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Where Is The Special Teams Coverage?

Will to Win

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What makes you jump to this conclusion? The fact that you assume I didn't see a need to make a change at Defensive Coordinator following last season 1) has nothing to do with this topic, and 2) is very far from the truth. This discussion has nothing to do with last year's defense...nothing. It is in regards to the special teams this year. What was mentioned was Holliday's quote following the game. You and GrayEagleOne must be under the impression that North Texas is a team loaded with big, strong, fast athletes that given the proper coaching can do anything you want them to on the field (ie tackle Holliday on punt coverage, be on top of the returner as soon as he catches it, etc). My point was strictly that even if the punt team was in the proper position to make a play on Holliday last Saturday night, the lack of speed/athleticism of those covering was not even close to the abilities of LSU's punt return team, and in particilar their return man; and the lack of those attributes led to some big plays in LSU's return game.

Again, this has nothing to do with the defensive coordinator piece from last season, but nice try.

I didn't assume, I simply ask a question that is in relation to some degree this situation. I understand you making the argument that it is a lack of talent rather than a lack of coaching as to why the special teams are so bad, yet last year we had a lot of talent on the defensive side of the ball, yet we were the worst defense in all of D1 football. Was that coaching or talent last year? If the special teams this year are bad because we have no talent instead of coaching (how many times do you hear a kick returner make comments like he made), how do we explain all of the talent last year on defense being so bad? Was it coaching then? And if so, how is so clear that it is lack of talent now?

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