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So we have only raised about 6 million dollars for the new stadium? Good god that is just pathetic.

$6-8 million is what I've heard... and with no fund raising effort whatsoever. I don't think that's pathetic, I think it scratches the surface of the potential on which this university can deliver.

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I've said this before, all that is needed to start construction is the student vote. That's it. We don't need another nickel. But since you are that concerned, we do have about 10% in private donations already.

And, I really don't get this veiled threat that we better deliver all of these promises or else. Or else what? Alumni will refuse to donate? Do you think that really scares a university that suffers from minimal alumni support?

There is no veil threat, get real. I can't do anything about any of this anyway except yak just like you do on this board. I already give, and don't plan to stop. And yea, alumni will refuse to donate if this does not happen. There are a lot of tired donors in this program. And yes, we do need more nickels.

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$6-8 million is what I've heard... and with no fund raising effort whatsoever. I don't think that's pathetic, I think it scratches the surface of the potential on which this university can deliver.

In general the stadium has been an issues for several years now. It is not as if they suddenly raised that kind of money...RV and clan have known about this a long long time and I bet there were serious fund raising efforts but they were behind closed doors....something that UNT just loves to do. For the kind of project we want to do, 6-8 million dollars is chump change for just about any other university. Any other major university can get that very very quickly. In my opinion I think that is pretty sorry.

Edited by Green Mean
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In general the stadium has been an issues for several years now. It is not as if they suddenly raised that kind of money...RV and clan have known about this a long long time and I bet there were serious fund raising efforts but they were behind closed doors....something that UNT just loves to do. For the kind of project we want to do 6-8 million dollars is chump change. Any other major university can get that very very quickly. In my opinion I think that is pretty sorry.


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One more thing, the promises that you and your crew make (national recognition, better conference affiliation, and more donors) had better come true. If they don't, the students who vote for this will remember what they promised in a few years. Then, as a alumnae, they will believe the university failed to deliver on its promise and not give to anything. You are walking a fine line with promises of things that cannot be factually backed up at this time.

Sorry if my ad didn't meet your requirements... There are only two "Why" points that are solid fact: Fouts Sucks. LEED-certification. The other two are potential benefits that are more likely than not with a new stadium. Get over it, man.

And again you miss the point regarding construction. We don't have to have anything more than the student vote to begin construction. We're going to have 30 years to pay this thing off.

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Sorry if my ad didn't meet your requirements... There are only two "Why" points that are solid fact: Fouts Sucks. LEED-certification. The other two are potential benefits that are more likely than not with a new stadium. Get over it, man.

And again you miss the point regarding construction. We don't have to have anything more than the student vote to begin construction. We're going to have 30 years to pay this thing off.

Don't forget National Recognition. Simply, put out these facts that are not solid as "potential". And we will see if we need anything more than the student vote. Sorry we do not agree, but you are not the "only stakeholder" in this thing.

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Don't forget National Recognition. Simply, put out these facts that are not solid as "potential". And we will see if we need anything more than the student vote. Sorry we do not agree, but you are not the "only stakeholder" in this thing.

I'll respond to the Green Dozer thread:

The National Recognition comes from:

1. LEED certified stadium.

2. Easier to broadcast games from a state of the art stadium.

3. National publications will pick up the story on the construction, just as they have, or did, with UCF, UConn, etc...

4. Becoming more attractive to "better" conferences since the stadium was an issue when CUSA came to visit.

The first three points I state bring attention to the stadium and any attention the stadium allows the university to market itself as a whole.

Talk about splitting hairs. It's obvious you have an axe to grind with RV and have a negative outlook on all things regarding the athletic department, but posting over and over in the same thread is a whipping. UNTFlyer has stepped up and worked very hard to get this vote on the ballot, to get the correct information out to the students, to keep us informed, etc...and all you can do is criticize his signs or the athletic department. Give him some credit and aim you anger at the correct target.

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I'll respond to the Green Dozer thread:

The National Recognition comes from:

1. LEED certified stadium.

2. Easier to broadcast games from a state of the art stadium.

3. National publications will pick up the story on the construction, just as they have, or did, with UCF, UConn, etc...

4. Becoming more attractive to "better" conferences since the stadium was an issue when CUSA came to visit.

The first three points I state bring attention to the stadium and any attention the stadium allows the university to market itself as a whole.

Talk about splitting hairs. It's obvious you have an axe to grind with RV and have a negative outlook on all things regarding the athletic department, but posting over and over in the same thread is a whipping. UNTFlyer has stepped up and worked very hard to get this vote on the ballot, to get the correct information out to the students, to keep us informed, etc...and all you can do is criticize his signs or the athletic department. Give him some credit and aim you anger at the correct target.

