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Mccain's Vp: Sarah Palin

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What makes anyone think Obama is qualified and most peoples comparison on both sides just shows at best he maybe qualified for Vice President.

Second give the lady some time why would you know what her strengths and weaknesses are, talk about getting the cart ahead of the horses, we have only been exposed to her for what two days?

That is very true but in most cases, when you hear the name of the vice presidential nominee for the first time your first word is usually not "who?", can't really say that in this case. Nobody south of Canada knows her just yet.

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That is very true but in most cases, when you hear the name of the vice presidential nominee for the first time your first word is usually not "who?", can't really say that in this case. Nobody south of Canada knows her just yet.

I didn't know who Gore was, not sure I had ever heard of Dick Cheney, I know I never heard of Dan Quayle or Lloyd Bentsen in the 1988 election but my memory of that election is fading. I know that I can only tell you a handful of governor's names across the country. Maybe I just didn't pay that close attention to the VPs in the past.

Now I did know who Joe Lieberman and John Edwards were in 2000 and 2004 respectively.

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Constitutionally, the only qualifications for President is to be a naturally born U.S. citizen, over the age of 35, and having lived in the Unites States for the past 14 years.

Realistically, a person should be intelligent, show the ability to take on new tasks, be knowledgeable of world affairs, have the people skills to work with various government branches and foreign dignitaries, possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, and have the management skills to effectively run large agencies and departments.

The evidence so far shows that neither Barack Obama nor Sarah Palin lack any of these qualifications.

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Constitutionally, the only qualifications for President is to be a naturally born U.S. citizen, over the age of 35, and having lived in the Unites States for the past 14 years.

Realistically, a person should be intelligent, show the ability to take on new tasks, be knowledgeable of world affairs, have the people skills to work with various government branches and foreign dignitaries, possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, and have the management skills to effectively run large agencies and departments.

The evidence so far shows that neither Barack Obama nor Sarah Palin lack any of these qualifications.

I am not sure Obama has run anything but a campaign, this is not at shot but what is his experience other then being a state senator? Really?

Palin has been the head of things whether it be Mayor or Governor

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People who are upset about the Republicans using the word "Hussein" and the false Internet rumors about his Muslimness:

The Daily KOS claims that Palin's daughter is the real mother of Trig Palin. Now, that's low.

That didn't surprise me at all. Neither does this dispicable behavior below.

Michael Moore say's "Gustav is proof there is a God in heavan".

Former Chair of the DNC, Don Fowler thinks it's "Cool" and that "God is on our side".


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Kinda like when the right-wing nutjobs at Focus on the Family put out a video online with a plea that their followers "pray for rain of Biblical proportions to fall on Denver" on the night of Obama's speech?

There are people on both sides who suck. It doesn't make McCain or Obama responsible for the personal opinions of idiots.

Realistically, a person should be intelligent, show the ability to take on new tasks, be knowledgeable of world affairs, have the people skills to work with various government branches and foreign dignitaries, possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, and have the management skills to effectively run large agencies and departments.

The evidence so far shows that neither Barack Obama nor Sarah Palin lack any of these qualifications.

Neither do McCain and Joe Biden. Based on that description, all four are qualified.

The 24 hour news cycle is making us all stupid. Every single president in our history likely had similar experience levels of these four people. Some had less. Some of our best leaders weren't the most moral people. Some of the least likely great leaders turned out to be amazing. The microscopic scrutiny these people and their families are under is getting ridiculous. Every president up to and including Reagan didn't have to contend with the 24 hour news cycle. If they had to contend with that crap...Abe Lincoln, FDR, JFK, and many more would never have made it.

Edited by JayDub
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Yeah, take all the news coverage, global economy, treaties of doomsday proportions, weapons of doomsday proportions, and a number of other fairly recent things that politicians need to be aware of and involved in...I'd say the average current Congressman or Senator has a tougher job than *most* Presidents pre- (or early) Industrial Revolution.

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The 24 hour news cycle is making us all stupid. Every single president in our history likely had similar experience levels of these four people. Some had less. Some of our best leaders weren't the most moral people. Some of the least likely great leaders turned out to be amazing. The microscopic scrutiny these people and their families are under is getting ridiculous. Every president up to and including Reagan didn't have to contend with the 24 hour news cycle. If they had to contend with that crap...Abe Lincoln, FDR, JFK, and many more would never have made it.

Good points.

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I've been watching this debate closely, and as McCain's most likely targeted voting block (female, undecided) with this nomination, I thought I'd weigh in. I'd first like to note that every Vice Presidential running mate for some time now has been a campaign decision: I can't really justify Bush/Quayle off the top of my head, but Clinton chose Gore for his clean record and appeal to environmentalists; Gore chose Lieberman for the Jewish, left-leaning conservative group and Senatorial experience; Kerry chose Edwards to try and carry the South (as well as his then-likeability and connection to the 'common man'); Bush chose Cheyne for his oil and big business ties; Obama chose Biden to counter his lack of foreign and Washington experience and age-factor; and McCain chose Palin for the age-factor, ethics background, and the women vote.

