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Question For Married Fathers Out There


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My wife will be giving birth to our first child sometime tommorrow afternoon ( being induced). I'm guessing we will be getting out of the hospital sometime on Friday afternoon.

Do I ask her if I can go to the game on Sat. night ?? I know the hormones are out of whack right now , so I have no idea what kind of reaction I may get. She has never minded me going anywhere before , but I know now is different.

Or do I just bite the bullet and stay home with her and watch the game on EPSN gameplan ??

thanks in advance

Edited by NT03
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My wife will be giving birth to our first child sometime tommorrow afternoon ( being induced). I'm guessing we will be getting out of the hospital sometime on Friday afternoon.

Do I ask her if I can go to the game on Sat. night ?? I know the hormones are out of whack right now , so I have no idea what kind of reaction I may get. She has never minded me going anywhere before , but I know now is different.

Or do I just bite the bullet and stay home with her and watch the game on EPSN gameplan ??

thanks in advance

Uhhh dude don't even go there. She may even encourage you to get out of the house...but don't fall for it; you stay home and be happy. Congrats on the little one.

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Married but not a father...but I would not ask. Unless you have family or someone staying with her to help, I would suggest staying close by for a few days. That's the kind of thing that could hold you in high regard for years - or be held over your head for eternity.

Edited by Smitty
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Let me just say this...my son was less than 3 days old when he attended his first UNT basketball game...and he was less than a week old when I went skiing with some frinds in Vermont...leaving Mom at home....that little vent is still mentioned every once in awhile, so I don't recoomend a trip with the boys quite that soon....

Now, all that being said...you have to make that call yourself! I would think it would be fine since your wife should have plenty of "help" around like newly minted grandparents, etc.

BUT, why not take your wife and new kiddo to the game????? Hey, we did a UNT basketball game at 3 days old...and our son grew up to be the UNT basketball ball boy for many years!!!!

BTW>>>> My congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your child...GREAT NEWS...a newly born member of the MEAN GREEN NATION!!!!!

I wish you guys nothing but the best.... :clapping:

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BUT, why not take your wife and new kiddo to the game????? Hey, we did a UNT basketball game at 3 days old...and our son grew up to be the UNT basketball ball boy for many years!!!!

Yeah, but do you really want the first football game your child sees to be North Texas vs. FIU? The Bottom 10 Bowl? Could scar 'em for life. Hell, look what it's doing to us.

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Early this season Lou Holtz took a question from a caller about his wife being due the same day as the BCS championship game.

Lou had a pretty good answer that the University is not going to miss you at the game at all, you family on the other hand might miss you.

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20 minutes before game time check in on her...maybe she needs something to eat...maybe she has a headache and needs an advil...maybe she wants a fifth of Jameson. You...being the sweet and loving man that you are so that it will be no problem sweetie...kiss her on the cheek, grab a few bucks, get the keys to the Plymouth of the hook, drive toward your local convenience store, turn off your cell phone and come back three and a half hours later with the wares she requested.

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My wife will be giving birth to our first child sometime tommorrow afternoon ( being induced). I'm guessing we will be getting out of the hospital sometime on Friday afternoon.

Do I ask her if I can go to the game on Sat. night ?? I know the hormones are out of whack right now , so I have no idea what kind of reaction I may get. She has never minded me going anywhere before , but I know now is different.

Or do I just bite the bullet and stay home with her and watch the game on EPSN gameplan ??

thanks in advance

Wow, now that's a loyal Mean Green fan!!! But the answer is still a resounding no. Go, and you'll NEVER hear the end of it. For 18+ years your wife will tell your child how his/her father found it more important to watch a crappy football team play than spend time with his newborn. At least that's what my wife would do. I'm still catching grief for dragging her to the 2006 NT-UT game in Austin when she was 5 months pregnant....and we watched the entire game on CCTV in the covered, air-conditioned End Zone club.

Besides, this is your first born (warning, gushy comment to follow), you'll treasure those first few months for the rest of your life.

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Good advice from Lou Holtz. 16,232 or 16,231. It's not that big a difference. And some day, your staying home with the wife and new son (?) will pay off big time. Listen on the radio.

And be careful about shouting while the baby is asleep.


I've got two boys. The second was born in October. I didn't even consider going to any games the rest of the year. Of course we had just moved to Houston, settled in to a new home a month prior to his arrival, etc... Now she doesn't mind one bit. If I had taken off and gone to some that first year, I would still be hearing about it. Plus, you'll be pretty worn out yourself, but don't admit that either.

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