Lifer, no ax to grind. Why is a different view than yours not ok? You make valid points, but the information that is on the sign is not correct. Are the donors going to step up? You do not know any more than I about that, and Flyer doesn't either. National recognition is not some blip in ESPN the Magazine or something like that. Conference, that has more to do with our record on the field. Ever seen La Tech's stadium? For the record, I have given Flyer credit, even going as for as PM's, ok. As for it going on the ballot, it was going to be there anyway. And again, the athletic department could be doing a much better job than this, and should have taken the lead on this long before now. Call them, and ask where to send your stadium donation. It should not be on the shoulders of a student to carry, and knowing you through your posts, I cannot believe you would disagree with me on that point. Again, we see things a lot differently. Again, hope everything is getting back to normal in your part of Mean Green land.

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Nice Ad Flyer, and im sick of people always putting Flyer down when he was worked his ass of to make sure this thing can pass.....STOP THE BITCHING ALREADY!

This is not personal, and is not a put down. I am sure he did not come up with this by himself. Again:

1) Better Conference Affiliation - possible, but not guaranteed even with a new stadium

2) National Recognition - For what? Oh, some "green magazine" that we have a green stadium.

3) More Donations - From who? From where? Where is one editorial from a potential donor that says: "After four conference championships, the only thing that would make me give more is if UNT were to build a new stadium." There aren't any.

Yes, Flyer has worked his ass off.....but it needs to pass on the right merits. My point of view, and I will bitch if I want. :P Thanks for your reply, and have a good evening.

Edited by Green Dozer
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This is not personal, and is not a put down. I am sure he did not come up with this by himself. Again:

1) Better Conference Affiliation - possible, but not guaranteed even with a new stadium

2) National Recognition - For what? Oh, some "green magazine" that we have a green stadium.

3) More Donations - From who? From where? Where is one editorial from a potential donor that says: "After four conference championships, the only thing that would make me give more is if UNT were to build a new stadium." There aren't any.

Yes, Flyer has worked his ass off.....but it needs to pass on the right merits. My point of view, and I will bitch if I want. :P Thanks for your reply, and have a good evening.

im not saying u cant bitch....just make sure you know what your talking about... maybe his points are assumptions....but so are yours.....and i hope you have a nice day also! :P

Edited by bstnsportsfan3
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I'm an Alum. I will give a one time donation to a dedicated stadium fund if the student vote passes. So, I guess that makes Flyer's point about increased Alumni donations accurate. Keep it up Flyer, and thanks or all your hard work.

And didn't Flyer raise over $800 dollar just for the campaign?

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Add me to the alumni list. I've even told the new MGC director that I have money ear-marked for the stadium fund when he called me about the car raffle. It won't be much, but maybe I can pay for a locker!


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This is not personal, and is not a put down. I am sure he did not come up with this by himself. Again:

1) Better Conference Affiliation - possible, but not guaranteed even with a new stadium

2) National Recognition - For what? Oh, some "green magazine" that we have a green stadium.

3) More Donations - From who? From where? Where is one editorial from a potential donor that says: "After four conference championships, the only thing that would make me give more is if UNT were to build a new stadium." There aren't any.

Yes, Flyer has worked his ass off.....but it needs to pass on the right merits. My point of view, and I will bitch if I want. :P Thanks for your reply, and have a good evening.

i'll end up donating more than my yearly donation to mgc, to be the first college stadium that is this eco-friendly will get national attention, not much, but national attention none the less and in the past we have been considered for other conferences, but had certain things hold us back (fouts). so, everything is accurate (to an extent).

why do you get so offended when people disagree with your opinion? did you not think anyone would?

Edited by Green Crazy
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I'm an Alum. I will give a one time donation to a dedicated stadium fund if the student vote passes. So, I guess that makes Flyer's point about increased Alumni donations accurate. Keep it up Flyer, and thanks or all your hard work.

And didn't Flyer raise over $800 dollar just for the campaign?

You know, 90, you can dress his points up all you want. And we raised $800 for the campaign, lets see 34000 students and supposedly 70,000 + alumni just in the metroplex. I know that 1k is the limit, but $800, I am sure he turned down thousands. And i to am going to donate to the stadium. I think I read somewhere the student fee can only be used for half. So, the donors have to foot 30 million dollars roughly half our present total athletic budget, I think not sure. Can't i speculate? 90 million endowment, pretty low for a university our size. And you think we can pull this stadium off by 2011? But at least in this case your donation justifies the point in the sign.

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Add me to the alumni list. I've even told the new MGC director that I have money ear-marked for the stadium fund when he called me about the car raffle. It won't be much, but maybe I can pay for a locker!


Well thanks! I bought 5 car raffle tix, so between you buying raffle tix and a locker, and me buying tix, we are on our way. Look out Big 12, Gameday will be at the stadium in 2011 for a game, and you and I have increased our donation. Think there is enough of us to make up the $30 million or so that the student fee won't cover?

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From me, dammit.

