Great look.
Can’t decide how much I like the helmet. I definitely don’t dislike it, but I don’t think I love it. I’ll decide after seeing it tonight.
Green and white = no complaints
It was Hayden Fry who came in and set about to change the culture of the athletic department. Toward that end he took the nickname that was being used for the defense and made it the nickname for the whole team. He then changed the shade of green that the teams wore, and he had someone create a very unique Logo for the Helmet. Which happened to be a "stylized Eagle".....aka the "flying worm".
The Eagle is our mascot, and Mean Green is our nickname.
Thank your Sydney Sue Graham. And thank you Hayden Fry.
Seems to me him winning the UTSA game on the road would mean a lot. Seth never did and I don’t recall Mac either or not often if so. Him losing would be another hit to a season that started with such promise.
If only we had a Logo we could put on a helmet, instead of feathers and script...
Mean Green is good for Branding and Marketing...
so would a visual Logo people could associate with us=
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