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Two Biggest Disappointments


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1) That was the quietest I have ever heard Fouts. Including the 2000 NMSU game were *800* people sat in the stands.

2) Several times tonight the team had to lead its own cheer... In other words, the team itself was cheering "defense" or "offense", because no one else in the stadium was doing anything...


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16k+ people showed up to watch a game that features probably two of the worst D1a football teams in the country.

That fact alone is what makes this the most disappointing season in my 24 years as a fan of NT. The fan support is here right now. But, at the time of our peak fan support, we end up with a team that may go down as the worst in the history of the school.

I give TD all the credit in the world for helping to bring an excitement to this program that I have never seen before (Hayden Fry was before my time). But, all the momentum is about to go into a complete tailspin, if it has not already occurred after the last 2 weeks.

Last week was the most embarrassed I have ever been. This week I just feel very, very sad as the apathy starts to settle in :(

I agree that next week will be 12k at the most.

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But it's awfully hard to cheer loud and be rowdy when you're watching the worst football you've ever seen. Casey's one-handed catch and Vizza's bowling over a safety were the only moments that I sincerely "cheered."

I feel bad for casey. One of the few players out there really showing some heart.

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Booing these kids would be a bit unfair. Though they have to bear some responsibility for their performance, I think it is obvious we have a coaching staff problem, assistants and the head man alike.

People keep asking about leadership on this team. Well, when the head leader (Dodge) keeps blaming the players and NEVER takes any responsibility for a loss or a badly played game, there can't be any leadership until a real leader is brought in to not only lead the team but the coaching staff. I find it interesting that Dodge hasn't blamed his coaching staff for the losses. It is always the players.

These players have to go to class and face the other students on campus. They have to listen to the jokes and the sneers. Dodge and his coaching staff don't have to put up with any this.

I agree, don't boo these kids. The person calling the plays needs to step up and take some responsibilty for the play calling. By the way did anyone else see DeLoach get in Dodge's face a couple times?

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i'm disappointed in the lack of offense. it's like vizza isn't allowed to through it deep. yes, i know the oline isn't giving him a ton of time, but there are plenty of times when he is protected yet he's just throwing the ball short. our offense isn't even fun to watch anymore....

i'll still be there next week....ya never know when the first win is going to happen!!!!

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Hope you plan on having tickets next season, because that is probably the next time this team will win.

of course i will have tickets next season!!!!! why wouldn't it??? sure, they suck now, but it's going to get better! if i have to wait until 2009 for a victory, then so be it!

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Hopefully, someone with a brain will in their head (Bataille or Villareal, this is your chance to show you have some football I.Q.) will fire Dodge now and replace him with DeLoach for the remainder of the season.

But, seriously...I just can't resist...maybe DeLoach was just trying to "re-direct Dodge" and from here on out everything will be fine.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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Cerebus, I tried to cheer but I just could not. I went into a depressed state with slumped shoulders and grief. I felt stupid cheering and left a the half.

I took all of my kids to the game for the first time (they are very young...oldest 7, youngest infant) and had to leave at half time because I was afraid of what words might come out of my mouth in disgust. Later at home, my oldest daughter said..."Daddy, you damn a lot of things at the football game..." At first, I laughed but was a little embarrassed that I didn't restrain better in front of them. I guess watching the current performance of our team is a lesson in humility and a chance to "offer it up". :rolleyes:

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Guest JohnDenver

Being greater than 50 yards from the field, and being only 16k strong, I had/have my doubts that any of my yelling could/would actually be heard by the players. Doesn't seem to interrupt the other team, nor inspire our team. I bet most people felt this apathy as well.

Therefore, I would be yelling only to my fellow fans around me.

In a stadium where 50 yard line seats right behind the bench, obviously yelling makes a difference.

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