Personally, I would have preferred Kay Bailey Hutchinson, but I don't necessarily think Palin is a bad choice. Smitty's points about ethics investigations certainly concern me. It's pretty bad when your major running point is under investigation for possible violations. This is probably going to be the swing issue for me. Quoner also brings up a point that concerns me some: how well will Palin be able to handle her vice presidential duties with a young Downs Syndrome child? While my somewhat latent motherly instinct cringes at the thought, I don't think this is a reason to vote or not vote for Palin. Like her pretty face, her abilities as a mother have nothing to do with her abilities to run a country. (Unless, of course, one of her children is running a meth lab at her house, or something like that.)

In my opinion, the U.S. president should be well-spoken, intelligent, discreet, decisive, and considerate. Although the buck ultimately stops with the President, he or she does not often have the power to do more than express concern or frustration over an event. For the past four years, the public has lamented the fact that Washington is filled with disconnected oligarchs who have no idea what their consituents believe and serve only for the accolades and wealth. It seems to me that both Palin, and Obama to some degree, represent what Americans have been searching for: an outsider. While Obama is certainly more 'in' than Palin in terms of knowing the Washington game, he's still a rather junior member.

So my voting points boil down to this (in both the president and vice president):

1. Is the candidate well-spoken and can he/she hold worldwide respect?

2. Is the candidate honest?

3. Will the candidate, when the need arises (and it most likely will occur twice in this next term), appoint Supreme Court justices who will fairly review laws for the good of our country?

Thus far, I haven't seen enough of any of the candidates to make my decision.

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Question. How much bloody hell do you think a Republican would get if he/she questioned a Democrat's ability to serve due to the fact they had a "special needs" child? If you are honest, you would see the media and the Dems all over them for a "mean spirited and insensitive" comment.

So, where's the fallout over the thought when it comes from the left? And, yes, CNN is "left"...what if a Fox reporter made the comment? And, Quoner, well, I'll just leave that one alone.

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Kinda like when the right-wing nutjobs at Focus on the Family put out a video online with a plea that their followers "pray for rain of Biblical proportions to fall on Denver" on the night of Obama's speech?

Actually, the quote was "I'm talking 'umbrella-ain't-going-to-help-you' rain." The man who said it insisted it was a joke, and the folks at Focus on the Family quickly removed it from the video.

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Question. How much bloody hell do you think a Republican would get if he/she questioned a Democrat's ability to serve due to the fact they had a "special needs" child? If you are honest, you would see the media and the Dems all over them for a "mean spirited and insensitive" comment.

So, where's the fallout over the thought when it comes from the left? And, yes, CNN is "left"...what if a Fox reporter made the comment? And, Quoner, well, I'll just leave that one alone.

Well his now public shortcomings not withstanding, many criticized John Edwards for running for President while his wife is terminally ill with cancer. I don't really see much of a difference here, it's wrong in both instances. Who is to say that her husband can't stay at home with their child?

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Guest JohnDenver

Question. How much bloody hell do you think a Republican would get if he/she questioned a Democrat's ability to serve due to the fact they had a "special needs" child? If you are honest, you would see the media and the Dems all over them for a "mean spirited and insensitive" comment.

So, where's the fallout over the thought when it comes from the left? And, yes, CNN is "left"...what if a Fox reporter made the comment? And, Quoner, well, I'll just leave that one alone.

I haven't seen any news outlet (or "Dem") question her ability based upon having a Downs baby... I think the chip on your shoulder is showing.

They question the pick based on the criteria of family values, ethics questions and experience. I haven't seen anything about her mother, or the time required for mothering, as a factor.

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Stop dragging me into the one thread I'm trying to avoid, you heartless bastard.

And why are people concerned about me for a question that I just repeated before it hit the news cycle and one that seems to have really struck a chord with females?

The sad part is we are only 2 months from the election and our only hope for either side to reach out to undecideds like myself is a handful of debates in the midst of the "Situation Room's non-story story of the day."

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The 24 hour news cycle is making us all stupid. Every single president in our history likely had similar experience levels of these four people. Some had less. Some of our best leaders weren't the most moral people. Some of the least likely great leaders turned out to be amazing. The microscopic scrutiny these people and their families are under is getting ridiculous. Every president up to and including Reagan didn't have to contend with the 24 hour news cycle. If they had to contend with that crap...Abe Lincoln, FDR, JFK, and many more would never have made it.

Kinda agree...except with the first sentence. Most people are pretty stupid to begin with.

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I haven't seen any news outlet (or "Dem") question her ability based upon having a Downs baby... I think the chip on your shoulder is showing.

They question the pick based on the criteria of family values, ethics questions and experience. I haven't seen anything about her mother, or the time required for mothering, as a factor.

It's been all over the news. I don't know of any of the standard Democratic news outlets or leaders who have come right out and said, "She shouldn't be vice-president because she has a baby with Down's Syndrome."

