gill, and Darien Williams and some others are young but trying to lead and leaving all they have out on the field. Can't ask for more than that.

I am impressed with what we have coming back for two or three more seasons.

Touche about the NT Daily

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Ouch. As a J grad that drives me nuts. When I was there back in the late '80s, the profs were supportive of athletics. Kiker eagerly sent photographers to cover games, and Wells and Moses were supportive enough to knock our staff for running a picture of K State tearing down their goalposts after beating UNT to end their historic losing streak. They didn't think the UNT school paper should run a photo of the opposing team tearing down its posts.

Wow, a Smitty Kiker reference. That brings back a few memories.

As a holder of a B.A. in Journalism ('80), I am truly ashamed of those who have come after me into the next century. Apparently, J. students today aren't taught as we were that our job was to "do the news", not "be the news". :angry:

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Guest GrayEagleOne

I agree that the gameday experience for a 0-5 team was unbelievable. There was concern throughout but not that much concern. I think that we were more concerned about the upcoming vote.

I also heartily agree about the Cajun fans. I just have to make a trip back to Lafayette next year if I possible can. The only thing better than the Acadians is their food. I grew up about a hundred miles from Lafayette so I know them well.

The game itself was a mixed bag. I saw great effort by the players at times only to give up big plays all too frequently. Fitz was awesome and alone worth the price of admission. The offensive line was great and I like the addition of Feeley. Vizza played well enough to win. What I didn't like was conservative play-calling (field goals after not even trying to score by passing), special teams and our defense.

Special teams continue to kill us. We don't converge on the ball carrier. At least this time Knott did very well, Spencer was great as usual and Cook had good returns except for one. We still don't converge on a return man. The defense was spotty but mostly bad. How can it be otherwise when you give up 59 points to a sub-500 team? One thing that I particularly hated was the "third down" defense. I don't believe that they stopped a single drive all night. I also hope that the experiment with Gilmore at tackle is over. He's much better on the outside. Hell, try Scoggins, Franklin or DeSoto at tackle; it can't get any worse and would likely get better. I'm ready to try anybody in the defensive backfield, especially if they can tackle. Breaking up passes or interceptions would be a bonus. Good news...we did have a couple of fumble recoveries.

All in all, I loved the gameday atmosphere and the game was at least, for the most part, entertaining. I'll keep the faith for another game and hope that we get that first win. There is too much talent here to go winless.

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