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Class Act Ad By John Mccain Last Night.

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I dont know if its truly a class act....in the end its all politics. Yes the ad in general was a good ad but Obama has continuously praised McCain in his efforts as a veteran and all. So again it was not a bad thing but I would not really call it a true class act from McCains heart. And by the way I do not have any special allegiance to the Republican nor Democratic party.

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I dont know if its truly a class act....in the end its all politics. Yes the ad in general was a good ad but Obama has continuously praised McCain in his efforts as a veteran and all. So again it was not a bad thing but I would not really call it a true class act from McCains heart. And by the way I do not have any special allegiance to the Republican nor Democratic party.

That's pretty much how I saw it. As a Democrat, I appreciated it and see it as an overall classy move, but it is all a part of the overall game of politics. I hope he made a personal phone call to him to congradulate him as well, as is traditionally done.

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Just curious....is there anything wrong with Hussein as being Obama's middle name? It seems its a big problem with a lot of people and I don't get it.

Yes, it's a very big problem. I have now been thoroughly educated on this so allow me to help. Apparantly, it is a common "Courtesy" to call people what they want you to call them, politics not withstanding. And according to the libs, in Mr. Obama's case, if you refuse to do so, your being prejudice, you are a racist and a bigot.


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Just curious....is there anything wrong with Hussein as being Obama's middle name? It seems its a big problem with a lot of people and I don't get it.

No I have no problem with it. My issue is when it is used extemporaneously by those who are hoping to draw some sort of parallel between Barack Obama and Saddam Hussein. It ties in with the chain emails that claim Obama is a Muslim who will take his oath on the Koran and plays to the ignorance and fear of the general populace. Its unneccessary and the claim by those who use it that all they're trying to do is identify the man like they would George W. Bush is inane. The W. is used to dfferentiate between him and his father. Anybody who uses Hussein in the course of normal discourse is doing so simply to make a pointless tie-in.

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...I just call him Milhouse since we can't us Hussain.

...BTW, I have 2 good friends with the last name of Hussain. I don't think they are terrorists. I have no problem with Barak's middle name. He has Muslim heritige (I'm not saying he IS muslim, everyone just calm the $%^& down...) ... SO WHAT?!?!?!

He should be proud of his name and tell people who don't like it to stick it up their posterior. :)

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...I just call him Milhouse since we can't us Hussain.

...BTW, I have 2 good friends with the last name of Hussain. I don't think they are terrorists. I have no problem with Barak's middle name. He has Muslim heritige (I'm not saying he IS muslim, everyone just calm the $%^& down...) ... SO WHAT?!?!?!

He should be proud of his name and tell people who don't like it to stick it up their posterior. :)

Smart people understand this.

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Unfortunately, it is not only the "smart people" who vote! I think this was a very nice gesture. It goes with Palin not going on "attack dog" mode with her first speech. I am sure things will "heat up" as time goes on, but for now looks like a very nice gesture to me. But, of course, some will find fault somewhere. Alas, it is politics in America today! Let the games begin!

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Unfortunately, it is not only the "smart people" who vote! I think this was a very nice gesture. It goes with Palin not going on "attack dog" mode with her first speech. I am sure things will "heat up" as time goes on, but for now looks like a very nice gesture to me. But, of course, some will find fault somewhere. Alas, it is politics in America today! Let the games begin!

We don't normally agree, but I'm with you all the way on this.

Yeah, we have a slew of people on all sides of politics who vote 15 rounds short of a double-stack magazine, or they're the kind of person that votes on a single issue. Either way, voting like that isn't something I want.

Plus, this election isn't too muddy yet, but I can already see both sides starting to throw crap at each other by the end of next week. I wish American politics didn't boil down to that, but it sadly does.

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--- I thought the no advertising night by McCain was a good move by McCain... I actually like him.... JI just don't care for a lot of others in his party and all these trashy emails send out making false claims. Are you getting any of those about McCain. ???

--As for Hussein in his name--- so what.... he wasn't named after Saddam... it is a common name in parts of the world and reflects his birth father's heritage. I have some older relatives who were named was Adolph.... It does imply any support of Adoplh Hitler either. No one had even heard of Hitler when they were born. We have even had a Governor in Texas with that name.... Adolph (Dolph) Briscoe.

--- Those using the Hussein name when talking about Obama are just taking "cheap" shots and have no class.

--Those who have a problem with the name Hussein should not buy Coors Beer..... It was founded by a German named Adolph.... Adolph Coors...

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How do you know that it was a Republican that started the Obama Koran story? Remember, according to the original article regarding the Madrassa claim cited a Hillary campaign insider as digging it up. They denied this of course, but keep in mind that the Clintons are masters of dirty politics.

The point is, political tricks do not necessarily originate from the other party. False stories can be started from an opponent of the same party (Edmund Muskie and the Canuck Letter).

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They denied this of course, but keep in mind that the Clintons are masters of dirty politics.

Yeah, Republicans don't believe in dirty politics? Remember, Richard Nixon!

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Yeah, Republicans don't believe in dirty politics? Remember, Richard Nixon!

Until they eliminate any and all Futurama reruns, I will never stop posting this every chance I get.


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Yeah, Republicans don't believe in dirty politics? Remember, Richard Nixon!

I didn't mean to imply that, I'm just saying that the source of the Obama rumors could have been anybody, not just Republicans... although I will concede that ignorant, redneck Republicans gleefully forward those stupid emails.

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