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If Her Thighness wants to make a fight of it, she needs to move in the next 24 hours.

LOL you mean Hillary, or my mom?


KRAM1 et al-

To read two perspectives on the Civil Rights Act read the chapter by Robert Bork (the same Bork who was Bork'ed by Biden in Bork's bid to be nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court) in Slouching Toward Gomorrah and Dinesh D'Souzas excellent book, The End of Racism.

without reading said books, what about the Civil Rights Act exactly?



Bork, is a constitutional conservative attorney.....and his view point is that the Civil Right's Act was well meaning as it was originally designed but now has expanded to protect other groups of citizens including women, all minorities and all the other special interest groups including homosexuals, trans-sexuals and all other "down trodden classes." I "agree" with the original intent along with everyone else, however, Bork points out that along with the expansion of protectionism for all special groups taxes have been raised to fund the ever expanding tenticals of the octopus we call government and the "dumbing down" of our educational systems to accomodate egalitarianism thoughout schools. He expands his thesis to include hiring in the workplace. Naturally, his book and sources are documented.

D'Souza's, who is a first generation immigrant from India in 1991, approach is to present the facts from both sides but everything he says is documented from various government and personal souces. D'Souza and Bork's conclusions are identical. Their "basic" conclusion is that when equality was instituted it quickly turned to radical egalitarianism from the various special interest groups which in turned destroyed all classes of our citizens from our schools to our workplace. One may say that the Civil Right's Act of 1964 produced the opposite effect of its intentions. That is to say, instead of unifying the country under equality it began to Balkanize the United States into distinct classes and groups thus producing annimosity and the beginning of class cultural conflicts.

Unfortunately, we can see the results in the various suits that have been brought to the courts in reverse discrimination rulings throughout the country.

Now, in my personal opinion, the Civil Right's Act has created two distinct groups of individuals/classes: (1) placed one group of individuals (I am refering to a total cross section of Americans) in a socialistic environment totally dependant on the government and (2) placed the other group of individuals in a free market society. It is also of my opinion for a democracy to effectively function there must be multiple groups and classes of people. If not, then what we have is socialism. Name me one socialistic government that stayed the course without revolution as its end product? As imperfect or perfect as true republics or democracies may be and swing, as a pendalum between left and right they, for the most part, produce no revolution where the end product is socialism unless there is an overabundance of governmental corruption.


Madeline Albright is Obama's foriegn policy advisor..... who said, "a half million dead Iraqi children killed by the sanctions imposed by the Clinton Administration was a price worth paying."


She is also head of the Socialist International.


Funny how that works. I say he has economic centrist advisors, you bring up a foriegn policy advisor.

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