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Ways To Keep Attendance Up For The Rest Of The Season


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10)$5 Orange lot parking day

9)Free alka-seltzer to the first 20,000 fans

8)Family funpack day – includes 4 tickets, 4 sodas, 1 large popcorn, and 4 large paper bags with eyeholes

7)Fundraiser! $1 whack-a-mandy game available in the concessions concourse

6)Halftime student dodgeball competition. Winning teams gets to play the second half of the game.

5)Free grief counseling available in the endzone seating areas.

4)Big clock on scoreboard counting down the time until basketball season.

3)Fan coach sweepstakes. Winning fan gets to call the plays for the next offensive series...from the stands...audibly.

2)Force the LaLa players to feed all the fans Jambalaya during the game

1)White helmet demolition night!

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10)$5 Orange lot parking day

9)Free alka-seltzer to the first 20,000 fans

8)Family funpack day – includes 4 tickets, 4 sodas, 1 large popcorn, and 4 large paper bags with eyeholes

7)Fundraiser! $1 whack-a-mandy game available in the concessions concourse

6)Halftime student dodgeball competition. Winning teams gets to play the second half of the game.

5)Free grief counseling available in the endzone seating areas.

4)Big clock on scoreboard counting down the time until basketball season.

3)Fan coach sweepstakes. Winning fan gets to call the plays for the next offensive series...from the stands...audibly.

2)Force the LaLa players to feed all the fans Jambalaya during the game

That is so funny! Great Post, except the Whack a Mandy game. Are you serious? I wouldn't want to pick a fight with her!

1)White helmet demolition night!

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Free beer? Postgame concert for anyone left in the stands when the final whistle blows? Perhaps a gaggle of strippers performing?

We can use the money from the new student fee to pay for it!

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After each losing home game, a staff member of the UNT athletic department, coach, AD, whatever, is put in a dunking booth.

Not dramatic enough. This is the age of reality TV, and dunking booths have gone the way of battle of the network stars for fan appeal and sensationalism. In this modern day and age, I think you're on the right track, but it needs to go more like this. Before the first kickoff, the coaching staff and athletic department staff are placed standing on a trap door which hovers over a flaming pit of doom. For every point the other team scores, the trap door opens up a few inches. For every point UNT scores, it closes a couple inches. When the margin reaches greater than 35 points, the door springs open, and the whole kit and kaboodle disappear into the flaming wreckage below.

Of course, the whole thing would be set up by Chris Angel and poorly faked, so the entire staff would emerge on Monday completely unharmed and ready for action the following week!

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oldguy hates Mandy already...more proof for her puddin'!

To be fair, oldguy has but seen her from a distance, but her proximity caused him to endure some very colorful commentary from a number of club members.

The spot in the list in the OP was dedicated to those who donate and feel unappreciated for doing so. I've had similar feelings about someone at UC Irvine, and sometimes wonder why a position such as hers even exists as a paid one. If you want someone really dedicated to it, who will make the mean green club members feel welcome, you should just make it volunteer. Get an alumnus who actually:

A ) Went to UNT at some point in his/her life

B ) Cares more about the score of the UNT game than the cell phone feed for Southern Miss

C ) Cannot count the years since high school graduation on one hand

So in conclusion, I don't personally know the woman, and therefore have no personal beef with her. That given, I can' t think of another person whose mere distant presence brings about such instant ire amongst those in the area.

Edited by oldguystudent
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We could after every loss tie 10 players and a couple coaches to posts and do like our "Christian Puritan" fore-fathers at Salem etc.... allow everyone to throw eggs, tomatoes, dog manure, whatever, at them... Not only would that be interesting... It might motivate them to do better. LOL... that would mean almost everyone might serve a term at the post as well as the coaches.... 7 more games, = 70 players, 14 coaches...... unless they get motivated enough to win. Not as mean as hanging... the Puritans did that one too. -- only those who paid and stayed to the end could participate.

Obviously just kidding... but some serious motivation goes a long way. --I wonder if this will get deleted.. LOL

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