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Stadium Story On Krld


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I just heard a story on KRLD about how the SGA will vote tonight to include/exclude the referendum on the fall election. I'm sure they'll repeat the story throughout the day but I'll touch on a few points.

They played a recorded quote from Rick V. that said something about how he felt if we didn't get a new stadium soon, we'd be looking for a place to play in 7 or 8 years (because Fouts will no longer be a viable option). They also mentioned the 200+ opposition group on Facebook (no mention of the group in favor of the stadium) and said they feel we don't need a new stadium because we never fill up the one we have.

Ok, that's about all I remember from the brief mention. I just thought I'd let the board now...this is really starting to get some play on the local news media.

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What can you say about the media these days???? UGH! They tend to print only "bad news" when it serves whatever purpose they have in writing the story in the first place. I long for the days when news "news" and not "opinion columns"!

There is a good deal of support within the student population for the new stadium. It is simply a shame that that support is so "passed over" in most of these reports...shame on RV for not mentioneing the support group...however, i have not heard the interview or the broadcast...so, it might have been that he was not given the chance or that the question was simply "is there any organized opposition" and he was simply responding....of course they wouldn't ask about support now would they?

Anyway, the news media will not make or break this vote...I hope the "pro" group really works hard to see that the vote is positive in favor of the stadium.

GO STUDENTS IN SUPPORT OF UNT ATHLETICS!!!! In supporting athletics you are supporting UNT and its efforts to move foward and "upward"!

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what the hell is going on in these threads? Does someone have music attached to their signature? I keep hearing music. Am I crazy?

I hope you're crazy man...... If you're not crazy then that means I'm crazy for not hearing it...... Let me know what you find out about this.....

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yes Im crazy, or yes there is music?

PLEASE BE MORE SPECIFIC ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!11


edit: After a little bit of a investigative work, Ive determined it only happens on threads to which Gangrene has posted.

LOL, I'm LMFAO on that one. I keep my volume muted while I'm at work, but I turned it up to try to hear the music you're talking about. I don't hear anything.

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what the hell is going on in these threads? Does someone have music attached to their signature? I keep hearing music. Am I crazy?

No, you're not crazy - you're hearing Groucho sing "I'm Against It" :D

I don’t know what they have to say,

It makes no difference anyway --

Whatever it is, I’m against it!

No matter what it is or who commenced it,

I’m against it.

Your proposition may be good

But let’s have one thing understood --

Whatever it is, I’m against it!

And even when you’ve changed it or condensed it,

I’m against it.

Horsefeathers, 1932 - one of the great college football movies!

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No, you're not crazy - you're hearing Groucho sing "I'm Against It" :D

I don’t know what they have to say,

It makes no difference anyway --

Whatever it is, I’m against it!

No matter what it is or who commenced it,

I’m against it.

Your proposition may be good

But let’s have one thing understood --

Whatever it is, I’m against it!

And even when you’ve changed it or condensed it,

I’m against it.

Horsefeathers, 1932 - one of the great college football movies!

I like the Ramones "I'm Against It", too:

Well I'm against it

I'm against it

Well I'm against it

I'm against it

I don't like politics

I don't like communists

I don't like games and fun

I don't like anyone

And I'm against it.

I don't like Jesus freaks

I don't like circus geeks

I don't like summer and spring

I don't like anything

I don't like sex and drugs

I don't like waterbugs

I don't care about poverty

All I care about is me

And I'm against it.

I don't like playing ping pong

I don't like the Viet Cong

I don't like Burger King

I don't like anything

And I'm against it

Well I'm against it

I'm against it

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