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Stadium Issue On Tv

Guest GrayEagleOne

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Channel 8 devoted 15-20 seconds to the referendum to be voted on at UNT concerning the new stadium. They had some film footage of a game in the stadium and a quote that it was one of the worst Division 1-A stadiums in the country.

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Channel 8 devoted 15-20 seconds to the referendum to be voted on at UNT concerning the new stadium. They had some film footage of a game in the stadium and a quote that it was one of the worst Division 1-A stadiums in the country.

Tell me it wasn't some late season, poorly attended game from the early Dickey era? :blink:

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Guys - let's tone things down a little bit. I know everyone is anxious about the vote and surrounding coverage. Reality is - for now - this out of our hands and in the hands of our students.

Just reporting the facts, Harry. I made no comment. The point is this issue is out in the open; it's not something that someone is trying to sneak through. Although we can't do anything ourseleves, both the students and the public know that the issue is not be sneaked in behind anyone's back.

Each of us will have opinions on the consequences if it doesn't pass and maybe that's a healthy thing if not carried to an extreme. I don't feel that those opinions should be suppressed or censored but I hope that we have the good sense not to confront or belittle anyone, especially the students, that does not agree with us.

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Channel 8 devoted 15-20 seconds to the referendum to be voted on at UNT concerning the new stadium. They had some film footage of a game in the stadium and a quote that it was one of the worst Division 1-A stadiums in the country.

The quote was delivered by Coach Dodge, and it was in the Morning News Metro section yesterday as well. It sounded like he had his parachute packed and ready for deployment.

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Just reporting the facts, Harry. I made no comment. The point is this issue is out in the open; it's not something that someone is trying to sneak through. Although we can't do anything ourseleves, both the students and the public know that the issue is not be sneaked in behind anyone's back.

Each of us will have opinions on the consequences if it doesn't pass and maybe that's a healthy thing if not carried to an extreme. I don't feel that those opinions should be suppressed or censored but I hope that we have the good sense not to confront or belittle anyone, especially the students, that does not agree with us.

The future of the NT athletic program is not something to be silent about. It's future is being put into the hands of students to vote on. I only hope they know the facts about Fouts needing to be replaced and understand the importance of doing the right thing and move this University into the modern era in facilities!

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