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I apologize if this has been posted or seen already, but I enjoyed reading it...

"Mark C

posted 10/01/08 @ 2:46 PM CST

Anyone can see this article is based on speculation. That's no secret. I have a few issues with your response to Derrick's column, Anonymous.

"Sure, A&M and UT have their big donators, but they didn't get big donators by building new stadiums, they got new stadiums by having big donators."

Yes, but they give their big donors reasons to donate. Building this stadium is a way to show potential donors that we are serious in our efforts to improve the university as a whole. Fouts Field is a horrible representation of what this university has to offer and has been an eyesore for years. By replacing it with a state-of-the-art stadium, UNT will be sending a clear message that we are serious about improving the image of the university.

"Yes, a stadium will help attract new recruits, but do you really think that is all he will look at? You really don't think that a new stadium will overpower the stench that this team puts off, do you?"

It's easy to criticize a team that recently had a head coaching change and is still young. Last year, Head Coach Todd Dodge was able to assemble the best recruiting class NT has had in years, in spite of the fact that some players were coming from high schools with better stadiums than UNT. He sold them on his vision for the program and everything this university has to offer. Once this stadium is built, it will be yet another selling point for Dodge to use. There is no guarantee that the football team will get better because of the new stadium, but a new stadium sure wouldn't hurt the team or the university. In the future, the athletics fee would also give UNT's head coach more money with which to recruit, which could ultimately improve the team.

"Perhaps I'm alone on this, but I do have enough integrity not to vote for something like a stadium if I'm not the one voting on it."

After all the money I've given to this university, excuse me if I feel I have a right to vote for something I feel would improve it. It has nothing to do with integrity. Keep your holier-than-thou attitude to yourself, please.

"...if you want a new stadium, perhaps you should earn it rather than making up excuses and saying that a stadium will get you a good team. "

So you're saying once we win a conference championship or four (like we did from 2001-2004) we should ask for a new stadium? Come on.

"...do you really think they'll overlook the "bottom 10" status in favor of a new stadium? Would we even want such shallow players?"

I'd respect a player who comes to UNT in spite of the current situation because they obviously want to work (and work hard) to improve the team. So just because a player wants to play in a top-notch stadium, he's shallow? No, I'd think that shying away from a challenge and giving up on this program is shallow.

"This is, of course, assuming you can get enough corporate sponsors, and more so than the previous stadium."

Would YOU want to endorse the current stadium? What company wouldn't want to have their name on the first college stadium designed by HKS, the same internationally-known firm that designed the new Cowboys Stadium? This will not be a problem.

"Media attention will be sweet but ridiculously short."

TXA 21 has been broadcasting every game they legally can this year...I believe this is the first time we've had such a deal. This is being done in Fouts Field with the team we have now. A new stadium would be enormously more media-friendly. Even these 90 second segments combined with newspaper coverage would show the thousands of residents in the DFW area that UNT is committed to becoming a nationally-recognized university. "

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Anonymous has every right to respond to Derrick, and seems to be very articulate. But it strikes me how much misinformation is still out there. Several things I hope you current students take to heart when discussing the vote in casual conversation/debate:

Don't claim this will guarantee a better football team. That is not the point. It is part of the bigger picture: a committment to athletics and alumni interaction.

A point where Anonymous is misinformed: There is proof - yes, studies have been done - that link athletic funding and commitment to educational value. Most people will understand that athletics, specifically football, are the biggest window to a university. It's also important to reiterate that this is not diverting academic funding, but increasing potential alumni interaction.

Want to know why we are so freakin' huge? Why we are so successful and respected in liberal arts? It is because we offer competitive degrees at an affordable price. Why didn't UNT Music Major XX go to Julliard? Tuition! And UNT can afford better rates because we depend so heavily on state funds and public *cough*fans*cough* donations. It's not hard. If I had the opportunity to get a music degree at the level of Eastman, via UNT prices that included a 300 fee for athletics to help fund, I would say it is a steal. I find it ironic that the same people who agree that UNT Liberal Arts is such a great deal cannot understand why UNT needs to keep in touch with its alumni so badly.

And how about our endowment? We trail nearly every school I can think of in that area, which can be linked directly to athletics/alumni interaction. How the hell can we be at such a sad number when we have 3,935,206,167 (I counted) students pumped into the economy!?! It's because we have given our students nothing to take ownership in when they are here that hey take with them and hold onto when they have finished.

I do question - and worry - when people play the "pride" card. Bill Naysayer is going to get defensive, because you're damn right he is proud of himself and his degree.

The important thing is that these people see the big picture. That UNT needs athletics and needs its students to embrace it as an enhancement to their public perception, alumni interaction, and longevity. This isn't about competing with UT on the football field. This is about competing with Texas States, Houstons, and Texas Techs for more students and long-term academic support.

I am pleading every current student who has an opportunity, and those who don't to create opportunity, to get the right information out there. It is not the people that are fervently against this I am worried about: it is the misinformed.

Derrick, thanks for your efforts. (Hope this post was okay and doesn't get deleted?)

Edited by greenminer
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