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Out Of State Recruitment


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Do coaches just "hear through the grapevine" via connections, rivals.com, etc about HS recruits?

For those who were in chat tonight, I mentioned it, but I was actually serious...my cousin plays safety and TE for an undefeated team here in AZ that has a shot at the very least at contending for the state title depending upon how their next few games go. From hearing him talk it seems like he's hoping for ASU or USC...but why not North Texas?

For those "in the know", I've heard of family members getting kids' names out for recruitment purposes...what do you do, send video and stats, or what?

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This isn't a question for people wiht longtime college football ties. For example, Darrell Dickey used his ties in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri to get player their.

Again, when we hired a high school football coach with no extended time, even as an assistant, recruiting for the FBS college game, we gave up the opportunity to have ties beyond Texas.

Besides, when Dodge was hired, everyone here spouted off that he'd "own DFW" in recruiting and that's all we'd need since there was so much talent here. Funny how that bunch of garbage is quickly being thrown out.

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