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Stadium Thought


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Since the future stadium will be a "green facility" and the first LEED certified stadium of its kind, you would think Mr. T. Boone Pickens would put his money where his mouth is, or even Al Gore.

T Boone has jumped on the alternative energy bandwagon, and while an alum of Okie St, I wonder if he would be willing to step up and donate his pocket change ($30 million) for the future home of North Texas football? Couldn't hurt to call him.

(For all of you not sure, the Al Gore comment was in jest)

Edited by UNTLifer
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That is a great idea. I think T. Boone would be the likely donor as I dont think Gore likes sports.

I think all of those T. Boone Pickens commercials are alot of B.S. and its so suspicious that they are running during an election year. After Nov. 4, we will probably never hear from him again.

Wouldn't hurt for UNT to contact him and make him aware of our plans. Anything he could provide would be helpful.

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That is a great idea. I think T. Boone would be the likely donor as I dont think Gore likes sports.

I think all of those T. Boone Pickens commercials are alot of B.S. and its so suspicious that they are running during an election year. After Nov. 4, we will probably never hear from him again.

Wouldn't hurt for UNT to contact him and make him aware of our plans. Anything he could provide would be helpful.

I gave Development a contact to T. Boone that just used him to fund the TWU nursing facility in Dallas. No word back, apparently they are not interested in following up.

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Since the future stadium will be a "green facility" and the first LEED certified stadium of its kind, you would think Mr. T. Boone Pickens would put his money where his mouth is, or even Al Gore.

T Boone has jumped on the alternative energy bandwagon, and while an alum of Okie St, I wonder if he would be willing to step up and donate his pocket change ($30 million) for the future home of North Texas football? Couldn't hurt to call him.

(For all of you not sure, the Al Gore comment was in jest)

Let T. Boone put a wind generator on top of each light standard and he might just jump at the chance to help out. As a side note my son went to college with a T. Boone scholarship.

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Pickens would be nice to call but man if NT is really persistent on getting donors, sponsorship etc then there has to be a lot of possibilities for company sponsorships. There are a ton of corporations in the area and in the state. I am not saying it would be easy getting them but its all about being persistent and having a good presentation on the project and have a timeline for the future. You have to sell it to corporations.

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