I promise I will donate directly to the stadium fund after the student fee passes. This will be in addition to my season tickets, Mean Green Club membership, donations to a student club, the endowed scholarship fund I am building, and the non-profit my friends (UNT alumni) and I are running and funding to support the afforemented student club.

The donation will not be very much, but I will make it.

Now the statement is 100% accurate.

Hey, I bought 5 raffle tix, and I have a license plate. So your right, now all is well in Mean Green Land. With big guns like us, the stadium is a sure thing. I don't know what I was thinking, I'll apologize on ESPN Game Day when they are here in 2011.

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2) National Recognition - For what? Oh, some "green magazine" that we have a green stadium.

FBS schools that build new stadiums get an increased national profile. Better teams come in, and the national networks are more likely to travel there because the amenities are better (particularly the technical broadcast stuff). If you doubt any of this, look at what's happened to UCF since the Golden Knights built their on-campus stadium. The Texas Longhorns came in to open up the place and they get more nationally televised games. The stadium's put them on the map. They could be the next USF.

3) More Donations - From who? From where? Where is one editorial from a potential donor that says: "After four conference championships, the only thing that would make me give more is if UNT were to build a new stadium." There aren't any.

UNT can't get corporate donors because there's no place to entertain them at Fouts. UNT also loses out on donors who are waiting to see if the stadium push is real before committing to it. I'm one of those people. I haven't given a dollar yet to the Stadium Capital Fund. I will after this vote passes and the stadium's really being built.

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Well thanks! I bought 5 car raffle tix, so between you buying raffle tix and a locker, and me buying tix, we are on our way. Look out Big 12, Gameday will be at the stadium in 2011 for a game, and you and I have increased our donation. Think there is enough of us to make up the $30 million or so that the student fee won't cover?

Come on guys, grow up! There's plenty of platitudes about every little bit helping, but I'm sure you've heard them all. Just trying to indicate that maybe there are more people out there than you think that will donate if this thing passes.


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i'll end up donating more than my yearly donation to mgc, to be the first college stadium that is this eco-friendly will get national attention, not much, but national attention none the less and in the past we have been considered for other conferences, but had certain things hold us back (fouts). so, everything is accurate (to an extent).

why do you get so offended when people disagree with your opinion? did you not think anyone would?

Thanks for your reply. I am not offended. Thank you for increasing your donations, but there are not enough heavy hitters (especially million dollar ones) to see a substantial increase. Fouts is not the only reason we were not invited to another conference, lack of support for us to be competitive on a yearly basis is another reason. Lets say people like you increase your donation for the stadium, what about the money to adequately support the rest of the program? Where will it come from? Money for better coaches salaries, support staff, strength coaches, keeping the weight room up to date etc. I knew there would be plenty disagree with me because they see this stadium as the magic wand. Has a new stadium greatly enhanced SMU's program? A lot of folks on this board seem to think that is our measuring stick. No, everything is not accurate. If we just got to "average" support as compared to other universities our size, then we would really accomplish something. Seems to me we want to jump from say A to D all of sudden. Not asking anybody to agree, and I do not expect them to agree.

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FBS schools that build new stadiums get an increased national profile. Better teams come in, and the national networks are more likely to travel there because the amenities are better (particularly the technical broadcast stuff). If you doubt any of this, look at what's happened to UCF since the Golden Knights built their on-campus stadium. The Texas Longhorns came in to open up the place and they get more nationally televised games. The stadium's put them on the map. They could be the next USF.

UNT can't get corporate donors because there's no place to entertain them at Fouts. UNT also loses out on donors who are waiting to see if the stadium push is real before committing to it. I'm one of those people. I haven't given a dollar yet to the Stadium Capital Fund. I will after this vote passes and the stadium's really being built.

Yea, your right, it will increase our national profile. Just think, we won't have to drive to Baton Rouge, Austin, or Norman to have 70 hung on us, they come here and do it. Then ESPN can report that despite a new stadium, Texas still beat the you know what out of UNT. At least USF was competetive. There program has been built right, and is properly funded.

Corporate sponsors in this economy? Please. ESPN has even talked how corporations are scaling back their marketing with the NFL, NBA, and MLB. Why would a company put down 1, 10, or 20 million dollars as sponsor for us? As it stands now, they would get more mileage from billboards at the 35-35w intersenction. And, we are not losing out on donors for the stadium. There were rumors in the 70's that if a big name coach was brought in, the donors would step up. Well, a fellow by the name of Hayden Fry came in, we upset a few teams over the years, and Fouts had a great atmosphere. Well, he left and went to Iowa where he was in the Rose Bowl within 3 years. He said many times UNT was not serious about building a program or he would not have left Texas. My english teacher at Denton High was Bill Brashear's wife, and that was the person I got this info from. Meanwhile the UNT Football program continued to______________________________________________ .

Not to be a smart ass, but you can fill in the blank. I have seen and heard to many stories that if this something is done, then this something will happen. Thanks for your reply.

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