ABC News

New York Times

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John Denver...the question came from a CNN reporter. Look it up. The reason you have not heard about it is because it came from a Left-Leaning news outlet and not Fox or some other "conservative" leaning show/broadcast. No "chip" here, just the facts ma'am...to give credit to Sgt Joe Friday on "Dragnet"...just the facts ma'am, nothing but the factes. In this case, you can look it up if you would like...

And, by the way...who said her husband would need or could to stay home with the kid? Unless, of course, you meant as "Mr. First Lady" he could take care of the kids in the VP's hose in DC? That, of course, assumes he wants to give up his commercial fishing business while Mrs. Palin is VP. I guess we'll see about that. He may just stay in Alaska with the kids or with some or none of the kids or re-locate to DC. We'll know all those answers once MaCain and Palin win the election.

Hey, with the Eskimo vote and the two electoral votes from Alaska, It's in the bag. Right? Obama can give up now!

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I haven't seen any news outlet (or "Dem") question her ability based upon having a Downs baby... I think the chip on your shoulder is showing.

They question the pick based on the criteria of family values, ethics questions and experience. I haven't seen anything about her mother, or the time required for mothering, as a factor.

Your kidding, right? Palin's abilities as a mother of 5 to do the job at hand is all over the place.

Wall Street Journal..That’s all well and good, but it begs the question: Is Gov. Palin stretching herself too thin? With five children already under her care — the youngest a 5-month-old boy diagnosed with Down Syndrome — and a grandchild on the way, will she be able to take her parenting and her political duties in stride?

ABC News.."It may be necessary for mothers to be working because the family needs money, but it would be better if she could stay home and take care of the house and children."

And talk about being attacked using her children? I wonder what message this front page cover is trying to send?



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John Denver...the question came from a CNN reporter. Look it up. The reason you have not heard about it is because it came from a Left-Leaning news outlet and not Fox or some other "conservative" leaning show/broadcast. No "chip" here, just the facts ma'am...to give credit to Sgt Joe Friday on "Dragnet"...just the facts ma'am, nothing but the factes. In this case, you can look it up if you would like...

And, by the way...who said her husband would need or could to stay home with the kid? Unless, of course, you meant as "Mr. First Lady" he could take care of the kids in the VP's hose in DC? That, of course, assumes he wants to give up his commercial fishing business while Mrs. Palin is VP. I guess we'll see about that. He may just stay in Alaska with the kids or with some or none of the kids or re-locate to DC. We'll know all those answers once MaCain and Palin win the election.

Hey, with the Eskimo vote and the two electoral votes from Alaska, It's in the bag. Right? Obama can give up now!

You two normally coordinate your posts so much better than this. You're slipping.

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Guest JohnDenver

I guess I don't consider editorials targeted to women as being a "news outlet."

Nor do I consider posing the question as being bad, or wrong. Editorials, message boards, etc, allow people to explore how they feel about stuff. Half the women in my life asked this question WAY before this thread started...

Women (and all minorities) face these types of questions and will continue to face it.

My wife is a surgeon. Surgeons work long hours ... and it cuts into family time. With a male surgeon, the hospital assumes that the wife at home will take care of the children, so they don't even think about how his family life may affect his job. With a woman, they start to ask questions about whether a woman can split the time as mother and surgeon. Silly or serious, it is asked of *every* woman in power. It holds them back, keeps salaries trailing men and keeps certain jobs as being a good ole boys club.

Nor do I think these questions are coming from "Dems" or the liberals of the world. Women ask these questions of themselves.. and they have strong opinions on the matter. As a full time mother if she works... be prepared. As a surgeon woman if she can be the best doctor possible and be a mother... be prepared.

It has nothing to do with who is asking the question. More so, why is the question being asked? I don't see it being a "left bringing down the right." Hillary got bashed like crazy with the same bat shit questions. So no, I don't think you would hear more if Fox News said this..

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Silly or serious, it is asked of *every* woman in power.

I don't remember any questions of Geraldine Ferraro or Hillary Clinton. I can't seem to remember asking such questions of any of the 55 Democratic women in Congress, including the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

...and your dismissal of people making editorial statements is laughable. If people on the right raised such objections of a Democratic woman, they would be labeled as sexist and evil.

Further, not all of the comments have been made in print. Both Katie Couric and Solidad O'Brian, both of whom are working professional mom's with lots of professional time demands who employ nannies for their children, conducted the interview where left-leaning pundits spewed such crap. Imagine being an objective women who is professional with kids just letting someone spew this type of sexist bullsh!t and not saying a word to challenge it. ...I'm sure that would happen if the pundit was a conservative talking about a Democrat woman. :rolleyes:

This IS a doubestandard. You can choose to ignore it and it may not matter to you, but I certainly understand why so many are up in arms about it.

...For political reasons, I hope it continues. Let the Media and the left-leaning pundits keep hammering away, and they will HAND the election to McCain and Palin.

The major networks and newspapers and MSNBC wonder why they are losing viewers and readers by the droves. LOL!

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