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The United States Secret Service has dispatched a protective detail to assume the immediate protection of Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., a source tells ABC News, indicating in all likelihood that Biden has been officially notified that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, has selected him to be his running mate.

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Good old Joe Biden; a Democrat's Democrat. Wonder how he's going to "reverse spin" this infamous gaff?

Speaking to the New York Observer: Biden was equally skeptical — albeit in a slightly more backhanded way — about Mr. Obama. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

For McCain, Obama couldn't have picked a better running mate. :clapping:

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Good old Joe Biden; a Democrat's Democrat. Wonder how he's going to "reverse spin" this infamous gaff?

Speaking to the New York Observer: Biden was equally skeptical — albeit in a slightly more backhanded way — about Mr. Obama. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

For McCain, Obama couldn't have picked a better running mate. :clapping:

Here's how I'd spin it: "We've dealt with an inarticulate, redneck, corporate whore for the last eight years. I'm proud to serve with Mr Obama."

Edited by EagleD
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Here's how I'd spin it: "We've dealt with an inarticulate, redneck, corporate whore for the last eight years. I'm proud to serve with Mr Obama."

Jimmy Carter has nothing to do with this race!

That's a good one, but Bush has been such a "Cluster F" as a commander in chief, he makes Carter look like the president of MENSA.

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I don't know, but I'd bet if you ask him, he knows. McCain is still trying to figure it out.


At least he and, mostly his wife, didn't purchase any of them with an under-the- table scheme with a convicted felon, right?

Oh, and here's the next one. How many half brothers does he have living out in the jungle on a dollar a month? :lol:


Edited by FirefightnRick
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That's a good one, but Bush has been such a "Cluster F" as a commander in chief, he makes Carter look like the president of MENSA.

Well, let's not get carried away there. Carter had absolutely ZERO success in military operations he ordered. While Iraq was a mess there for a while, the surge seems to have done the job. We've even got the European press starting to use the word "victory".

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My God Rick,

You've made some borderline racist comments before, but since you've jumped the shark, why don't you just replace your helmet with a hood?

Umm... Barack Obama has a half-brother who lives on a dollar a month in a shack in the the jungle outskirts of Nairobi.

His name is George Hussein Obama.


Edited by UNTflyer
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Umm... Barack Obama has a half-brother who lives on a dollar a month in a shack in the the jungle outskirts of Nairobi.

His name is George Hussein Obama.


Yeah, I don't see WTF this has to do with anything. But God forbid I call out McCain for anything unrelated to his candidacy, right?

Then again, we can all see that political debate here isn't about facts, and statements, and policies. No, no it's about who can make randomly-placed jabs at whomever they please, regardless of the credibility or relevance of what's said.

Edited by meangreendork
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That's a good one, but Bush has been such a "Cluster F" as a commander in chief, he makes Carter look like the president of MENSA.

How has General Bush been a "cluster F" as commander in chief? Is he an eloquent political speaker? No. Has he made mistakes? Certainly. Has the US mainland been hit since 09/11? No. Is the surge working? Yes. Is Bush the first President in 100+ years who had to deal with the US being attacked on home soil? Yep.

The point is, no one knows how others in the White House, had they been President, would have acted given the same set of circumstances. Al Gore? Kerry? Clinton? He failed as a commander in chief.

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How has General Bush been a "cluster F" as commander in chief? Is he an eloquent political speaker? No. Has he made mistakes? Certainly. Has the US mainland been hit since 09/11? No. Is the surge working? Yes. Is Bush the first President in 100+ years who had to deal with the US being attacked on home soil? Yep.

The point is, no one knows how others in the White House, had they been President, would have acted given the same set of circumstances. Al Gore? Kerry? Clinton? He failed as a commander in chief.

So are you saying Clinton failed as a commander in chief because of 9/11? I seem to clearly remember George Bush was President then. I hardly see how not being attacked since 9/11 makes him a success.

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Has the US mainland been hit since 09/11? No.

I'm willing to concede a lot of things, but I have a hard time granting that the hap-hazard (and I'm being generous) manner in which Bush handled this atrocity up until very recently is commendable. More likely it was a myriad of other factors working together.

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Yeah, I don't see WTF this has to do with anything.

It's about FFR being accused of making a racist remark. I personally don't care that Obama has a brother living in squalor while he lives in a $2 million mansion. Nor do I care that McCain has 7 houses, half of them lived in by elderly relatives that he seems to have the heart to care for.

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So are you saying Clinton failed as a commander in chief because of 9/11? I seem to clearly remember George Bush was President then. I hardly see how not being attacked since 9/11 makes him a success.

That's not what I'm saying at all. It's a well known fact that under Clinton's watch we had Bin Laden in our crosshairs and Clinton failed to pull the trigger.

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